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PREPARING YOUR ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY AND APA CITATIONS. But first……… Course Countdown!. Where are you now?. Being in week 4 means – 6 weeks left in the term. Less than that to reach a final draft! What have you done? What is your plan? What is next?. Checklist. Proposal
Where are you now? Being in week 4 means – 6 weeks left in the term. Less than that to reach a final draft! What have you done? What is your plan? What is next?
Checklist Proposal Mandatory discussion board (Unit 2) Annotated Bibliography (Unit 4) Outline (Unit 4) Final paper Unit 5/Weeks 5-7--Draft of the Final Project (3 weeks) Mandatory discussion board (Unit 6) Abstract (Unit 6/Weeks 8-9) Executive Summary (Unit 6/Weeks 8-9) Final Paper (Unit 7/Week 10)
Trouble-shooting Are you having a problem we need to diagnose? Don’t procrastinate. Arrange a phone conference time with me so we can talk about it. There are other benefits available to you too!
Help is at your Elbow! Besides me, the Prof., that is, who is of course always looking over your shoulder. <G> I strongly encourage you to get into the KU Writing Center and use the resources there to your advantage.
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Writing Center Live tutoring Question and Answer Reference Library Help Free Paper Review
Writing Center KU’s WC live tutors are each week: Click on "Speak with a Writing Center Tutor“ link and "Join Live Tutorial“ will appear. This is where you can interact with a friendly, capable tutor.
Writing Center Writing Center’s Reference Library has a wide variety of tips on common writing issues under these categories:Writing Types and Tools Writing Process Research, Citation, and Plagiarism Writing Mechanics
Writing Center Did you know you can submit a draft paper for feedback to the KU Writing Center? When you “Submit a Paper for Feedback,” one of the WC tutors will review it and give you some valuable suggestions to help you improve your writing. This is especially useful during the draft stage of the writing process. The tutor will return your paper (with clear, useful suggestions) within 48-72 hours.
Writing Center – Tutor Review • Papers mustbe submitted as an attached Word .doc, .docx, or .rtf file. Failure to do this will delay timely feedback. • With your submission, you must provide: • your full name • your Kaplan email address • an alternative email address (for example, hotmail, Gmail, yahoo, etc.) • your course and section number (LS498-10P) • the name of your instructor (Janice Merilus)
Writing Center Tutor Review of Draft How do you do it? Attach your paper to an email message from your Kaplan email account and send it to: KUWC@kaplan.edu
Writing Center There is an Announcement in the Courseroom about the Writing Center that includes a full PowerPoint presentation with detailed information about accessing and using this resource.
Recording Your Sources.
APA Citation Style Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. (hence, “APA”) There are several Internet sources for assistance with APA style for various types of publications and even programs for putting a citation into APA format.
APA Citation Style • Academic Journal – 2 authors & a DOI (Digital object identifier) Sagarin, B. J., & Lawler-Sagarin, K. A. (2005). Critically evaluating competing theories: An exercise based on the Kitty Genovese murder. Teaching of Psychology, 32(3), 167–169. doi:10.1207/s15328023top3203_8 The “doi” is a unique number that tags the article in the library online database. If you retrieve from a database with a DOI, include the doi at the end of the citation as shown above. If there is no doi, use online web address. If article is not online, then there will be no online information at the end of the citation.
APA Citation Style When you have retrieved and viewed a source, such as a journal article, electronically, you indicated that following the main citation information with “Retrieved from…” including the date you viewed it. This verifies how/where you found your source. If you viewed it in an electronic database you were not physically paging through the actual journal. It is similar to citing to something viewed on microfiche.
APA Citation Style Here is an example (from Webster Univ. Lib., library.webster.edu, 8/22/2010):
APA Citation Style Can you put the following information into a correct APA citation? An article entitled “Internet relationships and their impact on primary relationships” written by H. Underwood and B. Findlay. The article is published in 2004 in an academic journal called “Behaviour Change,” vol. 21, second issue, on pages 127 to 140. Underwood is first-named writer. Jot down on a piece of paper or on your computer how the above source should be written out in APA format.
APA Citation Style Underwood, H., & Findlay, B. (2004). Internet relationships and their impact on primary relationships. Behaviour Change, 21(2), 127-140.
APA Citation Style There are programs for APA citation format: MS Word has an add-on plug-in – I have not used it; Online: http://citationmachine.net This is a free citation assistant. Click on APA and then click on the type of source (book, journal article, etc.) and a fill-in form comes up. Fill in the form with your source information and it will write the APA citation for you to block and copy. Free download: http://scholarword.com/apa.htm I have not tried this, but have reviewed its claims.
APA Citation Style WARNING! These programs are time-savers, to help relieve the burden. They are not guarantees of correct/perfect work. That is your job.
ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY It really is this easy!
Annotated Bibliography Citation in proper APA format. Summary paragraph about the information the source provides. Several Annotated Bibliography help sources are posted in the Courseroom Webliography.
Annotated Bibliography Example (from U. of Central FL, library.ucf.edu): Kim, H.J., McCahon, C., & Miller, J. (2003). Assessing service quality in Korean casual-dining restaurants using DINESERV. Journal of Foodservice Business Research. 6(1). 67-87. This study applies DINESERV (a quality service tool originally developed by Knutson, Patton, and Stevens) to Korean casual-dining restaurants. The authors (professors of hospitality, management, and dietetics, respectively) successfully demonstrate that DINESERV is a valid instrument measuring service quality in Korea. Since previous studies using DINESERV had been based only in the US or the UK, this study has important implications for anyone interested in the international dimensions of quality.
Annotated Bibliography Note: 1. Double spaced. 2. Second and subsequent lines of citation and the annotation block are indented. Annotation indented further than the additional lines of the citation. 3. Annotation summarizes information source provides and includes relevance to your research.
Annotated Bibliography Example (from U. of Central FL, library.ucf.edu): Lee, S., Kim, Y., Hemmington, N., & Yun, D. (2004). Competitive service quality improvement (CSQI): A case study in the fast-food industry. Food Service Technoloy, 4, 75-84. In this highly technical paper, three industrial engineering professors in Korea and one services management profess in the UK discuss the mathematical limitations of the popular SERVQUAL scales. Significantly, they also aim to measure service quality in the fast-food industry, a neglected area of study. Unfortunately, the paper’s sophisticated analytical methods make it inaccessible to all but the most expert of researchers.