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Snake River Salmon Recovery Regional ISRP Site Visits. Tucannon & Walla Walla Rivers April 23, 2013. Morning Tour Tucannon Projects . Pataha Fish Passage. Pre-Project. Sponsor: Eric Hoverson – Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Primary Species: Summer Steelhead
Snake River Salmon Recovery Regional ISRP Site Visits Tucannon & Walla Walla Rivers April 23, 2013
Pataha Fish Passage Pre-Project Sponsor: Eric Hoverson – Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Primary Species: Summer Steelhead Objective: Provide fish passage Approach: Back water culvert through increased elevation steps and roughness Note: Pataha has high potential for increased steelhead numbers Pre-Project Post Project
Tucannon River Levee Set Back Post-project Levee Sponsor: Terry Bruegman – Columbia Conservation District Primary Species: Spring Chinook, Steelhead & Bull Trout Objective: Reduce river and floodplain confinement Note: >3 miles of confinement removed & 130 acres of floodplain connected Pre-project Levee Post-project Levee Post-project Floodplain
Tucannon River LWD Sponsor: Dave Karl Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife Primary Species: Spring Chinook, Steelhead & Bull Trout Objective: Remove floodplain and channel confining factors for 1.8 mile project reach through wood replenishment Approach: Place 291 key trees and 500 racking trees in 65 structures Note: Development of > 0.5 mile additional side channel during Fall/Winter Freshet 2012/2013
Mill Creek Sills Passage (Construction Pilot) • Sponsor: Brian Burns, Tri-State Steelheaders (RFEG) • Funding: SRFB Funded & CTUIR Completed in 2013 • Primary Species: Steelhead, Bull Trout, Chinook • Objective: Pilot project to determine constructability • Note: Passage in Mill Creek need to meet spatial requirements under ESA Before After Mill Creek Flumes Transitions • Sponsor: Brian Burns, Tri-State Steelheaders • Funding: SRFB Funded & CTUIR Completed in 2012 • Primary Species: Steelhead, Bull Trout, Chinook • Objective: Improve passage in the floodway with 6” Bull Trout being the low bar and adult steelhead being the high bar • Note: The transitions produced one of the most problematic passage issues in the 2 mile concrete channel Before After
Bergevin Williams/Old Lowden - Irrigation Canal Consolidation Before After • Sponsor: Larry Hooker, Walla Walla County Conservation District • Primary Species: Steelhead, Bull Trout, Chinook • Funding: SRFB Funded & BPA • Objective: Four diversions consolidated into one and reduced withdrawal and remove the need to annually construct 4 gravel diversions in stream • Note: The consolidation removes the need to access the stream channel annually to construct berms and the berms will not produce obstructions
Locker Shallow Aquifer Recharge • Sponsor: Brian Walcott - Executive Director Walla Walla Watershed Council • Primary Species: Steelhead, Bull Trout, Chinook • Objective: Utilize abundant winter/spring flows to increase shallow aquifer and summer base flow • Note: Increase flows have been measured in shallow aquifer and surface springs Upper Left illustrates the position of the recharge site to existing diversion infrastructure. Upper right illustrates the recharge site while it is in use. Illustrations showing current and historic surface and groundwater flow directions. A – Current groundwater and surface water flow directions. Groundwater follows the historic surface water flow directions, but surface water flow direction has been changed by deposits from the Missoula (Ice Age) Floods. B – Historic (pre Missoula Floods) groundwater and surface water flow directions. Groundwater and surface water follow the same flow direction. (Walla Walla Basin Aquifer Recharge Strategic Plan Jan 2013)
Nursery Bridge • Sponsor: Brian Walcott – Executive Director Walla Walla Watershed Council • Primary Species: Steelhead, Bull Trout, Chinook • Objective: Fish Passage, screening and population enumeration, proposed levee set back • Note: 2013 Goggle Earth Image Fish date provided by CTUIR
Walla Walla Levee Removal Lampson Reach • Sponsor: Jed Volkman, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation • Funding: BPA and OWEB Completed in 2012 • Primary Species: Steelhead, Bull Trout, Chinook • Objective: Improve floodplain connectivity and provided side channel habitat • Note: Construction required sensitivity to USACOE Levees downstream Project Construction Pre-project Levee Post-project