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WORSHIP - PRAY - WORD. “The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament His marvelous handiwork”. Psalm 19:1. We Have No Idea How Much!.
WORSHIP - PRAY - WORD “The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament His marvelous handiwork”. Psalm 19:1
We Have No Idea How Much! We live in a world filled with the visitation of God. What we do, what wesay, how we pray and what we listen to in music deeply affects not only our own lives, but Nature around us. Especially water is a witness to His glory. Song: Faceless Man; Scott Stapp - Creed
“SIMPLY” WATER • Water is utterly essential to life. It is also a very rare compound in the Universe. • Earth alone has it in utter abundance • Its unique shape creates a paradox when water begins to freeze. Like all other substances it becomes heavier as it gets colder until close to -32 degrees; but unlike any other becomes lighter as ice. This means ice stays on top of water to insulate it and prevent aquatic life under it from dying.
HADO Snow-Crystal Studies • “Simple” water is far more complex and wonderful than we have ever dreamed. • God “speaks to the waters” and they bring forth life on earth (Gen 1:20) • Only three major structure bases can safely store massive amounts of data • Carbon, silicon - and water
Water not only has the ability to bond in continuous chains in rivers, lakes and seas but to form structures in the sky. We all know the power and significance of rain. Although it is our most precious asset, we also see it can conduct electricity, create devastating floods, and in cold air, produce hailstorms.
SUPERNATURE IN SNOW • Have you entered into the treasures of the snow? or have you seen the treasures of the hail? • (The Lord to Job 38:22)
Miracle of the Snowflake • In special conditions water falls not as hard rain, nor as biting hail but condenses softly in a unique geophysical structure that is never the same twice in any forming crystal. • Research into duplication of this led to an astonishing discovery about the nature of water - it has power to store & respond, not only to surrounding nature but to personality.
HADO: many snow images discovered by forming new snowflakes from various environments and samples of water
Here is the appearance of an ordinary snowflake from distilled water
Here is what a snowflake looks like when formed from unpolluted rainwater drawn from a spring source fed from clean natural storage in New Zealand. • Toxins, poisons, infection from dead animals or noxious plants in water will deeply affect and damage this display.
Scott Stapps’ Story • I saw a Face in the water It was humble but willing to fight I saw the will of a Warrior His yoke is easy His burden is light - • He looked me right in the eye • Directly inside and told me • To always do what’s right
Next time I see His face l choose to live the right way So won’t You come inside And never go away ?
FLAKE MUSIC • Snowflakes respond to music. In the presence of transmitted vibration tuned to audio frequencies, each falling flake takes on a shape and structure that reflects the nature of that sound. • Here are two examples of classic tunes played with their effects during a lab duplication formation of snowflakes.
WATCH YOUR WORDS! • This same ability to store surrounding data by shape and structure goes even deeper than audio frequencies in music. • Snowflakes are also affected by their environment; if we use words of either kindness and healing or anger and hurt. These might be spoken or even written on the label of the water storage vessel!
SENSITIVE STORAGE • Notice the richness and detail of this formation in the presence of spoken or storage label words. These can even be said or written in different languages! • Death and life are in the power ofthe tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof (Proverbs 18:21) • Result of “THANK YOU!” in Japanese:
SNARED BY WHAT WE SAY • Now notice the effect of a degrading or curse word or sentence. This is one of the results in snowflake formation when the phrase - “YOU FOOL!” is repeated or put on water as a label. • You aresnaredwith the words of your mouth, you are taken with the words of your lips (Proverbs 6:2). The wickedissnaredby the transgression of his lips: but the just shall come out of trouble.(Proverbs 12:13)
COOKED RICE Experiment • Elementary children carried out a trial; two jars of identically cooked rice with opposite word labels, each spoken to daily over a period of one month. • One rice had nearly fermented to a malted aroma; the other rotted black with an “unbearably disgusting” smell.
PRAYER CHANGES THINGS • Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese researcher who originated the snowflake studies remembers as a 27-year old young man his watching with the world the plight of the Apollo astronauts trapped in space and given little chance of surviving. (Estimated chance of a safe return to Earth; 1 in three million.) • He remembers the global torrent of prayer for them shown coming from many nations.
1970 Apollo 13 Space Crisis • Not a Christian, he realized the power of what was happening around the world when there was nothing else anyone could do except to pray. • “It was the first time in my life I prayed hard. At the same time the television set was showing scenes of people the world over praying for their safe return.”
“This might have been perhaps the first time the world prayed for the same thing. • The heart of global community was indeed one at the time. There was no difference between Americans, Europeans, Jews, Arabs or Asians. • Everyone was brother and sister. • I firmly believe that is how the miracle of the astronauts safe return was made possible.”
The Polluted Lake: Biwira • In 1999, 350 people offered their “kind words and prayers” at Japan’s largest lake, badly infected by kokanada algae which putrefies in a foul-smelling cover. • 1 month 2 days later major newspaper reports that for some unknown reason the algae did not multiply and the lake was somehow purified and cleaned.
FASTING PRAYER • The Early Church continued “in fasting and prayer”. Although the majority of such fasts were only a one-day sacrifice, even a simple fast has both spiritual and physical consequence. • New medical research shows such fasts still have significant health benefits: • (Inter Mountain Heart Health Institute)
“Throughout the Bible and the Christian life in general, fasting is a common practice of not just devotion, but also a means of "denying oneself in pursuit of a deeper relationship with God.” • Even a fast involving something other than food — just the act of putting the Lord before something you enjoy — can help deepen your walk with God”
2011 CARDIAC Research • Periodic routine one-day fasting is found to reduce cardiac risk factors such as high triglycerides, excess weight and blood sugar. • Fasting not only lowers one's risk of coronary artery disease and diabetes, but also causes significant changes in a person's blood cholesterol levels. Both diabetes and elevated cholesterol are known risk factors for coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death of both men and women in America.
Recorded reactions in the body's biological mechanisms during the fasting period who drank only water and ate nothing else for 24 hours: • The participants' low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C, the "bad" cholesterol) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C, the "good" cholesterol) both increased (by 14 percent and 6 percent, respectively) raising their total cholesterol – and catching the researchers by surprise.
Fasting: Hunger or Stress In response, the body releases more cholesterol, allowing it to utilize fat as a source of fuel, instead of glucose. • This decreases the number of fat cells in the body. This is important because the fewer fat cells a body has, the less likely it will experience insulin resistance, or diabetes." • Good for both your health and heart.
Human Growth Hormone • Effects of fasting on human growth hormone (HGH), a metabolic protein. HGH works to protect lean muscle and metabolic balance, a response triggered and accelerated by fasting. “During the 24-hour fasting periods, HGH increased an average of 1,300 percent in women, and nearly 2,000 percent in men.” • Dr. Benjamin Horne, PHD, MPH 4/03/11
READING ALOUD The WORD • God watches over His Word to perform it • The wonderful story of Duane Miller, a pastor attacked by a virus that penetrated the myelin sheath of his vocal cords and reduced his speaking to a mere raspy shadow and wholly sidelined his lifetime ministry career. • The best vocal coaches and doctors finally concluded he was beyond help. It would only continue to fail till even this would be gone.
Bethlehem Baptist Jan 17 1993 • Using a headset mike in his struggle to teach a class of 200, Duane tries to amplify the given Sunday School lesson to uphold God’s power to heal and save from a pit of destruction (Psalm 103). • What happens in the middle of reading these Scriptures is an amazing miracle.
Redeemed from the Pit • All his medical insurance is gone. He cannot pastor again. His attempt to perhaps keep another job in court transcript was finally lost. • He had just received further notice that his appeal to have published a book was also turned down. He seems to have lost hope. • That morning he had contemplated suicide. • Bravely he faces his sympathetic class.
“He Heals All My Diseases” • Though the Sunday School curriculum does not support Divine healing and he is now a man whose life has become unable to continue for the Lord, Duane does his best to uphold his own faith in Him as he is reading aloud to the class. • Listen to what happens to his voice and the reaction of the class hearing it -
“He redeems my life …” • “I have had and you have had, in times past, pit experiences. ---- (Hhhhuuh) • We’ve both had -- we’ve all had - times when our life seemed to be in a pit, in a grave. And we didn’t have an answer -- • for (crying) the pit we find ourselves in • And I don’t understand this right now”
“LOST FOR WORDS” • Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever - (Hebrews 13:8) • The riches of His goodness …of God leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4) • In so many ways and in so many words God continues to work His amazing wonders in our sad and shattered world