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First Nations Technology Council

First Nations Technology Council. Working on behalf of all First Nations in B.C. 2006 SUMMIT. Vancouver February 25, 2006. FIRST NATIONS TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL. Created by Summit Resolution to develop a Technology Plan for First Nations in B.C. to address: high speed connectivity

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First Nations Technology Council

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  1. First Nations Technology Council Working on behalf of all First Nations in B.C.

  2. 2006 SUMMIT Vancouver February 25, 2006

  3. FIRST NATIONS TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL Created by Summit Resolution to develop a Technology Plan for First Nations in B.C. to address: • high speed connectivity • technical skills development • technical capacity building; and, • promoting the use of technology to revitalize culture and language

  4. WHY CONNECTIVITY? • Culture and language can be revitalized and shared (as appropriate) • Education achievement rates can improve if students can complete their education at home, have access to a wider variety of courses, and access curriculum that is culturally relevant • Health services can be improved through e-health solutions (direct physician intervention, counselling, education) • Aboriginal business can access markets anywhere, anytime • Off-reserve community members can play a more active role in governance

  5. FNTC MISSION To support the full integration of technologies to improve the quality of life for all First Nations in B.C.

  6. FNTC PRIORITIES • Implementing our Strategic Plan • Working with Provincial and Federal Government to connect the remaining un-served or under-served communities • Continue developing our FIT (Fully Integrated Technologies) Community model project • Working with communities to complete Community Technology Plans once beta version has been tested with communities • Secure funding for a pilot blended learning model for ICT training delivered by Nicola Valley Institute of Technology • Building strong partnerships to better allocate resources

  7. WHAT IS A ‘FIT COMMUNITY’? • ‘FIT’ = Fully Integrated Technologies • ‘Community’ could refer to a cluster of communities – and might include non-Aboriginal communities if this makes sense • FIT Community sees technology as basic community infrastructure • Technology is seen a tool to be used to improve all aspects of community life • Technology is seen as a means to integrate services within the community

  8. THE FIT COMMUNITY • The whole community is connected • Community Champion is playing a leadership role • People have required technical skills • Information Policies are developed • Culture and language programs are using technology • Relationships with Regional Health Authority/School District have been confirmed • E-Health/E-Learning programs have begun • Anchor tenant applications have been secured • E-Business programs have begun

  9. GETTING ‘FIT’ • Broadband Point of Presence (PoP) into the community • ‘Last Mile’ study has defined how the PoP will be distributed to connect all community buildings • A ‘Community Technology Champion’ has been identified • Community Vision for the use of technology has been developed • Community has a Technology Plan

  10. WHY DO A TECHNOLOGY PLAN? • Planning helps you get where you want to go • Use of technology is exploding • Communities need to be budgeting for technology • Your community could be spending more on technology than you think • Certain applications need specialized equipment • Technology needs to be ‘evergreen’

  11. ELEMENTS OF A TECHNOLOGY PLAN • Identifying your Community Champion and your Community Vision • Getting Community Support • Starting your Plan - Establishing a Technology Planning Project Team - Gathering background material • Assessing your Community ICT Environment • Completing your Community ICT Equipment and Services Inventory • Defining and Documenting your Community’s ICT Needs • Writing the Plan • Planning for Implementation

  12. LET’S LOOK AT THE PLAN… • Is the process logical? • Is it too complicated? • What’s missing? • How could it be improved? • Does your Community have a Plan? • Would this be a useful tool for your Community?

  13. MORE INFORMATION Sue Hanley suehanley@fntc.info 1-866-990-9939 604-926-9903

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