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Brazil to 1930- Review. Over ½ land mass of South America Portuguese Speaking Empire 1822-1889 First Republic 1889-1930 Struggle for control between military and civilians Ruy Barbosa founds Civilista party but army rigs elections will not let Barbosa win
Brazil to 1930- Review • Over ½ land mass of South America • Portuguese Speaking • Empire 1822-1889 • First Republic 1889-1930 • Struggle for control between military and civilians • Ruy Barbosa founds Civilista party but army rigs elections will not let Barbosa win • 1910 Brazil produces 90% of world’s rubber by 1921 10%- British plantation rubber wins out • Coffee increasingly important 75% of world supply by 1900 • Low price for coffee hurts Brazil during the Depression • 1924 Communist Party emerges under Luis Carlos Prestes- “the Prestes Column” • Dictatorship of Getulio Vargas 1930-1945 • Present Brazilian president “Lula” one of current “leftist” presidents (along with Kirchner in Argentina and Chavez in Venezuela)
Empire 1822-1889 First Republic 1889-1930 Deodoro da Foseca 1889-1893 Floriano Peixoto 1893-1894 Ruy Barbosa Prudente Jose de Moraes Barros 1894-1898 Canudos Revolt 1896-1898 Euclides da Cunha Os Sertoes Baron of Rio Branco Hermes da Fonseca 1910-1914 Wenceslau Braz Pereira 1914-1948 Epitacio da Silva Pessoa 1919-1922 Brazil
Arthur da Silva Bernardes 1922-1926 Luis Carlos Prestes (Prestes Column) Washington Luiz Pereira da Souza 1926-1930 Getulio Vargas 1930-1945, 1950-1954 Labor Party “o pai do povo” Integralistas Plinio Salgado Estado Novo D.I.P. Lourival Fontes Oswaldo Aranha National Democratic Union Eduardo Gomes Brazil-2
Social Democratic Party Eurico Dutra “Queremos Getulio” Adolpf Berle Benjamin Vargas “O Beijo” 2nd Republic 1945-1964 Eurico Dutra 1946-1950 Getulio Vargas (again) 1950-1954 “o pai do povo” Petrobras Juscelino Kubitshek 1956-1960 New capital built at Brasilia Brazil
Janio Quadros 1961 “a new broom” Joao “Jango” Goulart 1961-1964 Military Rule 1964-1985 Present President: Ignacio Lula da Silva “Lula” Brazil
Uruguay- Review • Early 20th Century defined by ideas of Jose Batlle y Ordonez 1903-1907, 1911-1915- Colorado (Liberal Party) • “Swiss System”, Welfare State, Socialism • Other major party is Blanco (Conservative) Party • Military which had previously stayed out of politics, takes over 1972-1985, excuse is threat of left wing urban guerilla movement- the Tupamaros- but military overstays that crisis • Democracy since 1989
Jose Batlle y Ordonez 1903-1907, 1911-1915 Colorado (Liberal) Party Blanco (Conservative) Party “Colegiado” Gabriel Terra 1930-1938 Alfredo Baldomir 1938-1942 Juan Jose Amezaga 1943-1947 Jose Enrique Rodo Ariel 1900 Luis Alberto Herrera 1958-1959 Military Rule 1972-1985 Tupamaros Tabare Vasquez present President Uruguay
Paraguay- Review • Latin American country in which Indian most integrated into national life 95% mestizo- bi-lingual population- Spanish/Guarani co-official languages • Isolated and dictator dominated in 19th century • Loses War of Triple Alliance 1864-1870 (vs. Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay)- Population reduced from 525,000 to 221,000 (only 28,000 men left!) • Beats Bolivia in Chaco War 1932-1935 • Gen. Alfredo Sroessner dictatorship 1954-1989 • Democracy since 1989
War of the Triple Alliance 1864-1870 Chaco War 1932-1935 Alfredo Stroessner 1954-1989 Carlos Rodriguez 1989 Former Catholic Bishop [Fernando Lugo] elected president beats Colorado Party (former long term ruling party) in 2008 Paraguay
“Noventa” 1890 La Union Civica de la Juventud Leandro N. Alem Estancieros Union Civica Radical Juarez Celman Carlos Pellegrini 1890-1892 Portenos Bartolome Mitre Julio A. Roca 1897-1904 Luis Saenz Pena 1892-1895 Hipolito Irigoyen “The Armadillo” 1916-1922, 1928-1930 Argentina
Juan B. Justo Lisandro de la Torre Radical Party Democratic Progressive Party Luis Maria Drago “The Drago Doctrine” Manuel Quintana 1904-1906 Figureroa Alcorta 1906-1910 Roque Saenz Pena 1910-1914 Saenz Pena Law 1912 “Gente Decente” La Prensa La Nacion Argentina- 2
Marcelo T. Alverar 1922-1928 “Personalistas” “Anti- personalistas” Jose F. Uriburu 1930-1932 Ezequiel Paz Augustin P. Justo 1932-1938 Carlos Saavedra Lamas Chaco War Roberto M. Ortiz 1938-1940 Ramon S. Castillo 1940-1943 “Rosistas” Enrique Ruiz Guinazu Argentina- 3
“Hispanidad” Accion Argentina La Junta de la Victoria Bishop Miguel de Andrea Rio Conference 1942 Juan Peron 1944-1955, 1973-1974 “Peronismo” General Arturo Rawson General Pedro Ramirez 1943-1944 Critica Martinez Zuviria “Hugo Vast: Alfredo Palacios Argentina- 4
Cordell Hull Edelmiro Farrell 1944-1946 G.O.U. (Grupo de Oficiales Unidos) Maria Eva Duarte (“Evita” Peron) “Descamisados” Nestor Kirchner Eva Peron Foundation Spruille Braden “o Braden o Peron” George Messersmith “Justicialismo” General PedroEugenio Aramburu 1955-1958 Arturo Frondizi 1958-1960 Argentina- 5
Dr. Arturo Frondizi 1963-1966 Gen. Juan Carlos Ongania 1966-1969 Gen. Alejandro Lanusse 1969-1973 “The Great National Accord” Lopez Rega Juan Peron 1973-1974 Isabel (“Isabelita”) Peron 1974-1976 Gen. Jorge Rafael Videla 1976-1981 Gen. Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri 1981-1982 1982 Faulkland Islands (Malivinas) War Carlos Saul Menem 1989-1999 Nester Kirchner Argentina- 6
Argentina- Review 1 • Argentine economy #10 in the world in 1900 • Encouraged immigration, especially from Italy, Western Europe • Hipolito Irigoyen “The Armadillo”- Radical Party- middle class, immigrants, 1916-1922, 1928-1930 • Juan Peron 1946-1955, Military coup, Peron controls G.O.U., Rises to power with support of labor, “descamisados” • Influence of Eva Peron (“Evita”)- “Godmother of the poor”
Argentina- Review 2 • Juan Peron falls shortly after death of Eva- Argentine economy ruined, military takes over in 1955 • Peron comes back as President 1973, dies 1974 • Peron’s 3rd wife Isabel (“Isabelita”) V.P. becomes president in 1974, ousted by military 1976- “Isabelita” is no “Evita” • Brutal military rule 1976-1983 • Army discredited by loss in the Fauklands (Malivinas) War 1982 • Democracy returns 1983 • Foreign Debt problems • Nester Kircher- current president- leftist ally of “Lula” in Brazil and (in a sense) Hugo Chavez in Venezuela rejects IMF rules, seeks independent (from U.S.) f. policy • Now Mrs. Kirchner (Christina Fernandez de Kirchner) is president
Juan Luis Sanfuentes 1915-1920 Arturo Alessandri Palma “The Lion of Tarapaca” 1920-1924, 1925, 1932-1938 Carlos Ibanez 1925-1931 Marmaduke Grove Gustavo Ross Pedro Aguirre Cerda 1938-1942 Juan Antonio Rios 1942-1946 Gabriel Gonzalez Videla 1946-1952 Pablo Neruda Jorge Alessandri 1958-1964 Chile
F.R.A.P. (Frente de Accion Popular), U.P. (Unidad Popular) Salvador Allende 1970-1973 Eduardo Frei 1964-1970 Radomiro Tomic 1970 Election: Allende 36.3% Allesandri 34.9% Tomic 27.8% General Augusto Pinochet 1973-1990 Michelle Bachelet Chile- 2
Chile- Review • Chile winner in War of the Pacific (late 19th century) • Mineral Wealth • Personalismo: Arturo Alessandri Palma, “The Lion of Taracapa” 1920-1924, 1932-1938 • 1970 Election- Salvador Allende (non-communist Marxist) elected president on his 3rd try with 36.3% of the vote (2 other major candidates) • Allende nationalizes U.S. copper and other companies • CIA works actively to undermine Allende (Nixon and Kissinger) • Augusto Pinochet 1973-1990- brutal military dictatorship • 1990 return democracy • Chilean economy prosperous
Chaco War 1932-1935 “Tin Barons” (Patino, Hochschild, Aramayo) David Toro 1936-1937 German Busch 1937-1938 Enrique Penaranda 1940-1943 Catavi Massacre 1942 M.N.R. (Movimiento Revolucionaria Nacional) Victor Paz Estenssoro 1952-1956, 1985-1989 Grialberto Villaroel 1943-1946 The National Revolution 1952-1964 Rene Barrientos 1964-1969 Ernesto “Che” Guevara (died 1967) Juan Jose Torres 1969-1971 Bolivia
Hugo Banzer 1971-1978 Luis Garcia Meza 1980-1982 Klaus Barbie Evo Morales Bolivia- 2
Bolivia- Review • Indian majority 55%+ • Most volatile Latin American country= 200+ regime changes • Always trying to make up for loss of access to the sea due to the War of the Pacific • Chaco War with Paraguay 1932-1935 (Bolivia loses) • “Tin Barons” • Left wing reforms: M.N.R.- Victor Paz Estenssoro 1952-1956, 1985-1989 • Current democracy still chaotic- Indian majority asserting itself on issue of oil pipeline
Peru- Review • 45% Indian • Early 20th century dictatorship: Augusto P. Leguia 1908-1912, 1919-1930 • Left wing thought: Mariategui, Victor Raul Haya de la Torre, A.P.R.A. • Left Wing military dictatorship: Juan Velasco Alvardo 1968-1975, continued by General Morales 1975-1980 • 1980 Return to democracy • 1985-1990 Alan Garcia- A.P.R.A. finally in presidency- repudiates foreign loans- economic disaster • Alberto Fujimori 1990-2000 uses dictatorial means- Sendero Luminosa defeated • Current President: Alejandro Toledo- full blooded Indian
Augusto P. Leguia 1908-1912, 1919-1930 Manuel Gonzalez Prada (lived 1848-1918) Jose Mariategui, Seven Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality Victor Raul Haya de la Torre A.P.R.A. (Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana) 1924 Luis Sanchez Cerro 1930-1933 Oscar Benavides 1933-1939 Manuel Prado 1939-1945, 1956-1952 Jose Luis Bustamonte 1945-1948 Peru
Manuel Odria 1948-1956 Fernando Belaunde Terry 1963-1968, 1980-1985 Juan Velasco Alvarado 1968-1968-1975 Francisco Morales Bermudez 1968-1975 Alan Garcia 1985-1990 Sendero Luminoso (Abimael Guzman) Mario Vargas Llosa Alberto Fujimori 1990-2000 Alejandro Toledo Alan Garcia again Peru- 2
Ecuador- Review • 25% Indian • Ecuador has lost over ½ of national territory since independence • Personalismo: Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra president 5 times: 1934-1935, 1944-1947, 1952-1956, 1960-1961, 1968-1972 • Democracy: Galo Plaza 1948-1952 • Military Rule: 1963-1968, 1972-1978 • 1979 Return to democracy • Recent oil prosperity • Politics still volatile
Gabriel Garcia Moreno “The Theocratic State” 1860-1895 Eloy Alfaro 1895-1901, 1906-1911 Carlos Arroyo del Rio 1940-1944 Galapagos Islands Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra 1934-1935, 1944-1947, 1952-1956, 1960-1961, 1968-1972 “Personalismo” Galo Plaza, 1948-1952 Camilo Ponce Enriquez, 1956-1960 Carlos Julio Arosemena 1961-1963 Guillermo Rodriquez Lara 1972-1979 Rafael Correa Ecuador
Colombia- Review • General Respect for Democratic principles (Liberal/Conservative Parties) • Assassination of Leftist Liberal Jorge E. Gaitan in 1948 leads to… • “La Violencia” 1948-1966 • Rojas Pinilla dictatorship 1953-1957 • 1958 return to democracy • Corruptive influence of drug cartels (demand in U.S.) • Heavy current U.S. aid to fight drugs
Rafael Reyes 1904-1909 Enrique Olaya Herrera 1930-1934 Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo 1934-1938, 1942-1945 Alberto Lleras Camargo 1945-1946 Mariano Ospina Perez 1946-1950 Laureano Gomez 1950-1953 Jorge Eliecer Gaitan “La Violencia” Gustavo Rojas Pinilla 1953-1957 The National Front 1958-1974 Alfonso Lopez Michelson 1974-1978 Cesar Turbay Azola 1978-1982 Colombia
Belisario Betancur 1982-1986 Union Patriotica 1986 Virgilio Barco 1986-1990 Cesar Gaviria Trujillo 1990-1994 Ernesto Samper Pizano 1994-1998 Andres Pastrana Arango 1998-2002 Alvaro Uribe Velez 2002- F.A.R.C. M19 Pablo Escobar Colombia 2
Cipriano Castro 1899-1908 Juan Vicente Gomez 1908-1935 Eleazar Lopez Contreras 1935-1940 Isaias Medina Angarita 1940-1945 Accion Democratica (AD.) Junta Romulo Betancourt 1945-1947, 1959-1964 Romulo Gallegas 1948 Dona Barbara Coup Marcos Perez Jimenez 1952-1958 Raul Leoni 1964-1968 Venezuela
Rafael Caldera 1969-1974, 1994-2000 Carlos Andres Perez 1974-1979, 1989-1994 Luis Herrera Campins 1979-1984 Jaime Lusinchi 1984-1989 Hugo Chavez Venezuela 2
Venezuela- Review • Dominated by dictators in early 20th century (Worst example: Marcos Perez Jimenez 1952-1958) • Advent of Democracy: Accion Democratica (A.D.) Romulo Betancourt 1945-1947, 1959-1964 • Dependence on oil revenue • Current President: Hugo Chavez- at odds with U.S.
Theodore Roosevelt Hay-Pouncefote Treaty Hay-Herran Treaty Phillipe Baneau-Varilla Hay-Baneau Varilla Treaty Arnulfo Arias 1940-1968 Robert Chiari 1960 Omar Torrijos Herrera 1968-1981 Manuel Noriega 1981- 1989 Guillermo Endara 1984 Ernesto Perez Balladares Martin Torrijos (son of Omar) Panama
Frederico A. Tinoco 1917 Rafeal Angel Calderon Guardia Otilio Ulate Jose “Pepe” Figueras 1953-1958 P.L.N. 1952 O.A.S (Organization of American States) Mario Echandi 1958-1962 Francisco Orlich 1962-1966 Jose Joaquin Trejos 1966-1970 Oscar Arias Sanchez Costa Rica
Jose Santos Zelayas 1893-1909 Thomas G. Dawson Adolfo Diaz “Dollar Imperialism” Bryan-Chamorro Treaty 1916 Juan B. Sacasa Augusto Cesar Sandino Jose Maria Moncada Somoza “Dynasty” 1933-1979 Anastasio Somoza (“Tacho”) 1933-1956 Luis Somoza 1957-1963 Anastasio Somoza Debayle (“Tachito”) 1974 Nicaragua
Rene Gutierrez Schick 1963 “Sandinistas” La Prensa Pedro Jaoquin Chamorro “Contras” Oliver North Daniel Ortega 1985-1990 Violetta Barrios de Chamorro 1990-1996 Ruben Dario Daniel Ortega again president Nicaragua- 2
Tiburcio Carias Andino 1932-1948 Manuel Galvez 1948-1954 Dr. Ramon Villeda Morales 1957-1963 Osvaldo Lopez Arellan 1964-1968 The “Soccer War” 1969 Ricardo Maduro 2002-2008 Manuel Zelayas 2008 (signed pact w/Hugo Sanchez recently) Honduras:
The “14 Families” Personalismo Maximiliano Hernandez Martinez 1932-1944 Augustin Farabundo Marti F.M.L.N. P.R.U.D. 1948 Christian Democratic Party Jose Napoleon Duarte A.R.E.N.A. Party Alfredo Christiani Roberto D’abussion Armando Calderon Sol Antonio Saca 2004 El Salvador
Manuel Estrada Cabrera 1898-1920 United Fruit Company Jorge Ubico 1931-1944 Juan Jose Arevalo 1945-1950 Jacobo Arbenz 1950-1954 Agrarian Law of 1952 Carlos Castillo Armas 1954-1957 Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes 1958 Belize Col. Enrique Peralta Azurdia 1963 Efrian Rios Mott 1982 Rigoberta Menchu Oscar Berger 2004- Guatemala:
Haiti: Creole Vodun (Voodoo) William Jennings Bryan Roger L. Farnham Jean Villaban Guillaume Sam Dr. Rosolvo Bobo Phillipe Sudre Dartiguenave Admiral Caperton Col. Littleton W.T. Waller “Cacao Armies” Gendarmerie d’Haiti Smedley D. Butler Ecole Militaire 1928 Corvee System Charlemange Peralte General John H. Russell Louis Borno Haiti
Union Patriotique Stenio Vicent 1930-1941 Negritude Mulatto Elie Lescot 1941-1946 Dumarsias Estime 1946-1950 Col. Paul Magliore 1950-1956 Port au Prince “The Elite” Francois Duvalier “Papa Doc” 1957-1971 Tontons Macoutes “Bogeymen” Baron Samedi Jean Claude Duvalier “Baby Doc” 1971-1986 Jean Bertrand Aristide Rene Garcia Preval Haiti
Personalismo “Roosevelt Corollary” Fabio Fiallo Sumner Wells Horacio Vasquez 1924-1930 Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina 1930-1961 Juan Bosch Jaoquin Balaguer 1966-1970, 1986-1995 Lionel Fernandez 2004- Dominican Republic
Platt Amendment 1902 Tomas Estrada Palma 1902-1906 Charles Magoon 1906-1909 Jose Miguel Gomez 1909 Gerardo Machado 1925-1933 Porristas A.B.C Sumner Wells Carlos Manuel de Cespedes “Sargents Revolt” Fulgenio Batista 1934-1944, 1952-1959 Grau San Martin 1944-1948 Carlos Prio Socarrias 1948-1952 Moncado Barracks Attack 7/26/53 Fidel Castro 1959-? Raul Castro Ernesto “Che” Guevara Cuba