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Crafting an Effective Thesis Statement: A Guide

Understand the importance of a thesis statement, learn to transition from weak to strong examples, and explore templates for creating impactful statements. Explore the process with relevant examples and a final checklist.

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Crafting an Effective Thesis Statement: A Guide

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  1. I Search Thesis Creation

  2. What is a thesis statement…

  3. When first crafting a thesis…

  4. WeakStrong Thesis Statement Examples • My instructor has an attendance policy. • My instructor should change her attendance policy because it is unreasonable, inflexible, and unfair. • Some children show violent behavior. • Conflict-resolution courses should be taught to help prevent violence in America’s schools. • Social networking sites such as Facebook can cause problems. • College students should be careful of what they put on their Facebook pages because prospective employees routinely check them.

  5. Example Working Thesis & Subtopics Submission • Topic: Universal Healthcare • Research question: Would adopting a universal healthcare system make the United States a better place to live? • Working Thesis: While adopting universal healthcare would be a very difficult process, it would make the United States a healthier, wealthier and more equitable nation in the long run. • Subpoints: • Improve public health • Equal access to healthcare • More equal human rights • Encourage entrepreneurship • Stop medical bankruptcies • Benefit businesses

  6. Thesis Statement Templates • Although many people think ____, in reality, ____ because ____. • _____ is the most significant _____ because _____. • ______ illuminates the role of ______ in people’s lives by showing us how _______, _____, and _____. • Although many reasons have been suggested for _____, they all boil down to _____. • _____ is true for these reasons: _____, _____, _____, and _____. • X has argued that _____, but Y’s position is stronger because _____. • The more important effects of _____ went beyond those of _____.

  7. 5 Groups of Never-Use Words:

  8. 6 Groups of Must-Use Words:

  9. Final checklist

  10. Extended Introduction contains two paragraphs: • Paragraph Number 1: • Begins with an attention grabber (take from KAI?) • Transitions into brief context of issue as it pertains to you and your attention grabber • Ends with research question • Paragraph Number 2 • Provides brief context and definition if necessary • Provides subpoints, each roughly a sentence each • Ends with thesis statement

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