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MENG 447 Electrical Control Components

Explore mechanical, electrical, and optical switches used in control systems. Learn about electromagnets and DC motors in integrated devices. Experiment with relay and photoconductive switches to control mechanisms like conveyor belts.

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MENG 447 Electrical Control Components

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  1. MENG 447 Electrical Control Components

  2. Switches • Mechanical • Electrical • Optical Electromagnet DC Motor Integrated Device

  3. Mechanical Switches On-Off, push button switches Single Pole, Single Throw = SPST A simple on-off switch. This type can be used to switch the power supply to a circuit. Push-to-make = SPST Momentary A push-to-make switch returns to its normally open (off) position when you release the button Push-to-break = SPST Momentary A push-to-break switch returns to its normally closed (on) position when you release the button.

  4. 4 1 5 2 3 Electrical Switches Relay The relay acts as a switch , pins 1 & 2 are used to supply the coil with power. Before energizing the relay, pins 3 & 5 are normally closed and pins 4 & 5 are normally opened. After energizing the relay , pins 3 & 5 will be opened and pins 4 & 5 will be closed.

  5. Optical Switches Photoconductive A B The photoconductor cell acts like a switch. when a beam of light falls on it , it connects points A and B.

  6. The output stage component It is a potentiometer which controls the sensitivity of the photoconductive cell.

  7. Electromagnet It is an electrical magnet which uses the electrical power to generate an magnetic field.

  8. DC Motor It’s a device converts an electrical power to mechanical power.

  9. In this experiment we control a conveyor belt through the photoconductive cell. When the beam of light falls on to the photoconductive cell, it closes the circuit, allowing current to flow in and operate the motor which moves the belt. When the work piece on the belt cuts off the light beam, the belt stops moving.

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