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Arkansas WebIZ Provider Level Reports. Overview of Reports. Nearly all reports are rendered as a PDF that can be saved, emailed, printed, etc. A few reports generate a character-delimited output file that can be processed outside of the application (e.g., in Excel)
Arkansas WebIZ Provider Level Reports
Overview of Reports • Nearly all reports are rendered as a PDF that can be saved, emailed, printed, etc. • A few reports generate a character-delimited output file that can be processed outside of the application (e.g., in Excel) • These reports typically include patient identifying data and can be saved locally, so specialized training may be necessary before granting the necessary permissions to a user • Reports are grouped into Report Categories • Users are granted access on a category-by-category basis
!!! ALERT !!! • Most reports in the system are generated as “popups” • In other words, they appear in a new window. • The system may not open a new window for a report if there’s already a report open • If you’re running a report and not seeing a new window popup on your screen, the most likely causes are: • You have a popup blocker that you need to configure to allow popups from the WebIZ application • You have a report window already open (maybe behind your application window??) … close that window and then click the Run Report window again
Common Search Criteria • Provider – List of all providers the user is associated with • (ALL) option may appear if user has the Unrestricted reporting level permission • Clinic – List of all clinics associated with the selected provider and associated with the user • (ALL) option may appear if user has the Provider reporting level permission • In most cases, Provider and Clinic refer to the Patient’s Default Provider Clinic (on the Demographics screen)
Common Search Criteria (cont’d) • Provider Category – Type of provider (e.g., Public Health, Private Provider, etc.) • Date Ranges • Min/Max date range for including records in the output • Common uses are Date of Birth or Vaccination Date
Birth Vaccinations Generate a list of patients who have (or have not) received a birth dose of a vaccine
Patient Detail with Services Generate a list of patients and associated immunizations that satisfy the specified criteria.
Patient List by Insurance Source Generates a list of patients by insurance source
Patient List/Counts by Clinic • Count the number of Patients serviced by a provider/clinic during a date range • Only includes patients who have received an “administered” vaccination during the indicated date range • Historical vaccinations are not considered • Output is grouped by age at the date of vaccination • Patients may be counted multiple times if they crossed age boundaries and/or saw different providers/clinics
Patient List/Counts by Clinic Generates a count (or list) of the patients served by clinic broken down by age group
Patient Roster Generate a list of patients grouped by their default provider/clinic
Patients By Birth Facility Type Generate a list of patients grouped by their default provider/clinic along with the type of facility they were born at.
Patients First Seen • List of patients who received their first vaccination from a clinic during the specified date range • Not necessarily their first vaccination or their first vaccination in the Registry … but the first vaccination administered by a specific provider/clinic • Only includes “administered” vaccinations within the indicated date range • Historical vaccinations are not considered • Note that this report is very resource intensive and may take several minutes to complete
Patients with Vaccine Refusals • List of patients who refused vaccinations from a provider during the specified date range. • Report also gives totals of patients by vaccine and refusal reason. • Can narrow down by provider, vaccine, refusal reason, date range, and or age at time of refusal. • Report can also be ran as PDF or an extract file.
Patients with Vaccine Refusals (cont’d) Grouped by Provider, Patient, Note Date and then Refusal Reason.
Vaccine Recall Generates a list of patients that received a vaccination with the a lot number containing the string(s) entered in the Lot Number field
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) • View – Display the Add/Edit Reminder/Recall screen • Unvaccinated Report – Show all patients included in the Reminder/Recall run and have NOT come back in for a vaccination since • Report – Detailed listing of patients included in the results • Full Extract – Generate a character-delimited version of the results. Useful for importing the data into another system (e.g., a mail-merge application for generating custom letters)
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) • Dymo Labels – Generate labels (formatted for a Dymo Label printer) for each patient in the results • Avery Labels – Generate labels (formatted for commercially available Avery label stock) for each patient in the results • Postcard – Generate postcards (formatted for commercially available pre-printed postcard stock for each patient in the results • Cancel – Takes you back to the reports home page.
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) • Auto-Dialer Email Extract – Pressing this button opens a new browser window with the patient data for the Reminder/Recall in a comma delimited format. This can then be imported into Excel for mail merge or other uses. The data can be saved by copying (i.e. CTRL- C) the contents of the browser window and pasting (i.e. CTRL - V) into another application or file. The format of the delimited data is as follows: • Patient Email address, Patient ID, Patient Name • Auto-Dialer Phone Number Extract - Pressing this button results in a new browser window being opened with the patient data for the Reminder/Recall in a comma delimited format. This can then be imported into Excel for mail merge or other uses. The data can be saved by copying (i.e. CTRL- C) the contents of the browser window and pasting (i.e. CTRL - V) into another application or file. The format of the delimited data is as follows: • Patient Phone Number, Patient ID, Patient Name
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) General information about the ReminderRuns are scheduled offline to reduce the impact on users
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) • Run Name – Identifies a specific reminder/recall run on the listing screen • Provider – Patient’s Default Provider • Clinic – Patient’s Default Clinic • Run Scheduled Date – Date when this reminder/recall process will be processed • Run Completed Date – This is a read-only field and is set by the system when the job has been processed
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) • Reminder/Recall Date Range • From: Earliest date of vaccinations for the reminder/recall run • Through: Cutoff date of vaccinations for the reminder/recall run • Age Range • From: Minimum age (as of the Max Reminder Date) for a patient to be included • Through: Maximum age (as of the Min Reminder Date) for a patient to be included • UOM: Can express Age in Months or Years
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) • VFC Eligibility – From Demographics screen • Occupation – Occupation as defined on the Patient Demographics screen • County – Matches to the County drop-down on the Patient Demographics screen • City - Matches to the City drop-down on the Patient Demographics screen • Zip Code – Matches to the Zip Code on the Patient Demographics screen
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) • School District – Matches to the School District on the Education screen • School - Matches to the School on the Education screen • Gender - Matches to Gender on the Patient Demographics screen
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) Additional Filters used to define the patients that will be included in the results. Additional Filters for vaccine series/dose
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) • Ignore Setting For “Do Not Send Reminders” – Checking this option will allow those patients to be included in the Reminder/Recall regardless of whether or not the “Do Not Send Reminders” option on the patient demographics screen has been indicated • Only Include Patients With Address – Limit the results to only those patients that have an address
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) • Increment Patient Reminder/Recall Count – Indicates this Reminder/Recall should be included when counting the number of Reminder/Recalls for a patient. • Exclude Patients After Number of Reminder/Recalls Without Subsequent Vaccination – Ignore patients with “X” number of Reminder/Recalls without a vaccination
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) • Generate Reminder Events – Create a system generated reminder event in the patient events. • Include Patients Due For Vaccinations (Reminders) - Check this to target patients coming due for vaccinations.
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) • Include Patients Overdue For Vaccinations (Recalls) – Check this option to include patients who are overdue for vaccinations • Minimum Number Of Days Past Due To Include – Optional field to specify how the minimum number of days a patient must be overdue before they are included • Maximum Number Of Days Past Due To Include – Optional field to specify how the maximum number of days a patient can be overdue and still be included
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) • Exclude Patients with Less than 2 non-Influenza/H1N1-09 Vaccinations – Check this box to exclude patients that only have less than 2 of the listed vaccines. • Exclude patients with one or more vaccine refusals – check this box to not include patients that have refused vaccines. • Vaccine Series and Doses – Select the vaccine series (and optional dose number) that should be assessed when determining the patients that are included in the results
Reminder/Recall (cont’d) • Optionally Exclude Patients with Insurance Sources as needed. • Additional Reminder/Recall Notes • Patients can be included in many Reminder/Recalls • To prevent notifying patients multiple times during the same period, some care should be given to how Reminder/Recalls are generated • The resulting Reminder report is a static “snapshot” of the data involved. The data is “saved off” for future reference. • If you do a Reminder run and then wait an extended period of time to generate the report, any immunizations administered to the patient in the interim will not be included on the report.
Clinic Immunization Count • List the number of vaccinations by vaccine type and by provider/clinic • Only includes “administered” vaccinations within the indicated date range • Historical vaccinations are not considered