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TRTFN - BC Framework Agreement Planning Process

Fred Oliemans, ILMB Bryan Evans, TRTFN Presentation to Public Workshop, Atlin, BC June 13, 2008. TRTFN - BC Framework Agreement Planning Process. Outline. Desired Outcomes Planning Considerations Summary of Community and Stakeholder Involvement Planning Products Planning Steps.

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TRTFN - BC Framework Agreement Planning Process

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  1. Fred Oliemans, ILMBBryan Evans, TRTFN Presentation to Public Workshop, Atlin, BCJune 13, 2008 TRTFN - BC Framework AgreementPlanning Process

  2. Outline • Desired Outcomes • Planning Considerations • Summary of Community and Stakeholder Involvement • Planning Products • Planning Steps

  3. FA Desired Outcomes Land Use • Reductions in conflict over land and resource matters • Mechanisms that protect healthy and functioning ecosystems • Protection of culturally significant areas • Increase in diversification of sustainable economic activity Wildlife • Healthy wildlife populations, including robust populations of hunted species Shared Decision Making/Capacity • Greater clarity of shared decision making arrangements and more efficient and effective operational decision making • Increased capacity and resources to implement land use decisions and share decision making

  4. Planning Considerations • A Government to Government (G2G) process • Neither a consensus nor a LRMP-like round table • Not a treaty table • Time and resource limited • Commitment to meaningful engagement with local community and stakeholders

  5. Transparency Inclusiveness Fair Representation Responsiveness Product Orientation Availability of Best Information Local and Traditional Knowledge Used Good Faith Efficient and Effective Adaptable Outcomes Accountability Commitment to Public Involvement Principles

  6. Summary of Mechanisms for Communityand Stakeholder Involvement • Open houses • Information sessions • Individual sector/interest meetings • Atlin public workshops • Newsletter and website

  7. FA Planning Products • The Joint Land Forum (JLF) will develop recommendations for consideration by the Parties, consisting of: • A framework for culturally and ecologically sustainable management grounded in ecosystem-based management • Designated land use zones • Regional access strategy • Review of deregulated streams • Local Access Plan • Collaborative Fish and Wildlife Management Plan

  8. Planning Process

  9. Pre-Planning Orientation, Visioning Information Collection Resource Analyses, Drafting Land Use Recommendations Compilation of Plan & Public Review Revisions to Draft Plan & Public Review Joint Approvals Joint Implementation Planning Steps

  10. Pre-Planning Orientation, Visioning Information Collection Resource Analyses, Drafting Planning Products Compilation of Plan & Public Review Revisions to Plan& Public Review Joint Approvals of Final Draft Plans Joint Implementation Planning Steps 1-2

  11. Pre-Planning Phase • Clarify G2G Roles and Responsibilities • Joint Land Forum • Technical Working Group • Develop and approve stakeholder involvement strategy • Develop and approve workplan and timeline • Compile base Resource Atlas • Initiate JLF and TWG team meetings

  12. Orientation, Visioning • Share information about the planning process and plan area • Scope values, interests, and issues to be addressed in the planning process • Confirm planning sequence and timeframe • Conduct initial stakeholder engagement and workshop

  13. Pre-Planning Orientation, Visioning Information Collection Resource Analyses, Drafting Planning Products Compilation of Plan & Public Review Revisions to Plan& Public Review Joint Approvals of Final Draft Plans Joint Implementation Planning Steps 3-4

  14. Information Collection • Address gaps in the information base • Undertake additional studies/research to address data gaps • Clarify policy and planning context • Show values and interests on maps

  15. Resource Analyses& Draft Planning Products • Under direction of JLF, the TWG: • confirms scope of interests and issues to be addressed • develops draft framework of Vision, Principles, Goals, Objectives by resource value, with SDM implementation direction • identify areas of high value (cultural, ecological, socio-economic) • develops land use zoning options • drafts initial management direction

  16. Pre-Planning Orientation, Visioning Information Collection Resource Analyses, Drafting Planning Products Compilation of Plan & Public Review Revisions to Plan & Public Review Joint Approvals Joint Implementation Planning Steps 5-6

  17. Compilation of Plan and Public Review • TWG compiles draft plan products • JLF reviews draft plan products and releases for public review and comment • TWG reviews draft plan products with community and stakeholders through workshops and other mechanisms

  18. Revisions to Plan & Final Public Review • TWG revises draft plan products in light of community and stakeholder input and JLF direction • JLF reviews revised draft products and releases for public review and comment • TWG finalizes plan products for JLF in light of community and stakeholder input and JLF direction

  19. Pre-Planning Orientation, Visioning Information Collection Resource Analyses, Drafting Planning Products Compilation of Draft Plan & Public Review Revisions to Plan& Public Review Joint Approvals of Final Draft Plans Joint Implementation Planning Steps 7-8

  20. Joint Approvals • JLF reviews and approves final plan products for consideration by the Parties and for public release • Parties seek approval of final products through their governance mechanisms: • Joint Clan Meeting (JCM) for the TRTFN • Statutory Decision Makers and/or Cabinet for BC

  21. Joint Implementation • Parties: • Establish shared-decision making arrangements to implement the plan • Establish monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure progress towards FA outcomes over time

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