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Here’s Why You Need a Unique Advertising Campaign

You cant improve you web presence unless you make your brand in a different way that attract others to stay with the related advertisement campaigns which leaves a impact on their mind for a while.

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Here’s Why You Need a Unique Advertising Campaign

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  1. Here’s why You Need a Unique Advertising Campaign Everyday the average person is exposed to roughly 362 advertisements. Of these advertisements, only 153 of them are actively absorbed and remembered. There is a large difference between these numbers, but what makes some advertisements make the cut and others fall short? What is it that allows some advertisements to stick in your brain for days and weeks and others to be forgotten before they’ve even run their course? Successful advertisement designers know that in order to be remembered, you need to be memorable. In order to be memorable, you must be unique. Now is not the time to blend in. Being unique is important. In fact, 73% of U.S. consumer prefer advertisements that do more than just sell. They must contain content that goes beyond the typical straightforward approach of delivering content about the product and trying to sell the product based on its use value. Successful ads sell the product based on its signified value: its ideas, its vibe and its je ne sais quoi.

  2. Some of the most successful ads in history have been based on out of the box ideas. They take risks and they are not afraid to be bold. They may tell a story or get the viewer emotionally involved in some way. A large portion of the most widely recognized and remembered advertisements have been aired on the Super Bowl. Super Bowl ads are often a bit longer than the average advertisement and may contain risque content as well as powerful and meaningful messages. One ad that aired recently by Budweiser used the technique of telling a sappy story about a “lost dog”. The advertisement plays out like a mini movie with an adorable labrador retriever puppy that goes missing and embarks on his journey finding his way home to the farm. The reason this ad was so successful is that it touched the hearts of the millions of super bowl viewers. Even though it has nothing to do with beer, Budweiser successfully was able to draw in consumers using this ad.Take a Look : https://youtu.be/xAsjRRMMg_Q Another super bowl ad by Bud Light uses an even more unique approach, while still telling a story. It features a bar patron that is offered a free beer so long as he completes one task: a real life pac man maze! What could be more entertaining? Especially since pac man is trendy towards the target market since those that grew up playing it have now reached the legal drinking age. However, the most amazing feature of all is definitely the visual affects of the real life pac man maze. Stunning cinematography with flashing lights, and a holographic look to the maze. Words simply cannot describe it References: https://www.imediadesigns.ca/2015/09/24/heres-why-you-need-a-unique-advertising- campaign/ http://www.marketingcharts.com/television/consumers-agree-ads-should-tell-unique- stories-24304/ http://www.marketing91.com/unique-advertising-message/

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