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Development of A Prior Environmental Review Support System in Korea

Development of A Prior Environmental Review Support System in Korea. 2007. 6. 7 Eui Sung, Jung. I. Introduction. 1. Project Overview 2. Project Objective 3. System Objective by Stage. - 1 -. Duration. Organization. 1. Project Overview. Title.

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Development of A Prior Environmental Review Support System in Korea

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  1. Development of A Prior Environmental Review Support System in Korea 2007. 6. 7 Eui Sung, Jung

  2. I. Introduction 1. Project Overview 2. Project Objective 3. System Objective by Stage - 1 -

  3. Duration Organization 1. Project Overview Title ■ Development of a Prior Environmental Review Support System (PERSS) ■ May, 3, 2006.~ December, 2, 2006(7 Months) ■ Director: Ministry of Environment ■ Responsible Body : Korea Environment Institute, Pangaea 21 PERS : The Prior Environmental Review System (PERS) aims to balance development and preservation by identifying possible environmental impacts of development plans or projects in the early stages of planning. Unlike the current PERS, EIA mostly deals with large-scale development projects during the execution stage after plans have been approved and confirmed. The introduction of the PERS should remedy EIA limitation. - 2 -

  4. 2. Project Objective • Systematical management of PERS information • - Share PERS information by implementation of PERS database, which enhance PERS efficiency and quickness • - Link between PERS information and EIA information, • - Prepare a foundation of regional cumulative Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment • Maintain consistency of a PER agreement opinion between Ministry of Environment and Regional Environmental Office • - Eliminate inconsistency of a PER agreement opinion between Ministry of Environment and Regional Environmental Office through mutual information sharing via PERSS • - Support PERS business process using information technology • Maximize availability of existing environmental information • - Set a basis of information exchange among responsible body • - Curtail national budget and developer’s cost by environmental knowledge sharing • - Link between development project site and the Environmental Assessment Map of Korea - 3 -

  5. 2007 year 2008 year 2006 year 3. System Objective by Stage ITEM Historical PERS project data mgmt WEB base input system Accumulate PERS historical data (9,000) Design data input system / Implement Pilot system Building Data base PERS agreement opinion Collect existing agreement opinion data Development data input system Study digital document standard Automatic input process via CD and digital document Full text of review statement / Project summary • Full text of review statement (213) • Project summary(9,000건) System Management Provide public opinion collecting framework Extend range of supporting information Web Service Implement and run PERSS System Operation Using existing Resource Extend server H/W System detach from EIASS System networking GIS data exchange with EIASS History, full-text, summary data exchange with EIASS Provide land use suitability factors Amend Law / Regulation Provide review statement submission as CD Provide digital document standard for PERS - 4 -

  6. II. System Detail • System Overview • System Diagram • System Review - 5 -

  7. 1. System Overview System Login URL: http://perss.neins.go.kr User page Managerial page - 6 -

  8. Academy/Institute Publicand NGO 2. System Diagram a. Public User Supporting PERS (Public User) Using Body Search of PERS project Search of PERS GIS Developer Partial project summary and history data Project site location Full statement of agreement opinion Similar project in neighbor Related Body PERS Knowledge Land use suitability consulting Basic knowledge of PERS Request of self-assessment Knowledge of drawing review statement Self-assessment (Use GIS data) Related law and report Saving self-assessment result Notice Notice / Q & A Online manual General DB Full statement text DB Outline DB Data Base GIS DB ※ A project which is under the EIA process, is not open - 7 -

  9. Assessment Agency(Restricted) Relate Official(Restricted) Supporting PERS (Responsible User) Using Body User page Managerial page Policy maker (ME etc) [Public user service] Mgmt of PERS project state Register PERS project state Full service + Link EIA applied project Responsible Official Mgmt of Full statement Search of PERS project state Determine open to public Whole project summary and historical data Manage review statement CD Search of Full statement Mgt of land use suitability Full text of review statement and agreement opinion with index Manage application list Allocate application Statistic of PERS Mgmt of the others Various types of statistical data Notice/Visitor statistic/Etc Data Base Outline DB Managerial DB Knowledge DB Full text DB GIS DB 2. System Diagram (continue) b. Responsible User - 8 -

  10. 3. System Review a. Query of PERS project list(User page) • (Public user – without login) • (Public user – with login) Query Query Responsible body Agreement Opinion Accept / Reply date Accept / Reply date Responsible body Agreement Opinion GIS location Title title 1.Only agreement opinion can be listed 2.List sorted by responsible body 3.List can be selected with title, developer name ※ A project which is under the EIA process, is not open 1.GIS location data can be available with login 2.List sorted by responsible body 3.List can be selected with title, developer name ※ A project which is under the EIA process, is not open - 9 -

  11. 3. System Review b. Query of full text review statement(User page) • (Responsible user) Basic search Advanced search Related Regulation Responsible Body Related Regulation Full text of review statement GIS info Location Title Agreement opinion ※ Basic search ① Keyword search - List can be selected various restrictions (Title, Related Regulation, Responsible body, Year, Agreement result) ② Location search : click and select region on the map ③ Related regulation search : click and select regulation ④ Responsible body : click and select responsible body ※ Advanced search ① Keyword search - List can be selected various restrictions (Title, Related Regulation, Responsible body, Year, Agreement result) ② List - Result by keyword search - Full review statement, agreement opinion, gis location data can be viewed - 10 -

  12. 3. System Review c. PERS project summary contents(User page) • (Public user) Status of the agreement Overview Title Full text of agreement opinion Location Related regulation Scale Summary Responsible body Expected benefit Project History - 11 -

  13. 3. System Review d. PERS project summary contents(User page) • (Responsible User) Overview Receipt for review application Title Project History Location Related regulation Full text of review statement by index Scale Responsible body Summary Expected benefit Full text of review statement Progress info - 12 -

  14. 3. System Review e. Register PERS project summary (Managerial page) • (Responsible User) Register project summary Overview EIA Applicable? Title Title type CD copy? Public Open? Location Project History Related regulation PER review statement receipt Date Developer - 13 -

  15. 3. System Review f. Request form for land use suitability consulting(User page) • (Public user) 1. Log-on is requisite for consulting 2. File attachment is Available Present condition Applicant Information Reference data File attachment Project address Area Objective Type Progress - 14 -

  16. 3. System Review g. Respond to consulting request(Managerial page) • (Responsible User) Responsible body Consulting request list Request form detail Applicant Information Response form Regulation conflict Project address Important review item Area Objective Type Progress Opinion Present condition Reference data File attachment 1.Reponsible user respond consulting request as a response form 2.Responsible body can be change by project address - 15 -

  17. 3. System Review h. PERS data download(Managerial Page) • (Responsible User) Number of annual PER project by query Download summary of PER project by query Stat type Regulation Address Title Year Agree Conditional Agree Disagree Download as Excel Download as Excel 1. Summary and statistical data can be downloaded as Microsoft Excel form 2. Summary and statistical data can be restricted by search condition - 16 -

  18. Project summary 1.PER/ EIA project site location servicevia internet ① PERS spatialDB ② EIAspatialDB ③ NEAM spatialDB Full text of PER 2. Search by address 사업지개요 3. For various view, several theme map can be layered 측정질정보 Agreement opinion 4.Using NEAM, determine land use constraints and measure area by grade 5. Provide environmental measure data in the neighborhood of project site Project summary and PER/EIA full text in the neighborhood of project site Environmental measure data Land use constraints in NEAM NEAM area size by grade PER summary Process support NEAM EIA GIS PER full text EIA Summary Constraints PER GIS 3. System Review i. GIS data overview • Web based GIS service ANDpractical use of NEAM(National Environmental Assessment Map) • EIASS(Environment Impact Assessment support system)data link 협의내용 원문 - 17 -

  19. 3. System Review j. GIS screen organization 1 2 3 WEB-GIS Screen organization 1.Theme map 2.Map control : use toolbar - Move / Zoom in/ Zoom out/ Range/ Full map - Attribute view - Distance/ Area measure - Image save/ print - NEAM grade - Area size by NEAM grade 3.Theme screen 4.Index map 5.PER project search 5 4 - 18 -

  20. Proposed development area 3. System Review k. GIS data search 1. Basic map + PER site + EIA site 1 An address can be usable for location search in the map Theme map of Both sides can be selectable. Ex) Left:Project site + Basic map Right:Project site + NEAM - 19 -

  21. Project summary / Environmental measure data 3. System Review l. PER / EIA project in the neighborhood 2. Project summary and measure date in the neighborhood Use this button in the upper toolbar to view environmental measure data and project summary Proposed development area 2 - 20 -

  22. Review location constraints 3 Agricultural protection Forest Map -age-class Forest Map -density are Development protection Mountainous Area Forest Map -girth-class Road and urban area Ecological Map 3. System Review m. Determine location constraints 3. Use NEAM for determine location constraints Using a theme map layer in the left control panel, developer can determine location constraints such as legal and ecological Proposed development area - 21 -

  23. ecological grade analysis and measure area size by grade 4 3. System Review n. Ecological grade analysis 4. Use NEAM for ecological grade analysis in expecting development area and measure area size by grade Proposed development area Use this button in the upper toolbar to analyze ecological grade in proposed development area and measure area size by grade . - 22 -

  24. 3. System Review o. Self- assessment of development location Self- assessment of development location Location search using address ※ 반경입력 : km Approximate compass radius Result of self-assessment (Left image) PERS project site + EIA project site + Basic map (Right image) PERS project site + EIA project site + Basic map • Zoom in, Zoom out, Pan, Image save 5. WEB-GIS Page link (for detail GIS information) - 23 -

  25. Thank You. (Q & A) esjung@kei.re.kr

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