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SEA and Integration of Development Planning & Environmental Planning in Korea

This article examines the integration of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in South Korea, focusing on the history, present status, and future prospects of SEA. It also explores the challenges and limitations of integrating EIA and SEA, particularly in relation to the implementation of Presidential Campaign Pledge. The conclusion emphasizes the need to strengthen SEA and promote sustainable development in Korea.

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SEA and Integration of Development Planning & Environmental Planning in Korea

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  1. SEA and Integration ofDevelopment Planning&Environmental Planningin Korea Jong Ho Lee Cheongju University Republic of Korea jhlee1013@cju.ac.kr

  2. Contents Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Development of EIA & SEA Ⅲ. Present EIA & SEA Ⅳ. Future Status of SEA Ⅴ. Conclusion

  3. Ⅰ. Introduction Main Issues ● Integration of EIA & SEA (ExplicitSEA) ● Integration of Development & Environmental Planning (ImplicitSEA) ● SEA & Problems in Planning & Implementation of Presidential Campaign Pledge

  4. Ⅱ. Development of EIA & SEA : History of EIA System in Korea

  5. History of EIA System in Korea: continued

  6. Ⅲ. Present EIA & SEA 1. Comparison ofEIA and PERS

  7. 1. Comparison ofEIA and PERS: continued

  8. 2. Review on PERS revised (May, 2006)

  9. Legal System Charac-teristics Objectives assessed by PERS & EIA Main Contents Long-Term Basic Plan (National Territory Comprehensive Plan, Province Comprehensive Plan, Metropolitan Urban Plan, Urban Basic Plan etc) Macro &QualitativeImpact M O C T SEA - Rationality of plan - Location Administrative Plan (Urban Management Plan, etc.) SEA PERS “Project” EIA M O E Small Development in Conservation Area Location “Project” EIA Mitigation measures EIA Large Development 3. SEA and EIA System in Korea

  10. Ⅳ. Future Status of SEA 1. Integration of EIA System 2. Integration of Development Planning & Environmental Planning 3. Limit of SEA : Presidential Campaign Pledge beyond SEA’s Power

  11. Legal System Charac-teristics Objectives assessed by PERS & EIA Main Contents Long-Term Basic Plan (National Territory Comprehensive Plan, Province Comprehensive Plan, Metropolitan Urban Plan, Urban Basic Plan etc) Macro & Qualitative Impact M O C T SEA • - Rationality of plan • Location Administrative Plan (Urban Management Plan, etc.) PERS SEA M O E Small Development in Conservation Area “Project” EIA Location EIA “Project” EIA Mitigation measures Large Development 1. Integration of EIA System 1) Integrated EIA System of PERS & EIA of MOE: 1st Integration

  12. Legal System Charac-teristics Objectives assessed by PERS & EIA Main Contents 2nd Integration Long-Term Basic Plan (National Territory Comprehensive Plan, Province Comprehensive Plan, Metropolitan Urban Plan, Urban Basic Plan etc) Macro & Qualitative Impact SEA • - Rationality of plan • Location Administrative Plans (Urban Management Plan, etc.) 1st Integration Small Developments in Conservation Are “Project” EIA Location EIA “Project” EIA Mitigation measures Large Development 2) Integrated EIA System of PERS & EIA of MOE and SEA of MOCT:2nd Integration

  13. Planning Level Environmental Planning (EP) Development Planning National Comprehensive EP Nation National Territory Comprehensive Planning (CP) • - Province CP • Metropolitan Urban Basic • & Management Planning - Province EP - Metropolitan EP - Province - Metropolitan - City - County - City EP - County EP - Urban Basic Planning - Urban Management Planning District EP District Parts related with Metropolitan Urban Basic & Management Planning 2. Integration ofDevelopment & Environmental Planning

  14. Environmental Plan Urban Plan separate TPLMS Environmental Plan TPLMS Urban Plan linkage Urban Environmental Plan integration Example ofIntegration Process :Urban Plan andEnvironmental Plan TPLMS = Total Pollution Load Management System

  15. 3. SEA and Presidential Campaign Pledge (PCP)

  16. Location of Three Super Development Projects by Presidential Campaign Pledge EAST SEA Yellow SEA Multi-functional administrative City Saemangeum Reclamation Cheon-seong Mt. EAST SEA Seoul Yellow SEA

  17. Saemangeum Reclamation Area(Jun, 2006)

  18. Demonstration for Protestagainst Saemangeum Reclamation

  19. Sea Wall of Saemangeum Reclamation(Dec. 2005)

  20. 15cm Salamander and Cheon-seong Mt. Tunnel

  21. Multi-functional Administrative City

  22. 3. SEAand Presidential Campaign Pledge (PCP)

  23. Ⅴ. Conclusion To Conclude on problems of SEA or Sea in Korea is not easy. Can you help me to conclude my presentation ?

  24. Presidential Campaign Pledge ? ? All Pollutants Policies, Plans, Programs Policies, Plans, Programs Strong SEA Purified bySea weakened SEA Seaself-purified & producing much food for mankind ESSD ESSD ? Ⅴ. Conclusion

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