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Development of Portal Service System for National Statistics in Korea

A project to build an integrated statistical database with customized one-stop services, ensuring timeliness and accuracy, to advance national statistical infrastructure.

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Development of Portal Service System for National Statistics in Korea

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  1. 2008 MSIS Meeting 7 ~ 9 April 2008 Luxembourg Development of Portal Service System for National Statistics in Korea April 8, 2008

  2. Contents Ⅰ. Overview Ⅱ. Objectives Ⅲ. Portal Service System Ⅳ. Implementation of Database Ⅴ. Development of Portal service & mgmt system Ⅵ. Portal management system Ⅶ.Services on KOSIS Ⅷ.Some statistics on the portal system

  3. 1. Overview • A project for building the integrated DB of data compiled by 400 statistical organizations and providing one-stop services • Integrated statistical DB management & services by providing the standards of statistical DB and developing the standard system • Progress and Budget • A 3-year Project from 2006 to 2008 • Budget: 20 billion KRW • Organization: Ministry of Public Administration and Security (coordinator), National Information Society Agency(contract & technical support), KNSO(supervisor), Project operator (system development)

  4. 1. Overview (contd) General users Experts “User-friendly statistical services of high quality” by integrating all statistical data into the DB Customized one-stop services Integrated DB Automated collection 4

  5. 1. Overview (contd) Awareness that ‘statistics are a major infrastructure as public goods’ and need for strengthening the statistical infrastructure Essential for national development According to the directions on the expansion of national statistical infrastructure by the President in Oct. 2004, the Special Committee for National Statistical Infrastructure decided on the KNSO building an Integrated DB system of national statistics in March 2005.

  6. 2. Objectives User-oriented one-stop statistical information service Core infrastructure Timeliness Accuracy Building a one-stop portal service Common use of national statistics Building an Integrated DB Revision of related laws • Common use of integrated DB data among agencies • Development and distribution of cutting-edge standard Web service modules • Link with the KNSO micro data service system • Revision of the Statistics Act • Cooperation among agencies • Integrating and linking data from all statistical agencies into an integrated DB • One-stop statistical portal site • Advanced analysis function • Customized services • Designing a standard DB model • Building an automatic collection system Building a system for all agencies’ participation

  7. 3. Portal Service System (yearly plan) 2006 2007 2008 • ISP for building an integrated DB for • national statistics in 2005 stabilization • Standardization of codes • Improvement of statistical tables • Improvement of DB system and expansion of distribution • Building and integrating an DB (47 organizations) expansion • Improvement of integrated DB management system- Monitoring and reorganizing tables • Improvement of portal service system-Services in English and for the disabled • Improvement of DB system and expansion of distribution • Integration of e-National Indicators • Planning to integrate micro data • Building and integrating an DB (47 organizations) implementation • Development of integrated DB management system • Development of portal service system • Development and distribution of DB system for statistical organizations • Building and integrating an DB (40 organizations) 7

  8. 3. Portal Service System (Configuration) System Configuration Statistical organizations Link system Statistical information system Service system forusers Agencies using a distributed DB Automatic collection Provision of statistical data General users DB for statistical work Quality management Distributed DB Provision of classifications Portal services Automatic collection and conversion Agencies with own DB Data retrieval service Agencies with own DB Integrated DB for national statistics Direct input Agencies without DB Analysis service Experts Customized service Agencies without DB Common use Integrated DB management system Input management Organization management DB system of designated organizations Community service Index management Meta data input Quality management 8

  9. 4. Implementation of Database 343 kinds of designated statistics from 87 organizations ( 2006 ~ 2007 ) 2009... 2008 254 organizations 2007 2006 47 organizations (560 kinds) 47 organizations (158 kinds) 40 organizations (97 kinds) (246 kinds ) 9

  10. 4. Implementation of Database (contd) • Organizations with DB (87 organizations) • Data Amount 10

  11. 4. Implementation of Database (contd) Quality of DB Integrated DB for National Statistics DB construction • Twice inputting of numerical data • Error rate of less than 0.001% • Excel conversion program • 1st review (Project operator) • 2nd review (KNSO) • 3rd review (Organizations concerned) • DB conversion program 11

  12. 5. Development of Portal Service & management system Building and operating an information system for efficient use of national statistics • Development and distribution of a standard DB system for statistical organizations to input data directly • An Integrated DB Management System for statistical organizations to collect data automatically and manage their quality • A Portal Service System of National Statistics for users to easily retrieve what data they want 12 12

  13. 5. Development of Portal Service & management system Work in 2006 • Designing an integrated DB for national statistics- Selecting a model for an integrated DB and designing the DB • Development of an input management system for the integrated DB [Development of a DB system for free distribution)- Web-based input and management system • Development of a quality management system • Development of an automatic collection system for designated statistics • Development of a data sharing system of the integrated DB • Development of a portal service system for national statistics 13

  14. 5. Development of Portal Service & management system Work in 2007 • Improvement of the Input and Management System of Integrated DB • - Development of a system for monitoring automatic collection • - Building a system for preventing data repetition • - Development of a system for reorganizing tables • - Building a system for checking inconsistencies and a security system • Improvement of the portal services • - Building an English website • - Easy access to the Web portal site and standardization • - Development of new contents related to statistics • - Development of data analysis function • Regular survey and analysis on statistical demand and feedback of survey results • Development of the meta DB system for statistical agencies • Improvement of the DB management system for statistical agencies 14

  15. 5. Development of Portal Service & management system (2008) 1. Build a DB for158 kinds of statistics from 47 organizations • 2. Build a system • Web-based system for common use of standard classifications and items • Data conversion and transmission of statistical agencies with own DB • Improvement, provision and training of the distributed DB management system • Build a publication edit system • Improvement of e-national indicator system • Regular survey on statistical demand • Improvement of a portal service • Improvement of statistical knowledge shop and Meta DB system 3. Addition of storage and dual-server construction 15

  16. 5. Development of Portal Service & management system (2008) Build a DB for158 kinds of statistics from 47 organizations • Target organizations • Target data ■ The KNSO plans to build an integrated DB from all central governmental agencies in 2008. ※ The DB built in 2008 will be provided to the public from Feb 1, 2009. 16

  17. 5. Development of Portal Service & management system ( Major S/W in use )

  18. Statistical information system 6. Portal management system ( configuration ) and managementsystem Manage integrated DB input Manage statistical organizations Check the quality of integrated Manage integrated index Input meta data into integrated DB Statistical agencies to compile approved statistics Linking system statistical information services Using disseminated DB Automatic collection Statistical Portal Service Checking Quality Classification services Integrated DB of National Statistics Using their own DB Automatic collection ←Conversion Retrieving services Information analysis services without computational servers Direct input Customer- tailored services Common system of statistical DB Community services

  19. 6. Portal management system ( Automatic collection) • Data collection, transformation and load automatically • By scheduler in the server, automatically load and update data periodically from organizations • Process management using meta data • Send/receive data • Monitor : Progress, Process, Job schedule etc

  20. 6. Portal management system (input & Mgmt of DB ] Input procedure Input meta data Input numeric data Design input/output format direct Statistical DB excel Standard format Search in various ways graph download print display

  21. 6. Portal management system ( input & Mgmt of DB ] • Produced statistics are input into Statistical DB and input data are maintained and managed continuously (1) Input meta data (2) Design input/output formats (3) Input numeric data - 3 input methods : online, Ms-excel, NSO standard input • Data management • Reconstruction of previously input data • Change of metadata

  22. 7. Service on KOSIS ( main page]

  23. 7. Service on KOSIS ( function] KOSIS Statistical Information Various Contents User Search Index, Category Search Engine Analysis Data by topic, category OLAP Expert One-Stop Service Customized User class Customized Community Communication Share Information Organization QC Collect Data Education Active Integrated DB

  24. 7. Service on KOSIS ( function] • Search • by Category, in Directory, Quick • restraint systems • by topic, survey name, organization • classification, item • Display tables • pivot, drill, sort, chart • total, rate, analytical data • Recently approved Statistics • Easy, interesting contents

  25. 8. Some statistics on the Portal System • Data stored in the integrated DB

  26. 8. Utilization of portal service 7. Service on KOSIS ( main page] 8. Some statistics on the Portal System • Monthly utilization (in 1000 people, 1000 pages) • Before vs After (in 1000 page)

  27. Thank you for your kind attention !! Daehyoung LEE Director General Statistical Information Service Bureau Korea National Statistical Office ldh@nso.go.kr Chanil SEO Director Statistical Data Collection & Mgmt Div. Korea National Statistical Office charlie88@nso.go.kr

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