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Better Education through Reformed Management and Universal Teacher Upgrading. M inistry Of Education and Culture, INDONESIA. Teacher Status Public Service and Non. Philippines. Cambodia. India. India. Lao PDR. Philippines. Vietnam. Korea, Rep. Thailand. Mongolia. Cambodia. Lao PDR.
Better Education through Reformed Management and Universal Teacher Upgrading Ministry Of Education and Culture, INDONESIA
Philippines Cambodia India India Lao PDR Philippines Vietnam Korea, Rep. Thailand Mongolia Cambodia Lao PDR Mongolia Vietnam UK China China Thailand Korea, Rep. Indonesia Malaysia Japan US Malaysia Indonesia UK Japan US Teacher student ratio SD SMP 56.24 37.09 41.33 32.32 34.93 25.66 25.59 31.26 24.86 30.77 23.59 30.64 21.52 24.65 19.05 21.05 18.61 20.68 18.24 20.29 17.72 19.56 14.92 18.92 14.23 17.1 13.22 14.81 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Source: Edstats database
Minimum hours of Teaching for certification Rata-rata 29% 28% 6% 30% 8% SD 11% 18% 6% 51% 13% 40% 41% 8% 9% SMP 43% 38% 5% 11% 2% SMA/SMK 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1-12 jam 13-23 jam 24 jam 25-36 jam >36 jam
A model of Continuing Professional Development (CPD MGMP S S KKG S MGMP S KKG univ QA Institution (LPMP) S MGMP univ KKG S S S 2.783.321 teachers MGMP S univ Education Development Center ( P4TK ) KKG S MGMP S QA Institution (LPMP) S KKG S MGMP S 258.000 schools univ S S S KKG MGMP MGMP S QA Institution (LPMP) KKG S MGMP = Working group for teachers at secondary school level S MGMP S KKG KKG = Working group for teachers at primary school level S Provincy Distric and Subdistric level
National Provincial District Cluster School TRAINING District chooses core Team (DCT) with 6 supervisors, principals, senior instructors) Dinas Provinsi proposes Provincial Core Team (PCT) Tutors/Guru Inti coordinate the implementation of activities P4TK establishes Tim Pengembang made up senior instructors, lecturers, other experts* Report and Dissemination LPMP selects PCT in coordination with Dinas Provinsi LPMP selects DCT in coordination with DinasKabupaten • Outputs: • Curriculum, Syllabus, LP • Student worksheets • Test items, item bank • CAR report & learning model • Critical Review, LJ, & portfolio • Teacher Map Tim pengembang develops modules*, training system, training at district level Dev School Curriculum & Syllabus Lesson Plans Monitoring Sub. mat. & Critical Review** Test analysis & test bank • Teachers implement • activities in classroom • School Curriculum • Lesson Plan • Test • CAR • Critical Review • Learning Journal LPMP receives training reports (as part of grant output) DCT conducts training for cluster representatives: Tutors/Guru Inti (2 per cluster) Tim pengembang conducts tarining for PCT & DCT LJ, Portfolio & ICT for learning TLI & CAR On-Service Teacher Quality Teacher Performance Evaluation University evaluates training for credit (SKS) Dinas uses training certificate for career promotion Community involvement Tim Pengembang monitorsDCT training & provides feedback at Prov & Dist PCT monitors training & provides feedback at District and cluster level DCT monitors cluster activity & provides feedback Notes: TOT at national level conducted at the region, based on the need of teachers quality improvement: Java and Bali group; Sumatera, Sulawesi, NTB and Kalimantan group; NTT, Maluku and Papua group *Tim Pengembang experts would beexperts in the areas of CLCC, MBE, CTL, etc. Develop modules and training materials on the 3 MGMP subjects and KKG class/subject (together with BINDIKLAT and PROFESI; possibly involve best-practice clusters). The module development team consists of LPTK, senior teachers, widyaiswara, ** Critical review includes learning journal, portfolio, and internet connectivity use
National Provincial District Cluster School School Curriculum & Lesson Plan Development Tutors/guru inti train cluster members DCT gives training to 2 tutors/ guru inti from each cluster) (part of district training package) Training of DCT on Curr. Dev., LP Dev. (part of national training package) Teachers develop & discuss sample individual school curriculum & LP Finalize school curriculum & LP Technical Assistance from university, other experts Review by facilitator Technical Assistance from DCT Revise school curriculum and lesson plan LPMP receives Curriculum and LP and files (as part of grant outputs) Curriculum and LP received by facilitator for final approval Implement revised curriculum and LP Dinas uses curriculum and LP for career promotion (KUM) University evaluates curriculum and LP for credit (SKS)
National Provincial District Cluster School Test Development, Analysis, Test Item Banking Tutors/Guru Inti train cluster members DCT gives training to 2 tutors/guru inti From each cluster (part of district training package) Training of DCT on testing (part of national training package) Teachers develop student worksheet and test items; analyze the Nat’l test Teacher use student worksheet and test in the classroom Tests from all teachers compiled, evaluated Teacher evaluates results, picks good questions, eliminates bad Cluster data bank developed and maintained yearly LPMP receives final test items and student worksheets (as part of grant outputs) Cluster works with publisher to print and publish the student worksheets University evaluates output for credit (SKS) Dinas uses output for career promotion (KUM)
National Provincial District Cluster School Classroom Action Research (CAR) Model Tutors/Guru Inti train cluster members Training of PCT on the principle of CAR and give examples (part of national training package) DCT gives training to 2 tutors/guru inti from each cluster (part of district training package) All cluster members participate in development of proposal and defining learning approach Technical Assistance from university, other experts Implement approach in the classroom with peer observation Refine learning approach LPMP receives CAR and files (as part of grant outputs) 3 cycles Reflection Disseminate best province models through symposium and select 3 best Disseminate best district models through symposium and select 3 best Disseminate cluster learning model through workshop and select 3 best models Finalize new learning model and report; submit to university and district Disseminate new models in national bulletin Disseminate new models in provincial bulletin Disseminate new model in district newsletter University evaluates output for credit (SKS) Dinas uses output for career promotion (KUM) One group of 8 teachers from each grade (KKG) or subject (MGMP) produce 1 CAR report and 1 learning model (teaching aids and learning media). Grant will be used among others to provide technical assistance. Teachers at school may join in this project.
National Provincial District Cluster School Subject Materials & Critical Review Tutors/guru inti train cluster members Training of DCT on the principle of Critical Review * (part of national training package) DCT gives training to 2 tutors/Guru Inti from each cluster (part of district training package) Discuss subject materials (important topics) Discuss critical review with teachers of same subject to get input & share Technical Assistance from university, other experts Groups of 4 teachers select journal, study, etc and write initial draft critical review Refine critical review LPMP receives Critical Review and files (as part of grant outputs) Dinas uses report when evaluating teacher for career promotion (KUM) University evaluates critical review for credit (SKS) Finalize the paper and disseminate Teachers implement ideas/results in school Disseminate review in national bulletin Disseminate review in provincial bulletin Disseminate review in district newsletter * One group of 4 teachers produce 1 academic paper (critical review of education journal or studies or CAR result from other teachers/schools). Grant will be used among others to provide technical assistance. Teachers at school may join in this project.
National Provincial District Cluster School Teacher Mapping / Evaluation Training of PCT on the principle of CAR and give examples (part of national training package) DCT gives training to 2 designated members from each cluster Tutors/Guru Inti train cluster members District forum develop a mapping strategy Prepare teacher to be observed On-service: Observation on teacher performance by team of tutors/Guru Inti and provide feedback Tutors/guru inti analyze teacher strengths/weakness and identify training needs Technical Assistance from DCT Technical Assistance from university, other experts Paper and pencil test Independent team analyzes results Evaluation: observation on teacher performance by independent team (principal, supervisor, university expert) LPMP receives results and files (as part of grant outputs) District analysis of strengths/weaknesses, training needs & teacher performance LPMP receives copy and analyzes all results in province PMPTK analyzes all results nationally District analyzes self-evaluation of schools and cluster School self-evaluation (annual) Cluster self-evaluation
National Provincial District Cluster School Study Visit, Internship & Teacher Exchange Program Identify and maintain records of best practice models P4TK & PMPTK keep records and inform on best practice clusters in the nation DinasPendidikan and LPMP maintain database and inform on best-practice clusters in the province Dinas identifies model clusters and submits results to LPMP District Forum receives information on best practice models A cluster identifies its needs and determines type of model cluster to visit Forum KKG-MGMP assists cluster in arranging study visit District prepares instrument for visit Model cluster visited (could be district, province, national) Report on results Teachers implement ideas from visit in school Disseminate visit results at forum LPMP receives final report outputs (as part of grant outputs)
1. Increased number of teachers meeting academicqualification mandated by the Teacher Law • Baseline value : 900,000 guru (05 Maret 2007) • End-of-Project Target Value: 1,400,000 guru (12 Maret 2013) • Progress to date: 1 250 791………….. (May 2012)
2. Increased number of primary and junior secondary teachers in BERMUTU Districts using classroom instruction with specific subject and age appropriate pedagogy - Baseline Value : 17,000 Teachers (05 Maret 2007) - End-of-Project Target Value : 190,000 Teachers (12 Maret 2013) - Progress To Date : .214 380. Teachers (30 May 2012
3. Reduction in absenteeism of teachers in BERMUTU Districts • Baseline Value : 19% guru (05 Maret 2007) • End-of-Project Target Value : 15 % guru (12 Maret 2013) • Progress To Date :14% (30 May 2012)
4. Increased numbers of teachers gaining recognition for prior learning (RPL) from accredited universities • Baseline value : ………….. Teachers (05 Maret 2007) • End-of-Project Target Value: 700,000 Teachers (12 Maret 2013) • Progress to date: 580 000 Teachers (30 Mai 2012)
5. Increased numbers of active KKG/MGMPs, KKKS/MKKS, KKPS/MKPS in Bermutu Districts • Baseline value : 1,200 cluster (05 Maret 2007) • End-of-Project Target Value: 4,500 cluster (12 Maret 2013) • Progress to date:6364 cluster (30 May 2012)
6. Increased numbers of beginning teachers being provided with school induction programs in Bermutu Districts • Baseline value : …………. guru (05 Maret 2007) • End-of-Project Target Value: 3,000 guru (12 Maret 2013) • Progress to date: ………….. will be implemented in 2013
Budget allocation • 20% since 2009 • Have education performances increased? • How could the be measured?
Access is to be quality Access • Does access to education increase for all school age children? • Are teachers more qualified and competent? • Does inequity to access education service reamain a problem?
Issues on Teacher Development • How to assess teacher performance? • Teacher college position • Teacher distribution and redistribution
Issues on District management • How is the capacity of district goverments in managing education service in the decentralized system? • Is the scholarship program sufficient • How could local goverment control teachers’ performance? Is there any sanction mechanism inplaced for the nonperformed teachers?
Student learning outcome • Are indonesian students achieving higher scores in the international test such as PISA? TIMMS?
Provoking thoughts • Much need to be learnt on student learning outcomes • Has to analyze students learning outcomes especially after 20% national budget for education has been allocated