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Future of user research-unlock 2021

In the coming years, UI and UX will become something that users will take for granted. So the question is not whether the design is good or not.

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Future of user research-unlock 2021

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  1. Future of User Research U n l o c k 2 0 2 1 INTRODUCTION Inthecomingyears, UIandUX willbecomesomethingthat userswilltakeforgranted. So thequestionisnotwhetherthe designisgoodornot. INTRODUCTION Thisiswhatitshouldbe. If someonedownloadsa complexapplication, they willsimplydeleteit. Peoplewon’tuseproducts thatdon’tworkperfectly. WHY IS USER TESTING SO IMPORTANT? Whenitcomestodeveloping yourorganization’swebsite anddigitalservices, user testingcanoftenbeseenas anoptionalpartofthe broaderdesignprocess. HOW IT WORKS? Ifacustomerwantstoruna smallusertestin-house, therearesometoolslike Lookback, forexample, whereyoucantakepictures ofusersaswellasrecord thephonescreen. HOW HAS DIGITAL DESIGN CHANGED? Werememberthosedays, for example, 10yearsago, whenwe workedwithPhotoshopondesign. THE FUTURE OF UX RESEARCH IS REALISTIC Prudentandpragmatic, wedonotlose sightofthevalueofbasicresearch. Our productteamsneedfundamental researchtobetterunderstandtheir customers’ environment, motivations, andconcerns. THE FUTURE OF UX RESEARCH AT BIG MOMENTS Thefutureofourdiscipline mustrecognizethatour strengthisnotonlyinour abilitytogeneratecustomer insights. UNLOCKING THE FUTURE Nomatterwhereyouwork, iflearning fromclientsisapriorityinyour organization, youwillhavemany opportunitiestoinnovateandimprove efficiencybysharingyourresearch expertisewithotherdisciplines. Formoredetails, youmayvisitwww.iauro.com.

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