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EURISOL DS : Status and Future

EURISOL DS : Status and Future. * On leave from IPN Orsay.

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EURISOL DS : Status and Future

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  1. EURISOL DS : Status and Future * On leave from IPN Orsay We acknowledge the financial support of the European Community under the FP6 “Research Infrastructure Action - Structuring the European Research Area” EURISOL DS Project Contract no. 515768 RIDS . The EC is not liable for any use that can be made of the information contained herein. Yorick Blumenfeld CERN-ISOLDE*

  2. EURISOL DS • LatestTechnical Achievements • Managerial achievements • Proposals for the Future

  3. 1 GeV/q H-, H+, 3He++ n-generator UCx target H- HWRs 176MHz Elliptical ISCL 704 MHz 3-spoke ISCL 325 MHz Elliptical ISCL 704 MHz RFQ 176 MHz 4-MW target station b = 0.3 b = 0.47 b = 0.65 b = 0.78 b = 0.09, b = 0.15 100 keV 1+ ion source 1.5 MeV/u 60 MeV/q 140 MeV/q H+, D+, 3He++ >200 MeV/q D+, A/q=2 Ion sources A possible schematic layout for a EURISOL facility One of several 100-kW direct target stations Low-resolution mass-selector Secondary fragmentation target Spoke ISCL 264 MHz 8 HWRs ISCL 176 MHz 3 QWRs ISCL 88 MHz QWR ISCL 88 MHz Charge selector Bunching RFQ RFQs High-resolution mass-selector Charge breeder b = 0.385 b = 0.27 b = 0.14 b = 0.065 20-150 MeV/u (for 132Sn) 9.3- 62.5 MeV/u 2.1-19.9 MeV/u To high-energy experimental areas To low-energy areas To medium-energy experimental areas

  4. Spoke cavities development @ IPN Orsay • 2 prototypes at =0.15 and =0.35 fabricated and successfully tested at 4.2 K. • This technology is the basis for the 3-Spoke required by the Driver linac Spoke cavity tuner EURISOL Task 8: Sébastien Bousson – IPN Orsay

  5. Liquid Hg converters Coaxial Guided Stream Windowless Transverse Mercury Film

  6. Off-line test in Hg loop at IPUL Mats Lindroos

  7. Liquid mercury converter The CGS design The WTMF design Mats Lindroos

  8. New Target Concept

  9. 100kW Targets 17th September 2007

  10. CaO344 online Apr 2007Experimental data Closed valve leak rate : 0.3% Ratio 34Ar : 95% (OO)/(OF+FO) 35Ar : 83% Symmetry : 34Ar : 94% (FO)/(OF) 35Ar : 92% Ion source efficiency : (FO or OF) Ar : 5.1% (OO) Ar : 4.9% 35Ar O: Open F: Closed E. Bouquerel, L. Penescu, E. Barbero, D. Carminati, R. Catherall, B. Crepieux, J. Lettry, S. Marzari, E. Noah, T. Stora, R. Wilfinger T. Stora

  11. 2 mm ISOL targets and ion sources HfO2 felts • Ion sources (>5): • Surface • FEBIAD, ECR • RILIS • Target materials (30): • Refractory oxides and carbides (Al2O3, SiC) • Solid metals (Ta, Nb, Mo) • Molten metals (Pb, La, Sn). 100 mm nm/sub-mm SiC High density UCx Ta foils L. Tecchio for Task 4 4 Targets 4 Ion-sources 1 Front-end 20 mm ISOLDE UCxpressed pellets 17th September 2007

  12. 100kW oxide target design • Prototype test preparation at TRIUMF • Proton E=0.5 GeV, Pmax= 50 kWwobbling envisaged 17th September 2007

  13. Liquid metal loop Irradiation cell Diffusion chamber EM pump Heat exchanger To be tested at IPUL Mats Lindroos

  14. MUST2 + TIARA Testing Instrumentation Concepts for EURISOL Task 10 : Physics and Instrumentation Robert Page

  15. EURISOL has a stable Design, validated by worldwide experts • During the final year, the work is concentrated on prototype building and testing

  16. Management Achievements • EURISOL User Group: Angela Bonaccorso, chair. First workshop Jan. 2008; Charter established; election of executive committee: 27candidates for 8 seats, 354 voters. • Site Investigation Panel : A. Shotter, G. Cuttone, D. Geesaman, A. Mueller, S. Myers. 3 meetings. Will report to steering committee in November • Third annual report accepted for scientific part. Comments on financial part received last week. • Review panels organized for MMW converter and post accelerator. • Production of brochure for General Public • Next Town Meeting March 30-April 1 2009 in Pisa. • Defining strategy for the future of EURISOL

  17. Proposal for the Future of EURISOL • EURISOL has made use of EC instruments: 5th framework RTD and 6th framework DS. • Major advances have been achieved and a large community with varied technical expertise has developed and must continue to be nurtured • Full engineering report necessary before Pre-construction phase: No (evident) EC instrument for funding. • We (the EURISOL DS MB) propose to form a EURISOL collaboration consisting of laboratories interested in participating in the continuing effort.

  18. Role of the EURISOL Collaboration • Follow the scientific and policy recommendations of NuPECC • Promote and Coordinate the R&D to further EURISOL, including work at intermediate generation facilities • Solicit support of the funding agencies, in particular through the NuPNET Eranet, and explore other funding opportunities (EC, intercontinental…) • Interact with the EC >> entry on the ESFRI list. • Goal : Produce an engineering report for the facility • Support the EURISOL User Group; organize Town Meetings • Has been endorsed by NuPECC, thank you!

  19. Multi-Community Design Study on High Power Targets : Neutrinos, Neutrons and Ions • Establish limits for Liquid metal and solid target technology • Study common infrastructure and collect data for licensing work • Computer studies of cavitation and bubble development, determination of shock fronts and studies of the beam/pressure pulse • Off-line studies at liquid metal target laboratories such as IPUL in Latvia, SNS in Oak Ridge and J-Parc in Tokai • Beam tests to study cavitation and mitigation at high instantaneous beam intensity facilities such as ISOLDE and AGS • In-beam tests at a high power facility of new concepts Under Discussion

  20. Organization of the EURISOL Collaboration • Collaboration board representing participants >> Elects collaboration chairperson and appoints project leader. • Project office supported by a modest collaboration fee (~5000 E/year/lab). • Engineering work coordinated by project leader and funded by funding agencies (+ other), preferably coordinated by NuPNET. • Work divided into work packages

  21. EURISOL Work Packages (3-5 years) • Management (Project Office) • RIB production: Specific prototyping and tests • Neutron converter in beam • Fission target in n flux • New target materials; liquid metal direct target • Novel beam splitter system… • Prototyping at “intermediate” facilities; linked to EUR-ISOL Net in ENSAR • Documentation and licensing • Infrastructure • Updating the science case : coordinated by EURISOL User group

  22. Requests • Very approximate price tag: 2M€/year for 4 years. • We would like the support of NuPECC to implement this plan (and welcome your suggestions). • Collaboration launched by the EURISOL Steering Committee in Nov. 2008 • Startup should be in fall 2009

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