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Using Search in Problem Solving. Part I. Basic Concepts. Initial state Goal/Target state Intermediate states Path from the initial to the target state Operators/rules to get from one state to another All states - search space
Basic Concepts • Initial state • Goal/Target state • Intermediate states • Path from the initial to the target state • Operators/rules to get from one state to another • All states -search space We search for a path / sequence of operators to go from the initial state to the goal state
Initial state Target state
Search Space • Search problems can be represented as graphs, where the nodes are states and the arcs correspond to operations. • The set of all states: search space
Graphs and Trees 1 • Graph: a set of nodes (vertices) with links(edges) between them. • A link is represented usually as a pair of nodes, connected by the link. • Undirected graphs:the links do not have orientation • Directed graphs:the links have orientation
Graphs and Trees 2 • Path:Sequence of nodes such that each two neighbors represent an edge • Cycle: a path with the first node equal to the last and no other nodes are repeated • Acyclic graph: a graph without cycles • Tree: undirected acyclic graph, where one node is chosen to be the root
Graphs and Trees 3 • Given a graph and a node: • Out-going edges:all edges that start in that node • In-coming edges :all edges that end up in that node • Successors (Children):the end nodes of all out-going edges • Ancestors (Parents):the nodes that are start points of in-coming edges
G1: Undirected graph A B C D E Path: ABDCAE Cycle: CABEC Successors of A: E, C, B Parents of A: E, C, B
A B G2: Directed graph C D E Path: ABDC Cycle: no cycles Successors of A: C, B Parent of A: E
Search Trees • More solutions: More than one path from the initial state to a goal state • Different paths may have common arcs • The search process can be represented by a search tree • In the search tree the different solutions will be represented as different paths from the initial state • One and the same state may be represented by different nodes
Search methods • Basic (uninformed, blind, exhaustive): • breadth-first • depth-first • Heuristic (informed): • hill climbing • best-first • A*
Breadth-First Search Algorithm: using a queue 1. Queue = [initial_node] , FOUND = False 2. While queue not empty and FOUND = False do: Remove the first node N If N = target node then FOUND = true Elsefind all successor nodes of N and put them into the queue. In essence this is Dijkstra's algorithm of finding the shortest path between two nodes in a graph.
Depth-first search Algorithm: using a stack 1. Stack = [initial_node] , FOUND = False 2. While stack not empty and FOUND = False do: Remove the top node N If N = target node then FOUND = true Else find all successor nodes of N and put them onto the stack.
Comparison of depth-first and breadth-first search Breadth-first:without backtracking Depth-first :backtracking. Length of path:breadth-first finds the shortest path first. Memory:depth-first uses less memory Time:If the solution is on a short path - breadth first is better, if the path is long - depth first is better.
Heuristic Search Heuristic search is used to reduce the search space. Basic idea: explore only promising states/paths. We need an evaluation function to estimate each state/path.
Hill climbing Basic idea: always head towards a state which is better than the current one. There is no exhaustive search, so no node list is maintained.
Hill Climbing - Algorithm • Start with current-state = initial-state. • Until current-state = goal-state OR there is no change in current-state do: • Get the successors of the current state and use the evaluation function to assign a score to each successor. • If one of the successors has a better score than the current-state then set the new current-state to be the successor with the best score.
Hill Climbing • Node list is not maintained • No problems with loops since we move to a better node • If a solution is found, it is found for a very short time with minimal memory requirements • Finding a solution is not guaranteed – the local maxima problem
Best First Search • The node with the best score is chosen to be expanded. • Works in breadth-first manner, keeps a data structure (called agenda, based on priority queues) of all successors and their scores. • If a node that has been chosen does not lead to a solution, the next "best" node is chosen, so eventually the solution is found • Always finds a solution, not guaranteed to be the optimal one.
Best First Search Algorithm • 1. Start with agenda = [initial-state]. • 2. While agenda is not empty do • A. Pick the best node on agenda. • B. If it is the goal node then return with success. Otherwise find its successors. • C. Assign the successor nodes a score using the evaluation function and add the scored nodes to the agenda
Comparison with hill-climbing Similarities:best-first always chooses the best node Difference:best-first search keeps an agenda as in breadth-first search, and in case of a dead end it will backtrack, choosing the next-best node.
The A* Algorithm An evaluation function that accounts for - the cost of the paths - the score of the nodes F(Node) = g(Node) + h(Node) g(Node) - the costs from the initial state to the current node h(Node) - future costs, i.e. node score Disadvantage of A* is the memory requirement - the algorithm keeps records for the entire tree.
The A* Algorithm A* always finds the best solution, provided that h(Node) does not overestimate the future costs.
A 4 10 2 9 H : 5 B: 9 D : 10 4 F : 6 2 4 6 C: 8 K: 5 E: 7 8 10 7 8 J: 4 G: 0 Example Start: A Goal: G