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Making Arizona “EXIT Country”. Real Office Assistant as an integral part of the growth, branding, and profitability of EXIT Realty Arizona. Why am I here? Because stuff is happening!. Regional RealOA Extranet www.ExitAzHelpDesk.com The business of YOUR REGION! Integrate to your office
Making Arizona “EXIT Country” Real Office Assistant as an integral part of the growth, branding, and profitability of EXIT Realty Arizona
Why am I here? Because stuff is happening! • Regional RealOA Extranet • www.ExitAzHelpDesk.com • The business of YOUR REGION! • Integrate to your office • Can you imagine a serious company not providing the tools, resources, and information its staff needs to be successful? • Its FREE
Why? Who won the race?
They Won … • Because ‘they’ understand that Communication IS THE FOUNDATION that success is built on. • Because successful companies, of any size, draw the top talent from the pool AND THEY KEEP IT. • Because all the parts are managed like a smooth running machine – baby, the machine RUNS!
How do you distribute tools, resources, & information? • Localized Information: • Tax assessor, • Schools • An inspector who can make a 10am tomorrow Floor Schedules Training Classes Tools and services???? Open House Assistance Special Buyer Needs Company Events How do I get important documents? … at 9:30pm Sunday night? Company Policies and Guidelines … which change as fast as you grow! Home sick and I need a sub to take my clients to see ... I wish I had a company roster I can’t print … and I need to be at the listing presentation in an hour. New Listings Fulfillment Guidelines and deadlines
Like this? • Localized Information: • Tax assessor, • Schools • An inspector who can make a 10am tomorrow Floor Schedules Training Classes Tools and services???? Open House Assistance Special Buyer Needs How do I get important documents? … at 9:30pm Sunday night? Company Policies and Guidelines … which change as fast as you grow! Company Events Home sick and I need a sub to take my clients to see ... I wish I had a company roster I can’t print … and I need to be at the listing presentation in an hour. New Listings Fulfillment Guidelines and deadlines
The new Region-wide Communication Center and Help Desk www.ExitAzHelpDesk.com • Exclusively for the use of EXIT Realty companies throughout Arizona. • Access regional calendars, discussions, schedules, announcements, and more. • Download documents and other files • Marketing • Training • General info – Open Houses • Help Desk: Ticket based help desk to help resolve EXIT Franchise or Regional Admin topics or questions. • Discounted pricing to your office
Our Goal? • To see if a Real Office Assistant intranet would benefit your office.
Testimonial – Keny Terracciano • Real Office Assistants has become our company hub to allow our agents to communicate, view activities, and easily access all of our company information from any computer in the world. This product has made running a multi-office company much easier and efficient, and our agents utilize it daily.
And this is what it does • Traditional button links • Unlimited online calendars • Ticket based, online Help Desk • Announcement Center • Company Links • Agent Toolbox • Training Center • Online Documents • Local Links • Vendor Section • Industry News • Listing/Advertising Manager 12 1 2 4 5 3 6 9 7 8 11 10
Testimonial – Denise Ross, EXIT Grand Heritage It is with pleasure that I am writing this reference for Bill Haisman and Real Office Assistant. From the initial introduction to Real Office assistant at my previous office that I worked for, I knew that this was a valuable tool for any brokerage. When I purchased my franchise, I decided that the most important informational tool that I would put in my budget would be Real Office Assistant. I have found in the last couple years of running my brokerage that this is an essential tool that I have to have in order to be more productive in what I do best. The best thing about Real Office Assistant is that I can do the work once and benefit from it over and over again when my agents utilize it for their informational source in running their businesses on a daily basis. Some of my agents work from home and they utilize Real O. A. for managing their transactions and also to find out what's on our calendar etc. It's like with EXIT Realty, you do the work once and get paid over and over again! The other great reason to have Real O.A. is the opportunity to earn commissions back from any third party companies that decide to advertise on our Homepage. This is great for any new agents joining our office because they can see what companies are preferred and as a broker I don't have to take the time to give them business cards of every company that I do business with, it is already on the site! All I have to do is give my new agents our homepage address and they can find what they need there. I love Real Office Assistant and I hope that any brokerage out there would take the opportunity to see the benefits for their agents and give it a try!
Big Reasons CNNMoney.com • Many of you are new – EXIT is new! Keeping up is hard. • The foundation you build needs to support you for … 5 years? 10 years? • How your company shares information is the single biggest contributor to your profits outside of the actual sale. • Better run companies recruit better agents! http://money.cnn.com/2006/08/24/news/economy/newhomes/index.htm?cnn=yes
EXIT Arizona Reasons • Because the company that communicates best wins most, and the region at large is A COMPANY. • A region wide information portal enhances the relationship between franchise owners • A winning team is the team others want to work for – Your RealOA network is a strong part of the recruiting pitch for EVERYONE. • The better EXIT Arizona can connect itself to it’s franchise companies, the better the EXIT message can be delivered and more accurately it’s mission pursued. • There is no other brand in Arizona CURRENTLY utilizing such a tool to better their efforts. Whoever is first gets the legacy. • … AND, because we KNOW that when communication works ORGANIZATIONS GROW.
The Big Reasons for YOU! • Seamless integration into the EXIT Arizona Regional Extranet (www.ExitAzHelpDesk.com) • Sets up as an intranet/information hub for YOUR company • As a tool for YOUR company, improves internal process’s and communication. • Helps in your recruiting new Realtors. Top producers WANT to work at companies that make working easier AND that are investing in technology to make that happen. • Helps FREE up time on you and your manager’s desks. • As an EXIT Realty company in Arizona you get a HUGE DISCOUNT – AND the first 3 months FREE!
Lets take a look! • www.realoa.com/demo/mainoffice
Your Company’s Communication Center and INTRA-net. Two Looks! • Two templates to choose from. • Connects you to the EXIT Realty Arizona Help Desk. • Integrates to YOUR company • Service is provided by Intranets-NetsCom.com on their Real Office Assistant network. • Integrated vendor program can be leveraged to offset costs and improve services.
Justification • Make Arizona THE benchmark state • Assists recruiting efforts • LOW EXIT price, FREE – and then only $49.95. • Help your agents work together • Help your agents access tools and resources more easily
Early Adopters Program - Orders must be placed before or at the Broker/Owner meeting Place your order before or at the Broker/owner meeting and you can take advantage of HUGE discounts.. $75 first three months paid at time of order FREE $49.95 per month for the balance of first year (9 months) IF paid annually, first year is $437.13 (includes $75 for three month rate) EXIT Realty pricing (standard): Working with your regional owner we have agreed to a special price for Real Office Assistant EXCLUSIVELY for EXIT Realty companies. This 50% discount $74.95 IF paid annually, second year is $749.50 (74.95 x 10 months) Standard pricing (for comparison) is: $150 Set up $149.95 per month Vendor program: Your vendor’s are an important part of your agents daily work. Tie them to your company and give them WORKING exposure on your RealOA network. Pricing
How to Get More Info • Contact: • Bill Haisman • Intranets-NetsCom.com • Email: bill@Intranets-NetsCom.com • Phone: (805) 504-0698 • General website information can be found at: www.intranets-netscom.com
Testimonial – Nicholle Hernandez, EXIT Realty Premier Properties It is with pleasure that I send this testimonial for Real Office Assistant. I get requests frequently for testimonials that are not as easy to do as this one. Our owners have been in the real estate industry for over 5 years and have watched the internet presence develop. They wanted to have a web site specifically for our agents and staff, and through our regional owners, and we were highly recommended to check out RealOA. Bill was able to set our 3 offices up with a site that was appealing, and most importantly FUNCTIONAL! We not only use our RealOA website as a marketing tool when recruiting new agents into our office, but we also use it for EXTRA revenue every month by selling ad space to our outside vendors. Our agents love the site and use it EVERY day. It keeps our 60+ agents connected and our offices would be lost without it. As the administrator, my favorite part is the AWESOME technical support and friendly staff. Bill has been so responsive to the development and maintenance of our Internet web site, I couldn't be happier. Thanks Bill and RealOA!!
Testimonial – Danielle Morales I found out about realoa from our website provider. I had been looking into getting an intranet started for our office for a few months but was really dreading the time it would take to set it up. After speaking with a realoa representative I decided to take a chance and begin the process. I had anticipated this would take a good 2-3 months to set up before presenting it to our employees. To my surprise the entire site was up and running in a little over 2 weeks. The set up process was so easy and user friendly. The support staff at realoa was so helpful and easy to get a hold of. The entire company was amazed with the new site and swore this took months of hard work on my end. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat, my biggest mistake was not signing up for this site sooner!!!!