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Good Governance Project. . . . Two year Hefce funding: until March 2011Good governance and good relationsParticipation of students' unions and higher education institutionsImproving practice. Context. Supporting the long term sustainability, effectiveness and legitimacy of studen
1. Karen Edwards
Project Manager, Good Governance Project,
National Union of Students The National Survey on the Governance of Student Unions
2. Good Governance Project
3. Context Supporting the long term sustainability, effectiveness and legitimacy of students unions
Recognition of the value of good governance in the development of students unions
Changes in charity law
Requirement for students unions to register as charities
Regulation by the Charity Commission
4. Outputs
5. Outcomes Stronger working relationships between HEIs and students unions across the sector
Improved understanding of the value for money obtained by the sector for the investment made in students unions
Practical improvements, and greater confidence across the sector, in the governance and reporting arrangements of students unions
Accepted minimum standards for the governance arrangements of students unions, without being prescriptive as to form or structure
6. Project Steering Group Supporting the project development
Student Unions (Officers and Staff)
Higher Education Institutions
Association of Heads of University Administration
Universities UK
Committee of University Chairs
Leadership Foundation for Higher Education
7. Development of the Project The story so far:
Researching students union governance
Capturing learning from existing governance guidance, e.g. Committee of University Chairs & National Council for Voluntary Organisations
Nationwide survey of all students unions and higher education institutions
8. Project Survey 281 responses in total
160 from students unions (SU)
121 from higher education institutions (HEI)
108 distinct SUs or HEIs represented
76 responses from corresponding SU and HEI
11 responses from HEI but not SU
21 responses from SU but not HEI
Respondents span
Student population from <1,000 - >40,000
Income range <10 million - > 100 million
All mission groups
9. Initial analysis Excellent response rate
63% of all HEIs represented
70% of all SUs
Balance of perspectives
Level of congruence but also some divergence
Strong support for a sector specific governance code
10. Drivers for good relationships Top three drivers for developing and maintaining good working relationships for both SU and HEI:
Improving the student experience
Shared success
Improved student representation
11. Example of Excellence A higher education institutions perspective:
There is an open and constructive relationship with regular meetings and a sense of trust both ways. When problems arise, there seems to be no hesitation in sharing them. However, the Union is also clear about its independence and its role in representing students who have a grievance with the University
12. Example of Excellence A students union perspective:
Long history of good relations - both sides work at it
Union regards University as fair and reasonable in its funding and support
University regards Union as a highly important part of its student experience
University regards Union as efficient and well-run
13. Areas for improvement Higher education institution reflections:
The Students' Union had a particularly difficult time about three or four years ago and had severe financial difficulties. A number of staff had to be released and trading activities severely restricted. Only now are relationships back on an even keel
In part excellent, in part very strained. SU has serious governance problems currently
14. Areas for improvement Students union reflections:
The constitution is not relevant to our needs and does not ensure any independence and does not empower the SU or students to represent concerns. Also financial control is held not by the SU or the board of governors but the department of student services
Governance arrangements are inadequate and unsuitable. There is no trustee board yet, other than the three officer trustees. No external trustees are in place yet.
University is the GM's employer and responsible for decision on GM recruitment. This was one of the main points of issue between President and University management
15. HEIs feeling more optimistic?
dvdv 91% of all HEI respondents rated the relationship as Good, Very Good or Excellent compared to 69% of SUs
1/3 of SU respondents rated their relationship as less than good.
16. Principles of a good working relationship Relationship Agreement:
Strategic Partnership;
Student Centred;
Respect & Understanding;
Openness & Trust;
Mutual Support & Commitment;
Diversity & Equality;
17. Achieving Outcomes Good governance supports good relationships
Embedding good practice across the sector
Requires buy-in from both students unions and higher education institutions
Joint commitment to working together to drive up standards
18. Next Steps Further data analysis
Production of guidance
Gathering and collating case studies & examples of good practice
Further work with NCVO and the CUC
Project promotion
Any Questions?
Karen Edwards
email: karen.edwards@nus.org.uk
tel: 020 7380 6600