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Title I Annual Orientation 2011-2012

Title I Annual Orientation 2011-2012. Federal Support for World-Class Schools. Nesbit Elementary School 8/30/2011 9/1/2011. Title I Overview. The goal for our program tonight is to provide information to you about Nesbit Elementary School’s Title I Program.

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Title I Annual Orientation 2011-2012

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  1. Title I Annual Orientation2011-2012 Federal Support for World-Class Schools Nesbit Elementary School 8/30/2011 9/1/2011

  2. Title I Overview • The goal for our program tonight is to provide information to you about NesbitElementarySchool’s Title I Program. • Our school is a Title I school because we receive funds from the federal government to provide additional resources to assist with the education of our children. We qualify for these additional funds because a large percentage of our students receive free or reduced meals at our school.

  3. Title I Overview Continued • The goal of our Title I Program is to ensure every child is able to learn and perform at levels that meet or exceed the state academic standards. • The Title I federal funds we receive help to achieve this goal. • These additional resources allow us to provide enhanced instructional programs for all students and the opportunity for our parents to be involved in their children’s education. • To continue receiving these funds, there are guidelines we must follow to comply with requirements mandated by the U.S. Department of Education.

  4. AYP Status • As part of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation, schools are expected to meet goals related to student achievement and attendance. • Nesbit “Meet AYP Requirement for 2010-2011” • Briefly Discussion of CRCT Scores • Briefly Discussion of Attendance

  5. AYP Status We made AYP for the 9th Consecutive Year!!!!

  6. CRCT Math 2010-2011

  7. CRCT Reading/LA 2010-2011

  8. AYP & Attendance 2010-2011 • Nesbit Elementary School • Meet AYP for School Attendance with only 4.8% of students were absent 15 or more days • Our expectation is that Nesbit staff will continue to emphasis regular school attendance as it is essential for reaching our academic standards.

  9. Needs Assessment • Each summer, school faculty meet to review and discuss school data. This data includes the following: • AYP for the 2010-2011 Performance Year Attendance • Local School Assessment Data • Reading, Language Art, Writing, and Math, • Other Assessment Data • ITBS, Gateway, ACCESS, DIBELS

  10. Needs Assessment • Once reviewed, a detailed decision is reached regarding the needs of our school. • Nesbit Elementary school’s needs assessment revealed areas for improvement in: • Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies • Additional concerns were found in the areas of Attendance, Discipline, and Technology.

  11. Title I Plan and Budget Our school has a SchoolwideProgram (SWP) Plan called the Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to address areas in which we want to improve so all of our students will be successful. Our SWP Plan includes our Needs Assessment, details of our academic programs and activities to improve achievement, and our school plan for working with our parents to become partners in their children’s education. In addition to state and local funds, we receive the Title I funds to help us accomplish the goals that are outlined in our SchoolwideProgram Plan.

  12. Title I Plan and Budget We invite you to participate in our Title I Committee. During this meeting, parents, teachers and administrators will work to review and revise our Schoolwide Plan and Title I budget based specifically on our school’s current Needs Assessment. Our school’s Needs Assessment includes up to three years of assessment data. Our strengths and weaknesses are detailed so informed decisions about our Schoolwide Plan and use of Title I funds can be made. For more information, please contact Sharon Chen, PISC, in the Parent Center at 770-414-2771.

  13. Title I Budget - 420 • Fund 420 Allocation = $477,540 • Title I SchoolwideProgram Positions = $369,528 • 2 kindergarten teachers • 3 classroom teachers, grades 1-2 • 2 classroom teachers, grades 3-5 • Direct Instruction = $34,424 • Extended Learning Time (ELT) – Afterschool Program = 18,200 • Basic Instructional Supplies for ELT Program =$1,000 • Basic Instructional Supplies and Materials for Teacher = $4,000 • Educational Software Subscriptions = $8,224 • Brain Pop/Brain Pop – $1,100 • Reading A-Z - $3,000 • Education City – $2,110 • BookFlix – $1,544 • Starfall - $270 • Adobe Forms - $200 • Literacy Books for bookroom = $3,000

  14. Title I Budget - 420 • Media = $1,000 • Library Books = $1,000 • Instructional Support = $20,300 • Grade Level (K-5) Planning = $6,000 • OnCourse Online Lesson Planner = $5,250 • 2-Small Copiers = $9,050 • Administration = $7,750 • Extended Learning Time (ELT) – Afterschool Program Clerk = $750 • Summer Review of LSPI and School Data with NES Leadership Team = $7,000.00 • Transportation = $30,000 • Extended Learning Time (ELT) – Afterschool Program - $15,000 • Summer School Program for 15 days AM & PM - $15,000

  15. Title I Budget - 420 • Parent Involvement = $14,528 • This year we will be using Title I funds to support parent involvement by purchasing: • Supplies & Materials = $3,010 • Resources and books to support English/Spanish classes in the Parent Center • Basic Supplies for parent meetings/workshop • Books, educational games for parent check-out • Teacher supplies for Kindercamp • Refreshments for Parent Center = $500 • Light refreshments 7 during parent meetings/workshops • Printing = $500 • Flyers/announcements for parent meetings/workshops • PI information-policy, compacts, action plans • Nesbit Kindercamp = $8,118 • Intouch Parent Notification System with Emergency Notification Service = $2,410

  16. Parent Involvement Set Aside For the 2011-2012 school year, Gwinnett County Public Schools received approximately $35,000,000.00 for Title I. By law, one percent of $35,000,000.00 ($350,000.00) is “set aside” for parent involvement. About $333,000.00 goes directly back to the Title I schools. Gwinnett County Title I Principals sign assurances which confirms their agreement to “pool” their school’s parent involvement allocation to support the district’s set aside to provide a Parent Instructional Support Coordinator (PISC) at each Schoolwide Program school.

  17. Title I Parent Center We have a very active Parent Center located near the entrance of the school. Sharon Chen is the Parent Instructional Support Coordinator (PISC). The Parent Center resources and the PISC are here to support you in meeting the instructional needs of your children. Our Parent Center is a place you can always go for assistance. The Center will be offering many workshops/training sessions for parents throughout this school year.

  18. Title I Parent Handbook and Title I Parent Involvement Policy • The Title I Parent Handbook provides you with detailed information about Title I from the district, state, and federal level. Contact information is available for the GCPS Title I office. • The Title I Parent Involvement Policy describes our plan for involving you and other parents in your children’s education.

  19. Title I Parent Action Plan • The Parent Involvement Action Plan provides you with detailed information about the workshops/training sessions that will be provided this year for parents through our parent center. • . You will receive invitations and reminders about these events in your child’s Friday folder the week prior to the event. Events will be posted on the school’s website. You will receive a monthly calendar detailing all events for a specific month.

  20. Title I School/Parent Compact • One way we support student achievement is through a Title I School/Parent Compact. The Compact is an agreement we make together as administrators, teachers, parents, and students about the kinds of things we will each do to ensure your children are meeting grade level expectations. • Research shows that when parents know what their children are doing in school and help support them at home, children will be more successful in school. • Parents who serve on the Title I Committee help revise our School/Parent Compact every year.

  21. Title I Parent Receipt of Documents • The Title I Parent Involvement Packet includes the following documents: Title I Parent Handbook, our Parent Involvement Policy, the Title I Parent Involvement Action Plan, and the Title I School/Parent Compact. • This packet also includes a letter called the Title I Receipt of Documents which needs to be signed and returned to the school by your child. • The signed receipt of documents lets the school know that you have all of the Title I documents in your possession.

  22. Parents’ Rights As a parent, you have rights that you should understand. • You have the right to request information about the qualifications (certification and teaching credentials) of your child’s teacher or paraprofessional. • You have rights under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) to be notified of any planned student activities and surveys for marketing services and certain physical examinations conducted by the school district. In addition, you have the right to review and opt out of such surveys and activities.

  23. Parents’ Rights Continued • You have the right under the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 to protect the privacy of your child’s education records. • High Schools under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) must comply with a request by a military recruiter or an institution of higher education for secondary students’ names, addresses, and telephone numbers, unless you as a parent opt out of providing such information.

  24. Parents’ Rights Continued • If you have complaints or concerns about our school’s Title I Program, you may submit them to Dr. Fred Glenn, the Title I AP, or to Sharon Chen, the Parent Instructional Support Coordinator. This process is also included in the Parents’ Rights handout. • All of these parent rights are also listed in the Title I Parent Handbook and the Gwinnett County Student Handbook you received at the beginning of the school year.

  25. Parent Information Resource Center Parent Information Resource Center (PIRC) – The purpose of the PIRC Program is to assist schools and school districts in strengthening partnerships with families and implementing successful and effective parental involvement policies, programs, and activities that increase student academic achievement. Metro Atlanta Region: Communities in Schools of Georgia 600 West Peachtree Street, Suite 1200 Atlanta, GA 30308 Julie Hollis, Director jhollis@cisgeorgia.org (800) 838-5784

  26. Volunteering and Parent Needs • Please make sure that you sign–in on the parent sign-in sheets located on each table for tonight’s Title I Orientation Meeting. • The Parent Center is open. Please come by and visit. *At this time, please complete the evaluation you were given as you entered the cafeteria. Please leave these on the tables as you leave. Thank you so much for your attendance tonight. • We also ask that you sign-in when you visit your child’s classroom tonight. We appreciate your help in documenting your involvement in our school’s parent programs.

  27. Thanks Thank you to all of our parents, our students, our teachers, and our staff for your commitment to our school and for being here tonight. Together we can attain success for all of our students. As the achievement standard for NCLB continues to rise, we will meet the even higher goals that have been set for us this year.

  28. Title I Schoolwide Programssupport the Gwinnett County Public Schools’ VisionTo become a system of word- class schools where students acquire the knowledge and skills to be successful as they continue their education at the post secondary level and/or enter the work force.

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