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Building a Winning Bid Best Practices Presentation April 28, 2014 Orangeville, ON – Workshop

Building a Winning Bid Best Practices Presentation April 28, 2014 Orangeville, ON – Workshop. Agenda. Bid Process Experience and Expertise Benefits of Hosting Sport Events The Rights Holder The Bid Process Risk Management Tool Box Critical Success Factors Rights Holders Top Ten List

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Building a Winning Bid Best Practices Presentation April 28, 2014 Orangeville, ON – Workshop

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  1. Building a Winning BidBest Practices PresentationApril 28, 2014Orangeville, ON – Workshop

  2. Agenda • Bid Process Experience and Expertise • Benefits of Hosting Sport Events • The Rights Holder • The Bid Process • Risk Management Tool Box • Critical Success Factors • Rights Holders Top Ten List • Sport Event Bid Template (SEBT) • Questions?

  3. Bid Process Experience and Expertise • 1999, 2003, 2006, 2009 IIHF World Junior Championship • 2006-07, 2008-10 CIS Men’s Basketball Championships • 2008-09 17U/18U Canadian Open Volleyball Championships • 1994, 2006, 2008 Ontario Summer Games • 2007-08 CIS Women’s Ice Hockey Championships • 2007 FIFA U-20 World Cup (Canadian Bid Process) • 2007 18U Women’s Provincial Volleyball Championship • 2014 Commonwealth Games (Canadian Bid Process) • 2001 Canada Summer Games • 2000 Canadian Special Olympics National Winter Games • 1999, 2002 Memorial Cup • 1999, 2000 World League of Volleyball

  4. Benefits of Hosting Sport Events • Legacies • Infrastructure • Sport • Economic Impact • Hosting Expertise • Volunteerism and Leadership Development • Community Partnerships • Community Profile and Visibility • Community Quality of Life and Spirit

  5. The Rights Holder • Governing bodies of a specific sport or multi-sport event / Games that hold the rights to a number of sport events and related activities • Multi-Sport Organizations, Single Sport Organizations, Like-Minded Organizations • Responsible for overseeing the bid process, awarding the event to a Host Community, and the overall management of the event

  6. The Bid Process • Can be comprehensive and lengthy depending on the size and scope of the event • Can include several components – submission of bid document(s), in-person presentation(s), one or more site visits • Bid guidelines – details of the bid process, timelines, event, hosting standards, bid document requirements, selection process • Resource documentation – transfer of knowledge • Proactive and strategic approach • Bid Committees/Organizations

  7. Risk Management Tool Box Organizational Structure Operational Issues Financial Management Legal Compliance Insurance Coverage Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR)

  8. Risk Management Tool Box Politics, Ethics, Morality Communications Network Crisis Management and Response Critical Path Transition Planning Exit Strategy

  9. Critical Success Factors • Targeted and proactive approach • Good research and networking • Build a strong relationship with the rights holder • Be humble in your dealings with the rights holder and don’t be afraid to ask questions • Clear strategy and game plan • Effective and efficient human resource, financial, technology and time management • Prepare and review a bid checklist; use CSTA Resources

  10. Rights Holder Top 10 List • Motivation to Host • Host Community • Partnerships • Host Competition Venue(s) • Marketing and Communications • Business Plan • Operational Plan • Servicing the Athletes/Teams • Atmosphere and Participant Experience • Enjoy the Experience

  11. The Bid Document SECTION A – Introduction SECTION B – Community Overview SECTION C – Host Organizing Committee Overview SECTION D – Business Plan SECTION E – Operational Plan SECTION F – Conclusion / Summary SECTION G – Appendices

  12. SECTION A - Introduction • Letter of introduction and/or application form • Motivation to host the event and rationale supporting the bid initiative • Commitment to abide by the hosting standards established by the rights holder • Executive summary of key points – advantages, strengths, why select your community

  13. SECTION B – Community Overview • Community Profile • Government Support / Partnerships • Community Support / Partnerships • Community Achievements

  14. B1 – Community Profile • Overview of the community • Unique characteristics of the community that may enhance the bid • Weather profile • Transportation networks • Maps of key locations, sites and venues

  15. B2 – Government Support / Partnerships • Government partnerships are critical to a successful bid and event (Municipal, Provincial, Federal) • Nature and extent of all government partnerships must be fully disclosed • Letters of commitment/support from all government partners confirming and detailing their partnership • Government relations

  16. B3 – Community Support / Partnerships • Community partnerships are critical to a successful bid and event (cultural, educational, private sector, sport) • Nature and extent of all community partnerships must be fully disclosed • Letters of commitment/support from all community partners confirming and detailing their partnership • Community relations

  17. B4 – Community Achievements • Community resumé is a critical part of any bid submission • Sport and non-sport events • Local, Provincial, National, International • Hosting capacity and history • participants/volunteers • attendance figures • profit/loss • economic impact numbers

  18. SECTION C – HOC Overview • Legal, governing and operating structure • Organizational chart with roles and responsibilities for leadership positions • Key individuals committed to HOC leadership positions with bios • Mandate, vision, mission, core values, goals and objectives • Transition plans from Bid Committee to HOC

  19. SECTION D – Business Plan • Finance • Sales / Revenue Generation • Marketing and Communications • Human Resources • Legacy Plan • Economic Impact • Critical Path

  20. D1 – Finance • Proposed event operating and capital budgets as required • Financial projections must be realistic and achievable • Focus on revenue validity and cost efficiencies (VIK) • Budget spreadsheets/worksheets • Certified guarantor • Deficit management plan

  21. D2 – Sales / Revenue Generation • Self-generated revenue program • Ticket sales plan • Sponsorship sales plan • Merchandising and licensing plan • Fundraising plan • 50/50 • Silent and live auctions • Special projects • Donations program • Grants program

  22. D3 – Marketing and Communications • Framework to provide guidelines (target markets, objectives, messaging, etc.) • Advertising and Promotion • Branding/Official Trademarks • Design and Graphics • Media and Community/Public Relations • Photography / Video • Publications / Website • Signage and Pageantry

  23. D4 – Human Resources • Volunteer and staff program plans • Needs analysis, roles and responsibilities, timelines • Plan components – recruitment, orientation/training, coordination, assigning/scheduling and recognition • Screening program

  24. D5 – Legacy Plan • Enhances support for sport, the Host Community and the rights holder • Non-financial and financial legacies • Financial legacy – terms and conditions in the management of these funds • Non-financial legacy – facilities, sport development, equipment, educational, promotional, etc.

  25. D6 – Economic Impact • How will event impact economically on the Host Community? • Pre- and post-event economic impact studies using the Sport Tourism Economic Assessment Model (STEAM) • Include a customized economic assessment summary of the key findings, including any assumptions

  26. D7 – Critical Path • Outline the timelines that key activities will be undertaken in the planning, organizing and staging of the event • Time period – from announcement of Host Community through to completion of the event • Transition stage details very important • Project management software

  27. SECTION E – Operational Plan • Sport Technical • Host Competition Venues • Athlete/Team Services • Accommodations • Food and Beverage Services • Transportation Services • Registration and Accreditation • Security Services • Information Technology

  28. SECTION E – Operational Plan • Venue Management / Operations • Media Services • Hospitality and Protocol • Ceremonies and Special Events • Medical Facilities and Emergency Services • Bilingual Language Services • Environmental Services • Warehousing, Storage and Procurement • Risk Management

  29. E1 – Sport Technical • Proposed dates for the event and the rationale for the proposal (exclusivity) • Event schedules (competition and practice) • Equipment, materials and supplies • Coaches and officials • Results program • Test events

  30. E2 – Host Competition Venues • Select venues that are athlete focused, technically advanced and will support a great event for all stakeholders • Description of facility(ies) • Facility(ies) standards and layouts • Facility(ies) set-up requirements • Details of any facility(ies) contracts

  31. E3 – Athlete/Team Services • Outline the essential and any special services that will be provided for the benefit of the athletes, coaches and officials participating in the event • Focus on the athletes/teams • Comprehensive services • Team hosts/liaisons

  32. E4 – Accommodations • Proposed accommodations plan for all stakeholder groups • Location, capacity, on-site services • Focus on the event’s participants, particularly the athletes • Details of any accommodations contracts

  33. E5 – Food and Beverage Services • Proposed food and beverage services plan for all stakeholder groups • Location, capacity, on-site services • Focus on the event’s participants, particularly the athletes • Details of any food and beverage services contracts

  34. E6 – Transportation Services • Plans for the movement of all stakeholders • Athletes, coaches, managers and other participants plus related sport equipment and materials • VIPs, media, officials, etc. • Dedicated buses, dedicated vehicles, shuttle service, cargo vans/trucks, etc. • Emergency transportation requirements • Parking requirements

  35. E7 – Registration and Accreditation • Plans for registering and accrediting all stakeholders pre-event and during the event • Sufficient equipment, materials and resources to process the required number of registrations/accreditations at all times • Details for proposed Accreditation Centre (location, hours of operations, capacity, resources, etc.)

  36. E8 – Security Services • Plans to ensure that all event stakeholders and spectators will be provided with adequate security for their health and welfare • Multi-tiered approach • Principles of high visibility and quick response • Access control services • Emergency and Crisis Management Plan

  37. E9 – Information Technology • Plans to provide the information technology equipment and services required for the event • The acquisition, set-up and management of all IT devices, services and related infrastructures • Provide an efficient telephone and radio system that will connect all event operations

  38. E10 – Venue Management / Operations • Plans for the efficient management of all venue operations • Set-up/fit-out, maintenance and take-down • Functional accessibility • Game Day operations (competition management and presentation) • On-site services (athletes/teams, officials, medical, etc.)

  39. E11 – Media Services • Media relations plan (pre-event, during event, post-event) • Provide all the media equipment and service requirements • Provide details of available media resources (print, radio, television, Internet) • Media Centre – location, size, resources • Results Centre – location, size, resources • Broadcast Centre – location, size, resources (if applicable)

  40. E12 – Hospitality and Protocol • Awards / Medal Ceremonies • Families / Supporters Program • Honoured Guests / VIP Program • Services – accreditation, gift packages, information kiosks, preferred seating / tickets, special events and receptions, transportation, etc. • Training – staff and volunteers

  41. E13 – Ceremonies and Special Events • Opening and Closing Ceremonies • Special Events – community, participants, stakeholders • Opportunity to expand the reach of the event • Engage both the ticket holder and the non-ticket holder • Non-sports partnerships

  42. E14 – Medical Facilities and Emergency Services • Plans to provide for all of the medical needs of all stakeholders, including on-site at all venues • Describe the available medical facilities, resources and emergency services • Emergency Action Plan • Medical staffing plans • Design and implementation of the anti-doping program at the event

  43. E15 – Bilingual Language Services • Plans to communicate with and serve the event stakeholders and the public in both official languages • Comply with Canada’s Official Languages Act and policy requirements • Other languages with service requirements

  44. E16 – Environmental Services • Rights holder may have developed program guidelines to follow • Outline plans to ensure that services delivered for the event will be environmentally attainable / sustainable • Environmentally responsible in all business practices in order to reduce the environmental footprint of the event

  45. E17 – Warehousing, Storage and Procurement • HOC is responsible for the procurement and storage of all required equipment and goods for the event • Outline plans for a procurement and inventory management system (storage space and operating requirements)

  46. E18 – Risk Management • HOC is responsible for providing the necessary financial, operating and legal safeguards for the event • Outline plans to assess, plan, manage and control all potential event liabilities • Legal compliance – know the regulatory environment • Mitigate risk with appropriate insurance coverages

  47. SECTION F – Conclusion / Summary • Another opportunity to clearly spell out why the rights holder should award the hosting of their event to your community • Highlight the competitive advantages and/or strengths of your community and how you stand apart from the competition

  48. SECTION G – Appendices • Allocated for any Appendices required to supplement the bid submission • Budget spreadsheets/worksheets, organizational charts, maps, venue layouts, letters of commitment and support, etc.

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