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Academic Contributions to Renewable Energy

Academic Contributions to Renewable Energy. Charles Stanier University of Iowa Betsy Weatherhead University of Colorado. CENTER FOR GLOBAL AND REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. Major Renewable Energy Sources Biomass Solar Photovoltaic Thermal / thermal concentrating Wind Geothermal

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Academic Contributions to Renewable Energy

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  1. Academic Contributions to Renewable Energy Charles Stanier University of Iowa Betsy Weatherhead University of Colorado CENTER FOR GLOBAL AND REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH

  2. Major Renewable Energy Sources • Biomass • Solar • Photovoltaic • Thermal / thermal concentrating • Wind • Geothermal • Hydropower

  3. Major Renewable Energy Sources • Biomass • Solar • Photovoltaic • Thermal / thermal concentrating • Wind • Geothermal • Hydropower Receiving largest fraction of energy-related R&D efforts Technologically most developed and currently the most cost effective non-hydro renewable

  4. Electricity from Renewable Resources: Status, Prospects and Impediment • National Academy of Sciences, 2009 • Key results: most renewable technologies are technically “ready to go” but require: • Additional R&D for lower costs • Cost incentives, from internalization of carbon emission costs and other societal impacts • Transmission capacity to move power from source regions to demand centers

  5. For the predominant market penetration of renewable technologies (e.g. >50% of energy after 2035) • Significant, sustained, and greatly expanded R&D is required in renewable technologies, particularly in • Solar PV, distribution and transmission technologies, large-scale and distributed energy storage Most of this will not fall to earth scientists, but rather to bio- and materials-related scientists and engineers, and electrical and computer engineers Source, NAS 2009

  6. Earth science disciplines: key supporting roles • Life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of renewable energy technologies • especially important for biomass where C-balance is not that favorable and additional factors come into play, e.g. N2O and CH4 emissions are important, and albedo changes • Managing the environmental impacts associated with the large land areas required for solar, wind, and biomass • Continued improvements in climate science and climate prediction, necessary for energy policy development • Avoidance of unanticipated negative consequences of new technologies • E.g. Can we predict and avoid the equivalent of a CFC-induced ozone hole before it happens?

  7. Additional role • Academia in particular has key role for workforce development and training

  8. University of Iowa scientists and engineers are active in all three of these supporting areas GHG Accounting Environmental Impacts of Renewables Climate Science

  9. At IowaCharles StanierNovel Constraints on Carbon Fluxes Focus of Stanier Research Group at UIowa Mesoscale Met Model (e.g. WRF) Additional Constraints (Gases, Isotopes, Plot-Data, Remote Sensing) Prior CO2 Flux Estimates Air Quality Simulation CO2 Observations Optimization Cycles with Adjusted Fluxes Met and CO2 measurements on 379 m tower, Eastern Iowa (NOAA Carbon Cycle Gases)

  10. CO Forecasts During NASA ARCTAS At IowaGregory Carmichael- Chemical Weather Forecasting- Application of 4dVar and EnKF Techniques to Air Quality Ozone Forecasts Without Assimilation With Assimilation

  11. At IowaRepresentative Publications • Photosynthetic Control of Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide During the Growing Season.” Science, Vol. 322, 2008, pp. 1085-1088. • Analysis of Anthropogenic CO2 Signal in ICARTT Observations Using a Regional Chemical Transport Model and Observed Tracers,” Tellus B. 59B, 2, 2007, pp. 199-210. • Modeling of In-situ Ultrafine Atmospheric Particle Formation in the Eastern United States,” Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, Vol. 110(D07S12), 2005, doi:10.1029/2004JD004683. • Global and regional climate changes due to black carbon, Nature Geoscience , Published online: 23 March 2008 | doi:10.1038/ngeo156 • Trans-Pacific Transport of Black Carbon and Fine Aerosols (D < 2.5 mm) into North America, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D05309, doi:10.1029/2006JD007632, 207. • Modeling Study of Air Pollution Due to the Manufacture of Export Goods in China’s Pearl River Delta, Environ. Sci. and Technol., doi:10.1021/es051275n, 2005. • Impacts of Asian Megacity Emissions on Regional Air Quality during Spring 2001, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D20301, doi: 10.1029/2004JD004921, 2005.

  12. NSF Awards with “solar energy” in title or abstract • 2007 72 • 2008 118 • 2009 270 • NSF Awards with “wind energy” • 2009 76

  13. National Science Foundation Program in “Energy for Sustainability” • Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Systems • Program Director: Trung Van Nguyen • http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=501026 • 93 awards since 2007, many to young scientists and engineers

  14. Many awards are in the area of biomass to energy conversion, fuel cells, and battery technologies • Solar and wind relevant awards in the energy for sustainability category ~12, for example • Space-time Loadings on Wind Turbine Blades driven by Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence: Coupling LES and DES, James Brasseur, Penn State • Probing and optimizing quantum dot confined states for next generation intermediate band solar cells, Harley Johnson, University of Illinois

  15. NCSU, Rusty Haynes: Renewable Portfolio Standards www.dsireusa.org / June 2009 WA: 15% by 2020* ME: 30% by 2000 New RE: 10% by 2017 VT: (1) RE meets any increase in retail sales by 2012; (2) 20% RE & CHP by 2017 MN: 25% by 2025 (Xcel: 30% by 2020) MT: 15% by 2015 • NH: 23.8% by 2025 ND: 10% by 2015 MI: 10% + 1,100 MW by 2015* • MA: 15% by 2020+1% annual increase(Class I Renewables) OR: 25% by 2025(large utilities) 5% - 10% by 2025 (smaller utilities) SD: 10% by 2015 WI: Varies by utility; 10% by 2015 goal • NY: 24% by 2013 RI: 16% by 2020 CT: 23% by 2020 • NV: 25% by 2025* IA: 105 MW • OH: 25% by 2025† • CO: 20% by 2020(IOUs) 10% by 2020 (co-ops & large munis)* • PA: 18% by 2020† IL: 25% by 2025 VA: 15% by 2025* • NJ: 22.5% by 2021 CA: 20% by 2010 UT: 20% by 2025* KS: 20% by 2020 • MD: 20% by 2022 • MO: 15% by 2021 • AZ: 15% by 2025 • DE: 20% by 2019* • NC: 12.5% by 2021(IOUs) 10% by 2018 (co-ops & munis) • DC: 20% by 2020 • NM: 20% by 2020(IOUs) • 10% by 2020 (co-ops) TX: 5,880 MW by 2015 29 states & DChave an RPS 5 states have goals HI: 20% by 2020 State renewable portfolio standard Minimum solar or customer-sited requirement * State renewable portfolio goal Extra credit for solar or customer-sited renewables † Solar water heating eligible Includes separate tier of non-renewable alternative resources

  16. Washington State University • Northwest Solar Center / Shoreline Community College • Supports RE Education • Works with Legislators • Assists Utilities

  17. U. Oklahoma, Dept. of Meteorology • Home page cites: “Emphasis on interdisciplinary projects involving geographers, meteorologists, and our students will allow the College to address the challenges we face as a society in areas of renewable energy, weather hazards and climate change.”

  18. U. Illinois • Strong engineering and atmospheric science components • Competitors in efficient housing competitions • Installed recent wind tower

  19. US Universities with Research Programs in atmospheric sciences U. of Illlinois U. Iowa U. of Kansas U. of Maryland U. of Massachusettes U. of Miami U. of Michigan U. of Minnesota U. of Missouri – Columbia U. of Missouri – Rolla U. of Nebraska U. of Nevada U. of New Hampshire U. of North Dakota U. of Oklahoma U. of Rhode Island U. of Texas U. of Utah U. of Virginia U. of Washington U. of Wisconsin-Madison U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee U. of Wyoming Utah State Washington State Woods Hole Yale Pennsylvania State University Princeton Purdue University Rice Rutgers Scripps Inst. Of Oceanography South Dakota School of Mines and Technology St. Louis Stanford Stonybrook Texas A.&M Texas Tech. U. of Albany (SUNY) U. of Huntsville U. of Alaska, Fairbanks U. of Arizona U. of UC Berkley UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA U. of Chicago U. of Colorado U. of Connecticut U. of Delaware U. of Denver U. of Georgia U. of Houston U. of Hawaii Air Force Institute of Technology Arizona State University California Institute of Technology Colorado State University Columbia University Cornell University Drexel Embry-Riddle Florida Institute of Technology Florida State University George Mason University Georgia Institute of Technology Harvard University Howard University Iowa State University Johns Hopkins University Louisiana State University Michigan Technology MIT Naval Postgraduate School New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology New York University North Carolina State University Nova Southeastern University Ohio State University Old Dominion University Oregon State

  20. US Universities with Research Programs in atmospheric sciences & UCAR affiliates U. of Illlinois U. Iowa U. of Kansas U. of Maryland U. of Massachusettes U. of Miami U. of Michigan U. of Minnesota U. of Missouri – Columbia U. of Missouri – Rolla U. of Nebraska U. of Nevada U. of New Hampshire U. of North Dakota U. of Oklahoma U. of Rhode Island U. of Texas U. of Utah U. of Virginia U. of Washington U. of Wisconsin-Madison U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee U. of Wyoming Utah State Washington State Woods Hole Yale Pennsylvania State University Princeton Purdue University Rice Rutgers Scripps Inst. Of Oceanography South Dakota School of Mines and Technology St. Louis Stanford Stonybrook Texas A.&M Texas Tech. U. of Albany (SUNY) U. of Huntsville U. of Alaska, Fairbanks U. of Arizona U. of UC Berkley UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA U. of Chicago U. of Colorado U. of Connecticut U. of Delaware U. of Denver U. of Georgia U. of Houston U. of Hawaii Air Force Institute of Technology Arizona State University California Institute of Technology Colorado State University Columbia University Cornell University Drexel Embry-Riddle Florida Institute of Technology Florida State University George Mason University Georgia Institute of Technology Harvard University Howard University Iowa State University Johns Hopkins University Louisiana State University Michigan Technology MIT Naval Postgraduate School New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology New York University North Carolina State University Nova Southeastern University Ohio State University Old Dominion University Oregon State

  21. Potential Future Contributions to Renewable Energy from Universities • Improved Boundary Layer parameterization • Improved Radiative Transfer Models • Improved Forecasting Models • Impartial evaluation of model improvements • Impartial assessment of RE effects • Development of the next generation of scientists who can work on Renewable Energy • Assessment of effects of conventional versus renewable energy on the environment • Provide credible analysis of impacts

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