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Vision: We will have a healthier and more robust CAP network at the end of the two year Ramp up. CAPAI Weatherization Ramp Up Meeting Outcomes. May 27 th and 28 th , 2009. Attendees. Russ Barron, speaker Ken Robinette Christine Bayliss Ron Ruddell Rick Burgin Brad Simmons
Vision: We will have a healthier and more robust CAP network at the end of the two year Ramp up. CAPAI Weatherization Ramp Up Meeting Outcomes May 27th and 28th, 2009
Attendees Russ Barron, speaker Ken Robinette Christine Bayliss Ron Ruddell Rick Burgin Brad Simmons Kary Burin Russ Spain Mary Chant Larry Stamper Ron Corta Rich Stelling Drew Hall Lisa Stoddard Deb Hemmert Kevin Viggers Karen Perren Genie Sue Weppner Eric Petersen Randy Wright Christina Zamora Absent: Dick Henry This presentation can also be found on the CAPAI Member Portal at: www.idahocommunityaction.org
Vision: We will have a healthier and more robust CAP network at the end of the two year Ramp up. Executive Summary On May 27th and 28th, CAPAI staff, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare staff, Weatherization Managers, and Executive Directors met to develop plans for several Weatherization activities, share best practices and to brainstorm ways to maximize whole house weatherization and ways to maintain weatherization quality during the Ramp up. Plans were reviewed for the upcoming Auditor/Inspector training sessions, the Weatherization economic impact study to be conducted by BSU, an informational Weatherization video proposal and a centralized Weatherization client customer satisfaction survey. Updates were provided on the Weatherization system integration and an award process to ensure agencies are able to pay their vendors in a timely manner. Lunch on the second day took place at the new Auditor/Inspector training facility, in celebration of the facility’s opening and Community Action Awareness month. Russ Barron, IDHW Division Administrator for the Division of Welfare, reiterated his, and his staff’s, support for the Weatherization Ramp up. The agencies requested Russ facilitate progress on the award process and he agreed. Each agency presented their 30-, 60-, 90-day plans. Semi-monthly teleconferences will be scheduled until the next face-to-face Ramp up meeting in late August.
Meeting Deliverables Idaho CAPAI Agencies alignment on: • Auditor/Inspector training • Weatherization stimulus impact analysis • Customer Satisfaction client survey • Informational Weatherization video • Award process • Weatherization qualification impact on LIHEAP Review best practices from two agencies Brainstorm using DeBono’s Six Hats approach: • How to maximize opportunities for Whole House Wx • How to maintain Wx quality during Ramp up
Meeting Deliverables - detail • Auditor/Inspector training Thomas Brodbeck, nationally recognized instructor, presented Idaho’s Auditor/Inspector training curriculum overview, including his training approach and the training modules. A question and answer period followed. Weatherization stimulus impact study Dr. Don Holley and visiting lecturer, John Church, BSU College of Business and Economics, explained what historical data they would need from each of the agencies. They described the difference between temporary and on-going impacts. EICAP asked them to think about how to quantify the impact of a Ramp down. The impact study will generally be assessed by county. Customer satisfaction weatherization client survey CAPAI will mail a standardized customer satisfaction survey from a random sample of clients pulled automatically from the client database. BSU students studying research and statistics will help with the development and deployment of the survey.
Meeting Deliverables - detail • Informational Weatherization Video Rich Stelling, CCOA Executive Director, explained that in 2008 CCOA asked Peppershock to produce a video on all of their programs. Proposal is to produce an informational video explaining Idaho Weatherization and what it does. A Spanish language version will also be produced. Once CCOA and Peppershock create the main subject matter, each agency can work with Peppershock to customize it for their purposes. The video will be web-ready. • Award process There was agreement between IDHW and the agencies that current process is reimbursement not an advance. IDHW will work with their finance specialist to create an acceptable award process for the life of the weatherization stimulus project with adequate oversight and tracking. • Weatherization qualification impact on LIHEAP CAPAI has client names of clients between 150% and 200% of poverty from last year. CSBG will go to 200% in August/September. LIHEAP stakeholders will decide whether to raise LIHEAP to 200% and expand it to a year-round program.
Meeting Deliverables - detail • Best practices – CAP Larry Stamper, CAP Weatherization manager, presented the checklist process to ensure completed measures are signed off. CAP has 4 six-man crews, each with a senior and junior crew leader. The each measure on the checklist is initialed by a crew member and is used by the inspector for follow-up as needed. The checklist is also a training tool that identifies crews that are doing good work. • Best practices – SCCAP Randy Wright, SCCAP Weatherization manger, presented the SCCAP Customer Service plan. The plan documents Customer service standards; Annual goals for customer service and Strategy to accomplish customer service goals. In addition, at the monthly staff meeting, each crew member describes how they did something extra for one of their clients during the past month. Customer surveys and comments are reviewed at the staff meetings.
DeBono 6 hats toolProcess Improvement Process Improvement - Blue, White, White (Other people’s views), Yellow, Black, Green, Red and Blue Blue hat – Big Picture – 3 minutes • This is the hat under which all participants discuss the thinking process. The facilitator will generally wear it throughout and having a facilitator maintain this role throughout helps ensure that the group remains focused on task and improves their chances of achieving their objectives. • Example: Statewide, Weatherization stimulus White hat – Facts & Information – 10 minutes, others 3 minutes • Participants make statements of fact, including identifying information that is absent and presenting the views of people who are not present in a factual manner. • Example: Cost of furnace, funding , average home investment • Yellow hat – Positive Judgment – 5 minutes • Participants identify benefits associated with an idea or issue. • Example: We would be more efficient, improved customer satisfaction
DeBono 6 hats toolProcess Improvement Process Improvement - Blue, White, White (Other people’s views), Yellow, Black, Green, Red and Blue Black hat – Critical Judgment – 5 minutes • Participants identify barriers, hazards, risks and other negative connotations. This is critical thinking, looking for problems and mismatches. • Example: Inadequate data tracking, work is not done properly Green hat – Alternatives and learning – 5 minutes • This is the hat of thinking new thoughts. It is based around the idea of provocation and thinking for the sake of identifying new possibilities. • Example: X-ray vision to inspect homes, charge for services Red hat – Feelings & Emotions – 30 seconds (each person) • Participants state their feelings, exercising their gut instincts. In many cases this is a method for harvesting ideas - it is not a question of recording statements, but rather getting everyone to identify their top two or three choices from a list of ideas or items identified under another hat. • Example: I’m enthusiastic about X, I’m frustrated about Y, I’m uncertain we can achieve that objective
DeBono 6 hats toolProcess Improvement Blue hat – Big Picture – wrap up • This is the hat under which all participants discuss the creative thinking that occurred under the other hats. This session is the opportunity to identify the most attractive practical opportunities the team would like pursue. Outcomes of the Six Hats were sent out under separate cover.
Meeting Assessment • What went well • 100% representation • Training Center Open House • CAPAI and IDHW participate without being defensive • Rooms were big enough • What didn’t go well • No natural lighting • Six hats groups were small; should be 8-10 participants to ensure representation of Wx mgrs. and EDs • Not sure what the outcome of the Six Hats and face-to-face will be • Close to talking things to death