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Envision a Solution to the Online Serials Management Mess

This project focuses on developing an international standard for online serials subscription data to address system inefficiencies. The initiative aims to establish clear procedures for obtaining ISSNs for titles lacking them, investigating the use of identifiers such as ISTC and DOIs, and creating data exchange formats like ONIX for Serials Products and Subscriptions (SPS) and Serials Online Holding (SOH) for efficient information sharing between libraries, publishers, and PAMS. The project involves detailed elements such as holdings records, online services, serial versions, and holdings packages, ensuring accurate and comprehensive data exchange processes across the online serials landscape.

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Envision a Solution to the Online Serials Management Mess

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  1. Envision a Solution to the Online Serials Management Mess NISO/EDItEUR’s Development of an International Standard for Online Serials Subscription Data David Goldsmith Head, Acquisitions NCSU Libraries david_goldsmith@ncsu.edu April 15th, 2004 NC Serials Conference

  2. BACKGROUND • 2002: NISO White Paper - The Exchange of Serials Subscription Information by Ed Jones • Fall 2002: NISO/EDItEUR Joint Working Party established. • Tim Davenport and David Martin describe project in their “Initial Input from the EDItEUR ONIX for Serials Team” document Documents available @ www.fcla.edu/~pcaplan/jwp

  3. BACKGROUND CONT. • 2003: Created 3 subgroups • Indentifiers • Publishers-to-Libraries • PAMS (Publication Access Management Services)-to-Libraries

  4. IDENTIFIERS • Determine and document procedures for obtaining ISSNs for titles that do not have them • Determine and document one or more ways of disseminating information about the existence of new ISSNs, especially when the publisher does does not carry the ISSN on the title • Investigate the use of International Standard Textual Work Code (ISTC) registration as a way to bring together all versions (ISSNs) of a serial; Investigate uses of DOIs that resolve to title level information

  5. BACKGROUND CONT. • 2003: Created 3 subgroups • Indentifiers • Publishers-to-Libraries • PAMS (Publication Access Management Services)-to-Libraries

  6. XML SCHEMA • Library to Publisher: ONIX Serials Products and Subscriptions (SPS) format • Publisher to Library: SPS format • PAMS to Library: Serials Online Holding (SOH) format

  7. SOH Message • Primary Uses: • Create A-Z holding lists of electronic journals • Update data for link resolvers • How do you do it?

  8. What does that mean? The ONIX SOH format is used for two different message types: • The ONIX Serials Online Holdings AtoZ message carries a flat title-by-title list of the serial versions held by a particular customer, with details of the online service provider(s) involved in each case. • The ONIX Serials Online Holdings By Host message carries a hierarchically structured list of serial versions grouped under the hosts through which the library is licensed to access them.

  9. Data Elements- AtoZ <ONIXSerialsOnlineHoldingsAtoZ> is the first and mandatory element in the opening "wrapper" of a message, specifying in this case an ONIX SOH format applied to a "flat" or A-Z listing of transactions. Used in this way, the SOH format details, one by one, the serials holdings of a particular customer. Alongside other metadata describing the serial title and versions to which they relate, there is information regarding the online service that hosts the serial resource.

  10. Data Elements-Header

  11. Data Elements-Holdings List <HoldingsList> comprises a mandatory group of elements that describes the serials holdings of a particular customer and the serial titles and versions to which they relate. In the A-Z listing, this composite is limited to one occurrence per message.

  12. Data Elements-Online Service <OnlineService> comprises a mandatory and repeatable group of elements that identifies and provides URLs for a host, gateway or other supplier of online resources. In the A-Z listing, there is one occurrence of this composite for each of the online services declared at the start of the message.

  13. Data Elements-Holdings Record <HoldingsRecord> comprises a group of elements that describes the online holdings of a specified serial version for a particular customer. <HoldingsRecord> is mandatory and repeatable. The holdings record carries the majority of the information within an ONIX SOH format, including metadata at the work, title and version level, links to the online service providers, and detailed specifications of the holdings ranges, formats and content.

  14. Data Elements-Serials Version <SerialVersion> comprises a group of elements that identifies and describes a particular version of a serial publication. <SerialVersion> is mandatory in each <OnlineHoldingsRecord>; it is not repeatable in this context, since each holdings record can apply only to one serial version.

  15. Data Elements-Online Package <OnlinePackage> comprises a group of elements that describes a serial version holdings package accessible either at a specified host service or at an independent site specific to that serial resource. This composite is mandatory in each occurrence of <SerialVersion>. It is repeatable if the customer has access to the same serial via more than one site.

  16. Data Elements-Holdings Detail <HoldingsDetails> comprises a group of elements that specifies the range, format and level of completeness of a specified serial version held by a particular customer. This is mandatory unless the empty element <NoHoldingsDetail/> is present. The composite is repeatable if the holdings include ranges with different content levels and/or formats.

  17. Data Elements-Journal Issue The <JournalIssue> composite comprises a group of elements identifying a serial issue by number and/or date. The composite is used to specify the start or end of a range of issues, for example those defining the range of holdings of a particular <SerialVersion> held by a library. If both the start and end of a range are defined, then two occurrences of the composite are required, one for the start and the other for the end.

  18. What’s Next? • Pilot Projects • Publicity • Feedback • Push for a standard?

  19. FIN QUESTIONS? PowerPoint available after 4/16/04 http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/presentations

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