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Organization of the Greek Penitentiary system

The organization of the Greek Penitentiary System is based on legal principles drawn from the Penitentiary Code, the Constitution, international conventions, laws, and presidential decrees. The Penitentiary Code describes the key organs like the Central Scientific Prison Council, and Central Council for Prisoners Transfer. It covers alternate sentencing methods, prison operation measures, prisoner transfers, sentence termination, post-penitentiary care, and supervision of code enforcement. The post-penitentiary care includes adult treatment, social services cooperation, private foundation "EPANODOS," and social assistance committees. Prevention and control of crimes involve juvenile protection associations supervised by the Ministry of Justice. The system includes drug rehabilitation centers for prisoners, aiming for physiological and psychological recovery, law abidance, education, and societal reintegration. Statistics on prison population and structures are also provided.

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Organization of the Greek Penitentiary system

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  1. Organization of the Greek Penitentiary system The organisation of the Greek Penitentiary System is based on general principles drawn from:  the Penitentiary Code (as legal basis)  the Constitution,  the international conventions,  the laws,  the presidential decrees (as well as the legislative acts authorised by them),

  2. Description of Penitentiary Code: organs exercising the penitentiary • In Penitentiary Code are described all the organs exercising the penitentiary policy like: ●The Central Scientific Prison Council ●The Central Council for Prisoners Transfer ●The Prison Council(established in each Prison)

  3. Main articles of Penitentiary Code IN ADDITION DESCRIBES : • ► the alternate ways of serving sentences, ► the measures taken for the correct operation of the prisons, ►the procedure for transferring prisoners, ►the ways of terminating sentences, ► the post-penitentiary care, ► the supervision of the Code's application and its enforcers ARTICLE 2( LEGALITY IN PRISONER’S TREATMENT) • ARTICLE 3 (EQUALITY IN THE PRISONER’S TREATMENT) • ARTICLE 4 ( PRISONER’S RIGHTS) • ARTICLE 39( EXERCISING RELIGIOUS DUTIES) • ARTICLE 81 ( POST PENITENTIARY CARE)

  4. Post-Penitentiary Care • a) Direction of adults penitentiary treatment, section of professional training, organisation of the prisoners/ work and social rehabilitation of released persons • b) the social service of prisons, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security via the Greek Manpower Employment Organisation (OAED) • c) Foundation of private Entity “ EPANODOS”( RETURN) • d) Social Assistance Committees

  5. Departments of General Direction of Penitentiary Policy of the Ministry a) Direction of Crime Prevention and Penal Training of Juveniles b) Direction of Penitentiary Training of Adults c) Direction of Operation of Special Therapeutic Establishments d) Direction of Inspection of Prisons and Special Juvenile Detention Establishments, and e) Direction of External Guarding of Prisons and other establishments

  6. PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF CRIME A) Services under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice and relating to the prevention of juvenile crime a) JUVENILE PROTECTION ASSOCIATIONS (JPA) (Compulsory Law 2724/40 Regulative Decree of 3.7.43, Law 2298/95 and Law 2331/95) b) SUPERVISORY (COMMISSARY) JUVENILE SERVICES OF THE JUVENILE COURTS (Law 378/76 (Official Government Gazette 171/A) Presidential Decree 49.79 (Official Government Gazette 11/79/A) B)The control services sector of the Ministry oversees the proper functioning of the Detention Establishments and Juvenile Training Establishments


  8. DRUG REHABILITATION CENTRE FOR DRUG-ADDICTS PRISONERS The aim of the Programme of the Detoxification Centre for Prisoners is : a) physiological and psychological recovery from the drug dependency, b) to abstain from breaking the law, c) to train and educate, and d) to prevent relapse and to socially rehabilitate participants.

  9. Phases of the Program • The first phase of the programme - with a two-month duration - is the preparation phase and it takes place at the prisons where are the prisoners drug-addicts. • The second phase takes place at K.A.T.K. in Eleona, and has at least a four-month duration. It is a transitional phase and combines treatment with the correctional sentence. It has as its aim the continued mobilisation for treatment and the progressive change in psychology and behaviour of the prisoner from "jailed" to "cured". • The third phase, is a psychological recovery phase, which lasts at least eight months. It takes place in special areas of the K.A.T.K., where the principles of the therapeutic communities will be applied. • The fourth phase, with at least a twelve-month duration, is the socialisation phase. Its aim is the promotion and integration of the cured individuals into society.


  11. TABLE 3 : Prison Population inClosed Detention Establishments (State of prison population at 1st APRIL 2009)

  12. TABLE 6: GENERAL STATISTICS OF PRISON POPULATION (State of prison population at 1st APRIL 2009)


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