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Session 3: Identifying procedural gaps

Explore the internationalization of higher education, focusing on activities, competence, and values important in a global market. Discuss the Bologna Process, Erasmus+ programs, and UK Higher Education International Unit's strategic objectives for student mobility. Learn about the European universities' convention and the benefits and strategies to facilitate outward mobility.

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Session 3: Identifying procedural gaps

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  1. Session 3: Identifying procedural gaps Dr Nosheen Rachel-Naseem Erasmus & Exchanges Manager

  2. Todays discussion…. • Internationalisation of HE? • The Bologna Process • Erasmus+ programmes • UK HEI Policy Presentation title

  3. Internationalisation of HE • Activities in higher education leading to an intercultural dimension, including international students, internationalisation of curricula, student/teacher mobility • Competence, knowledge, attitudes and values important in a world wide market. • An environment and atmosphere supporting international - and intercultural perspectives and initiatives. • The intentional process of integrating an international, intercultural or global dimension into the purpose, functions and delivery of higher education, in order to enhance the quality of education and research for all students and staff, and to make a meaningful contribution to society. (De Wit, 2015) Presentation title

  4. The Bologna Process • Sorbonne 1998 European Universities Convention • Ministerial meeting Bologna 1999 Bologna Declaration 28 countries • Main purpose to form EHEA – Europe as a centre of excellence in HE • Bi-annual follow-up meetings • Most recent, in Yerevan in May 2015, the Education Ministers identified four key priorities for the future: • enhancing the quality and relevance of learning and teaching; • fostering the employability of graduates throughout their working lives; • making our systems more inclusive; • implementing agreed structural reforms • Currently 50 countries are signatories to the Bologna Process • . Presentation title

  5. The main focus is: • the introduction of the three cycle system (bachelor/master/doctorate) • strengthened quality assurance and • easier recognition of qualifications and periods of study Presentation title

  6. The Bologna Process 1998 • Increased transparency and attractiveness • Facilitate recognition • Adapt HE to labour market • Increased mobility • Reform degree system • Higher education as a public good and public responsibility • Student participation • Lifelong learning • Quality assurance Presentation title

  7. Erasmus+ programme • The ERASMUS Programme (European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) is a European Union (EU) student exchange programme established in 1987. • New ERASMUS+ programme (2014-2020) combines 7 EU education, training and youth programmes, and introduces sport for the first time • Total budget of €14.7 billion, representing a 40% budget increase Presentation title

  8. ERASMUS+ BRINGS... An integrated, more accessible programme; A renewed focus on skills for employment; New opportunities for modernising teaching and learning; New partnerships between education and world of work Presentation title

  9. Erasmus+ • KA1 • KA103 and KA107 • KA2 • KA3 • More details here: https://www.erasmusplus.org.uk/ https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/node_en Presentation title

  10. UK HEI Student mobility policy – key stakeholders • UUK – IU (Universities UK International Unit) • Erasmus+ National Agency British Council & Ecorys, UK • HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council) • HESA (Higher Education statistical Agency • HEA (Higher Education Academy) HEURO (Association of UK Higher Education European Officers) The mission of HEURO is to provide a platform for all professionals, academic and administrative, who are involved in European issues in the context of UK higher and further education with a view to discussing and promoting matters of common interest and disseminating good practice http://heuro.org.uk/AboutUs.aspx Presentation title

  11. Student mobility: reflections on strategic approaches • UK Higher Education International Unit: • UK Strategy for Outward Mobility 6 December 2013 • Date: “The UK Strategy for Outward Mobility will facilitate an increase in the proportion of UK domiciled students who undertake international placements as part of their undergraduate, postgraduate and research programmes, and help to address institutional barriers to participation in outward mobility in UK higher education” • In order to achieve its strategic vision of increasing the proportion of UK domiciled students accessing international opportunities, and contribute to the European Higher Education Area’s mobility target of 20% of graduating students with an international mobility experience as part of their studies by 2020, the UK Strategy for Outward Mobility has the following seven objectives: Presentation title

  12. 7 Strategic Objectives of the UK’s Student Mobility Strategy: • 1: Promote the Benefits of Study and Work Abroad • 2: Monitor Trends in Student Mobility • 3: Build Capacity in UK Higher Education to Facilitate Outward Mobility • 4: Address Financial and Institutional Barriers to Outward Mobility • 5: Create a Flexible Definition of Outward Mobility • 6: Share Best Practice in UK Higher Education • 7: Provide a Collective Voice for UK Higher Education PAWER workshop

  13. Go International: Stand Out campaign - launched today • Universities UK International launches three-year campaign Go International: Stand Out to increase the number of UK students studying, working and volunteering abroad as part of their studies • This outward student mobility supports academic and employment success, especially for students from disadvantaged groups • The UK lags behind the rest of the world in the percentage of its students who have these international experiences • Call for universities to pledge concrete actions to the growth of support outward student mobility at their institution • Campaign endorsed by Jo Johnson, Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation PAWER workshop

  14. The Go International: Stand Out campaign will support delivery of the national strategy by: • Asking university leaders to sign up to the campaign and pledge concrete actions to help grow the number of their students going abroad • Developing resources to help universities promote mobility to their students and make the case for mobility to their governing bodies • Building networks of mobility champions including academics and alumni • Producing research to provide an evidence base and address data gaps • Advocating for outward student mobility with governments in the UK and overseas PAWER workshop

  15. Go International: Stand Out Campaign Charter 2017-2020 • 1. Increase the percentage of UK students who study, work or volunteer abroad as part of their higher education programme • 2. Promote the value of study, work and volunteering abroad • 3. Enhance the accessibility of studying, working and volunteering abroad • 4. Improve the collection and reporting of data on study, work and volunteering abroad PAWER workshop

  16. Middlesex University’s pledges to the national campaign: • Improve the visibility of study, work and volunteering abroad for short and long periods by increasing and improving data capture of these opportunities and the reporting of this • Enhance and extend our inclusive approach to promoting and enabling study, work and volunteering opportunities to students from disadvantaged backgrounds. This will also include students from disciplines who have not previously engaged with going abroad • Embed international opportunities in the curriculum • Maximise collaboration across the university to promote the benefits of an international experience utilising our alumnae and schemes such as Exchange Mentoring and the Language and Culture Exchange Scheme and working with student union societies to aid engagement and dissemination PAWER workshop

  17. Middlesex University Strategy 2017 • Strategic Aim 1: • Provide an inspiring choice of courses and learning pathways that empower students with the ambition, skills and knowledge to succeed in graduate employment. • We are proud to be an international university. We will make full use of our global connections, working with our international campuses and partners to create opportunities for students to experience learning in another country and access a wider range of employment. We will also build on existing opportunities such as Erasmus+. Our diversity is an integral part of our character and we will actively maintain this with a continuing commitment to attracting and supporting international students PAWER workshop

  18. Trainstorming • Identify procedural gaps in student mobility strategy in your institution. Presentation title

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