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Coastal Zone 2011 Conference

Coastal Zone 2011 Conference. TOOLS TO OBTAIN GEODETIC CONTROL John Ellingson, National Geodetic Survey GEODETIC &TIDAL DATUMS and USING VDATUM Marti Ikehara, National Geodetic Survey INTERNATIONAL GREAT LAKES DATUM OVERVIEW

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Coastal Zone 2011 Conference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Coastal Zone 2011 Conference • TOOLS TO OBTAIN GEODETIC CONTROL • John Ellingson, National Geodetic Survey • GEODETIC &TIDAL DATUMS and USING VDATUM • Marti Ikehara, National Geodetic Survey • INTERNATIONAL GREAT LAKES DATUM OVERVIEW • Stephen Gill, Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services “Cool Geodetic Resources For Your Project” A National Ocean Service, NOAA, Presentation

  2. Objectives • Demonstrate new tools for obtaining Geodetic Control from the “PASSIVE” network (marks in the ground) • Inform you how to obtain Geodetic Control from the “ACTIVE” network (CORS) • Briefly explain the NGS Geodetic Advisor Program and its benefits to users

  3. “PASSIVE” NETWORKNational Spatial Reference System (NSRS), marks in the ground.1.5 million marks in theNational Geodetic Survey database. These marks provide: • Horizontal position, or • Horizontal position and ellipsoid height, or • Orthometric Heights, or • Both Horizontal and Vertical values • Tidal Information

  4. “DSWorld” Software Program • Highly rated new NGS software tool • Developed to search the NGS database • Easy to learn/use • Multiple search options available • Displays search results using Google Earth

  5. DSWorld opening screen

  6. Lat-Lon-Radius Search Option

  7. State - County Search Option Click here to start your search

  8. “Search by County” resultsFlorida – Nassau County was selected

  9. Zooming-in to our area of interest….

  10. Sample datasheet

  11. Sample datasheet (continued)

  12. Start by downloading “Google earth” at: http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html Click here

  13. Open the NGS main page at www.geodesy.noaa.gov Roll Pointer over “TOOLS” button “DOWNLOAD PC SOFTWARE”

  14. Next,clickonthe link: “User-ContributedSoftwareisalsoavailable…..” Click here

  15. Next, click on the DSWORLD (Version *.**) link. A “file download” window will appear. Choose to save the file where you can easily find it. It will be a zip file, so you will need to unzip it. Then double-click on the “setup.exe” file. That will install the program for you. For additional information or assistance, please contact Wisconsin State Geodetic Advisor John Ellingson by telephone at 202-306-6904, or by email at john.ellingson@noaa.gov,

  16. “ACTIVE” Geodetic Network This is the Geodetic Network of Continuously Operating Reference Stations known as CORS

  17. The NGS network ofContinuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS)

  18. CORS NETWORK Facts • Currently over 1,800 sites and expanding rapidly - nearly all are owned by our partners • Over 200 partners contribute to network- Government (all levels) , Academia, and Private Organizations • Enables GPS users to determine precise positional coordinates relative to NSRS • Used by Surveyors, Scientists, Meteorologists, et al • Backbone of the NGS OPUS products • Approx. 175,000 positions calculated using CORS network in first half of 2011 • NGS CORS Newsletter available on NGS website

  19. CORS “Data Products” Page Obtain Static Data Files for CORS Here

  20. Provide information about your project

  21. Enter your custom requests

  22. “ACTIVE” Geodetic Network OPUS Solutions (Online Positioning User Service) based on National Geodetic Survey CORS network

  23. “OPUS” Online Positioning User Service • OPUS – RS (15 min to 2 hrs of obs.) • OPUS –S (2 hrs to 48 hrs of obs.) • OPUS – DB (>4 hrs of obs.) publish your info Coming Soon: • OPUS – Projects (beta)

  24. OPUS Submission Webpage Your email address Location of your data file Your antenna type Antenna height Customize your solution - details on next slide

  25. Under the “OPTIONS” tab in OPUS Include-Exclude CORS here SPCS overrule Change Geoid Model OPUS Projects ID Publish in OPUS-DB? Select one to start computation process

  26. OPUS Response to My Upload……


  28. The National Geodetic Survey Geodetic Advisor Program Advisor serves as a resource…… to assist Federal, State and local government agencies, academia, and the private sector to obtain the best results for their surveying and mapping projects.

  29. Advisor Status In Your State

  30. For further information or assistance: John.Ellingson@noaa.gov 240-306-6904 Useful links: NGS Home Page: http://www.geodesy.noaa.gov CORS Webpage: http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/CORS/ OPUS Webpage: http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/OPUS/ Find Your Advisor: www.ngs.noaa.gov/ADVISORS/AdvisorsIndex.shtml This presentation will be uploaded to: http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/web/science_edu/presentations_archive/

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