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Grassroots Nonprofit vs. Regional Powerhouse: Comparative Case Study on Reaching the Next Step

This qualitative study examines the process of nonprofit growth and reaching the next stage through a comparison of a grassroots organization and a regional powerhouse. The study identifies key factors, challenges, and opportunities faced by nonprofits in different stages of development.

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Grassroots Nonprofit vs. Regional Powerhouse: Comparative Case Study on Reaching the Next Step

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  1. Grassroots Nonprofit vs. Regional Powerhouse:A Qualitative Comparative Case Study on Reaching the Next Step Hanna R. Clark Central Michigan University

  2. NLA Competencies Addressed: • Program Development • Volunteer & Human Resource Management • Communication, Marketing & Public Relations • Financial Resource Development & Management The Life Stages of Nonprofits STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 5 STAGE 4 • The organization is developed and its program is beginning to be created • Still high energy and enthusiasm • The organization is yet to be founded; it remains a dream or an idea • Characterized by enthusiasm, energy, and creativity • The organization is buildings its foundation and experiencing growth • Emphasis on accountability, but rapid growth is difficult to manage • The organization revisits its mission and programs to initiate changes • Minor changes = back to Stage 4 Major changes = back to Stage 2 • The organization is stable and mature (can be on autopilot) • Risk of becoming stagnant; maintaining momentum is a concern Produce and Sustain Imagine and Inspire Review and Renew Ground and Grow Found and Frame (Worth, 2017, p. 192)

  3. Research Question, Methodology, and Results (Idea Goals/Objectives) • Research Question(s): What does it take to grow a nonprofit? How does a nonprofit reach the next step? • Methodology: • Electronic survey/interview sent to Board members of the Keisha Y. Brown Angel Wings Fund and Susan G. Komen Michigan staff (total responses= 9) • Supplemented with a review of related scholarly literature • Identified limitations: scope, subjectivity of survey • Commonalities: • Similar domains (cancer-oriented) • Created within the past decade • Host annual events • Geographically comparable, similar stakeholders • Board sizes are comparable (11 members vs 13 members) • Honor a deceased individual (expressed in the name of the organization)

  4. Literature Review (Student Activities)

  5. SWOT Analysis of Angel Wings Fund (Student & Idea Outcomes) Strengths Weaknesses • Passionate Board and Executive Director (Survey Response) • Strong relationship with CMU students and staff (Survey Response) • Utilization of interns for marketing and promotion (Survey Response) • Signature events & community recognition (Survey Response) • Board is not composed of members with diverse background/expertise (Boyce, et al., 2007) • Lack of staff to distribute workload (Survey Response) • Absence of an objective way to measure successes (Survey Response) Threats Opportunities • More avenues for funding could be explored (Survey Response) • A more objective method to measure success could be developed and implemented (Sherman & Sinuany-Stern, 2014, p. 4) • Exploration of the development of a long-term strategic plan (Liket & Maas, 2015, p. 279) • College students are eager to gain hands-on experience, internships (Survey Response) • Potential for Founder’s Syndrome (Worth, 2017, p. 121) • Competition among similar organizations (Survey Response) • Nonprofits in the growth stage are challenging to manage (Worth, 2017, p. 192)

  6. The Next Steps (Idea/Activity Impact) Events & Programming Resources & Funding Partnerships & Outreach Marketing & Promotion • Tailor outreach to be meaningful and of interest to other organizations • Volunteer at their events if possible • 2. Determine if a stakeholder analysis could be beneficial • 3. Decide whether a capacity building model could be followed and implemented Reassess programs/events that are already occurring throughout the community (5k, 3-on-3 basketball tournament, etc.) Contemplate developing an objective method to measuring successes Consider Board composition (skills, expertise, etc.) when appointing new members • Consider various new avenues for funding (sponsorships, third-party fundraisers, grant writing, etc.) • Diversify fundraising streams by developing new mediums for fundraising (other than events) • i.e. internet fundraisers, mailing campaigns, etc. • 3. Determine if new positions can be created for CMU students • Explore more opportunities to promote transparency • Make documents more accessible to stakeholders • Expand social media and internet presence (and remain active on all outlets) • GuideStar, Twitter, Instagram, etc. • 3. Consider the creation of marketing partnerships with local businesses

  7. References Boyce, D., Griffith, G., & King, J. (2007). Best Practices in Nonprofit Governance: Dealing with “Voluntary” Reforms. Corporate Governance Advisor, 15(3), pp. 25-28. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/197772950/fulltextPDF/3A5E768867D4008PQ/1?accountid=10181 James, E. (1983). How Nonprofits Grow: A Model. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2(3), pp. 350-366. Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/3324446.pdf?refreqid=excelsior%3A54edf17786ee55b3478c41d30c6b5111 Keisha Y. Brown Angel Wings Fund. (2018, November 16). Retrieved from http://angelwingsfund.org/ Liket, K.C. & Maas, K. (2015). Nonprofit Organizational Effectiveness: Analysis of Best Practices. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 44(2) pp. 268–296. Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0899764013510064 Nonprofit World. (1998). Yes, the Internet Sounds Great, But Is It Really for Us? Nonprofit World, 16(2), pp. 5- 8. Retrieved from https://www.snpo.org/publications/articles.php Sherman, H.D. & Sinuany-Stern, Z. (2014) Operations Research in the Public Sector and Nonprofit Organizations. Annals of Operations Research, 221(1), pp. 1-8. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10479-014-1695-2 Susan, G. Komen Michigan. (2018, November 16). Retrieved from https://komenmichigan.org/ Worth, M.J. (2017). Developing Strategy and Building Capacity. Nonprofit Management Principles and Practice, 4th ed. (pp. 171-198). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. To Donate: Keisha Y. Brown Angel Wings Fund: (989) 621-1310 AngelWingsFund@gmail.com Website: http://angelwingsfund.org/ To Donate: Susan G. Komen Michigan: (517) 886-4901 (Lansing)info@komenmichigan.org Website: https://komenmichigan.org/ *Special thanks to the Central Michigan University Honors Program for conference funding

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