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IFL. Human Security in ASEAN. Class: A2.1 Lecturer: Mr. Chheang Vannarith. Institute of Foreign Language Department of International Studies. Group Members: Seang Oula Reath Pha Putthichan Chheng Pidor Som Sovinna Doung Dara Hao Sophy Thy Vireak Ea Borey Ly Meng. Content.
IFL Human Security in ASEAN Class: A2.1 Lecturer: Mr. ChheangVannarith Institute of Foreign LanguageDepartment of International Studies Group Members: SeangOulaReath PhaPutthichan ChhengPidor SomSovinna DoungDara HaoSophy Thy Vireak EaBorey Ly Meng
Content • Introduction • Concept of Human Security • Protective Human Security • Natural Disaster • Human rights issue • Refugee • Development Human Security • Poverty • Pandemic Disease • Conclusion • Recommendation
Introduction • Human security is a condition in which individuals are safe in their economics and societal circumstances in a setting of equality and justice. • This broad approach was first promoted by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in 1994. • One efforts to make more concrete human security was the adoption at the UN’s Millennium Summit in 2000.
8 Aims of MDG • Eliminate extreme hunger and poverty • Achieve universal primary education • Promote gender equality and empower women • Reduce child mortality • Improve maternal health • Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases • Ensure environmental sustainability • Develop a global partnership for development • Human Security splits into two main camps: Protective Human Security, and Development Human Security
Protective Human Security • Freedom from fear • Stresses the importance of protecting the individual from physical threats. • R2P • Environmental issue • Human rights • Refugee
Environment issue • ASEAN took its first step toward environmental protection and sustainability in 1978. • Many of these have found their way into subsequent international treaties, such as the Convention on Biodiversity, concluded at the 1992 Earth Summit. • While the agreement was initially signed by ASEAN members, it has failed to achieve the required number of ratifications to come into force.
Environmental Issue • Member states have often been criticized by en- vironmentalists and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) for their tropical deforestation and lack of conservation efforts • Fire and Haze problem in Indonesia (2003) • lack of capacity and administrative reach • Traditions • Economics is base on palm oil
Human rights • Human Rights the freedom to participate in all legal aspects of community life, including the government and expressing their culture, practice their religion, and integrate other manifestations of their identity with their daily life. • UN Charter Human Rights • Southeast Asia nations UN Members Accept the duty of human rights and freedom
UN Human Rights Mechanism • Universal Declaration of Human Rights • Human Rights Council (UNHRC) • High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR)
Human Rights Issue in ASEAN • Seldom Highest Priority Human Rights • Highest Priority The national interests • Sovereignty and Non-interference as gatekeeper
Human Rights Issue • Case of Myanmar • Can be compared with North Korea in terms of both needs and rights. • Continuous assault on democracy and human rights • Penal Code issue • Political prisoners
Human Rights Issue • Case of Myanmar • Its ASEAN membership mocked the new ASEAN charter’s commitment to democracy and human rights • Chairmanship of ASEAN in 2014 • US statement of releasing the political prisoners with posing threats on the presence of US in East Asia Summit
Refugees • War, Ethnic Oppression, Threats to human security Refugees • As the International Agency in Charge of Refugees, The United Nations High Commissioners for Refugees (UNHCR) responsible for coordinating the protection for refugees
Problems Facing Refugees • Indochina War • In 1975, a huge flooded with Indochina refugee in Southeast Asia : Vietnamese, Lao, Cambodian. • In 1978, UNHCR built camps for them • ASEAN nations considered the refugees as a burden causing economic, social, and political problems • Countries of the first asylum : the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia created transit sites make UNHCR easily register and process refugees for third-country esettlement
Problems Facing Refugees • The Flight from Myanmar • Two groups of refugees: • Majority : Ethnic Minority group (Karen and Chin) • Minority : Anti-junta political activists • Thais have not allowed the UNHCR to process refugees • In 2007, Thailand sent nearly 21,000 to third countries
Problems Facing Refugees • Malaysia Camp • Malaysia has received the second largest number of refugees in SEA with more than 43,000. • The refugees here were Muslim Rohingyas and Chins • UNHCR protection is limited in a Malaysian political and economic environment due to the missing of signing the 1951 UN Covenant on the Status of Refugees and its 1967 protocol
Australia’s Refugee Program • Australia wants to create a refugee-processing center in Southeast Asia. • Australia has approached certain nations, namely East Timor, Indonesia and Malaysia
Development Human Security • Freedom from want • Poverty and diseases are all threats to development security • This view of the concept was first put forward by the UNDP in 1994. • Development Human Security does not challenge sovereignty as much as protective Human Security. • Poverty • Pandemic disease
Poverty ASEAN is still in the progress in the world stage and lead to this community trying to compete with the outsider with other inter ASEAN. That’s why there are many problems to solve for reaching the balance of economic if comparing to the world. Hence, Poverty……. • Ex : Indonesian President SusiloBambangYudhoyono said that ASEAN must find ways to get 118 millions of people who live with income of $1.25 per day out of poverty.
ROMULO A. VIROLA. 2009 Official Poverty Statistics. Retrieved from http://www.nscb.gov.ph/poverty/2009/Presentation_RAVirola.pdf
ASEAN’s mechanisms to solve this problems • Cooperation with AIT ( Asia Institute of Technology ) • capacity building in poverty mapping in ASEAN member countries • capacity building for gender, poverty and mobility analysis of road transportation development in GMS region ( Greater Mekong Sub region ), with financial supported from japan gov’t • other part of fund providing the scholarship sponsorship to pursue the master degree at AIT in Thailand
ASEAN’s mechanisms to solve this problems (Cont.) • Cooperation with the World Food Program and World Bank country offices in Thailand to reduce hunger and to ensure for food security. • Interrelation with other non state actors : NGO, IGO, MNCs
Aims of ASEAN • To strengthen human resource in the region to manage change without marginalizing the more vulnerable people in the region esp. women and ethic group. • To provide the ASEAN to have more prosperous • To reduce the poverty in ASEAN to reach the goal of 2015.
ASEAN 2020 • We envision a socially cohesive and caring ASEAN where hunger, malnutrition, deprivation and poverty are no longer basic problems, where strong families as the basic units of society tend to their member particularly the children, youth, women, and elderly; and where the civil society is empowered and gives special attention to the disadvantaged, disabled and marginalized and where social justice and the rule of law reign.
Pandemic Disease SARS Primary Transmission: Respiratory In 2003, SARS spread from it origin in Southern China to the neighbor, Southeast Asia countries, especially Singapore. Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia, where SARS was spread to and caused around 44 deaths. Emergency summit meeting Coordination was carried out by health ministers of ASEAN +3 Coordinated by WHO for international effort
Pandemic Disease (Cont) • Avian Flu (H5N1) Primary Transmission • begin in infected domestic and wild fowl , is passed from infected birds to humans, from human to human. • In 2004, it was spread from China again • It was a high mortality rate in Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand, also in Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar caused around 224 deaths. • Drug named Tamiflu were used • SEA cooperates with WHO • WHO has a Regional Preparedness Plan (2006-2008) • ASEAN has prepared a regional framework for control the eradication of H5N1 Three international donor conferences to combat avian flu worldwide (US the largest donor)
Pandemic Disease (Cont) • HIV/AIDS South and Southeast Asia region has had the second highest incidence of HIV. • Transmission from injected drug and unprotected commercial sex. • In Thailand, Myanmar, and Indonesia, Cambodia…have higher number of report cases. UNAIDS has designated that this disease threat to development and security of ASEAN nations. An ASEAN Task Force on AIDS was established in 1993. • Scientists, NGOs, and other external donor were sought to join effort to identify strategies for prevention, care, and treatment.
Conclusion • Human security, nowadays, stress that security encompasses much more than just military security. • Focus on how to enhance economics and social welfare of the people • Protective human security and development human security are the two branches of human security.
Recommendation • Commitment to support eight goal of Millienieum Development Goal. • Promote social and economic development in ASEAN COMMUNITY. • Promote the participation of NGO to address the issue regarding to human security. • Human rights body to monitor and implement the human rights.