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TE-CRG Technical meeting Cryogenics for the HL-LHC String. A. Perin, M. Sisti, F. Dhalla, S. Claudet TE-CRG WP16 & WP9 teams. CERN, 11 th February 2019 INDICO: https://indico.cern.ch/event/797080/. TE-CRG. Outline. Overview of the HL-LHC IT String project
TE-CRG Technical meetingCryogenics for the HL-LHC String A. Perin, M. Sisti, F. Dhalla, S. Claudet TE-CRGWP16 & WP9 teams CERN, 11th February 2019 INDICO: https://indico.cern.ch/event/797080/ TE-CRG
Outline Overview of the HL-LHC IT String project Main functionalities and characteristics of the cryogenic system for the HL-LHC String The test program for the HL-LHC String Cryogenic architecture, operation and main questions for the SM18 infrastructure Project organization, status, next steps A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
HL-LHC new IT magnets and the String • The final focusingsuperconduting (IT) magnets of the Pt1 and Pt 5 of LHC willbereplaced in 2024-2025. • Main objectives of the HL-LHC IT String (WP16 of the HL-LHC project) • Validate the collective behaviour of the IT (D1 to Q1) magnets and theirsystems (cryogenics, powering, quench protection, etc.) • Getadvance information on the operationalbehaviour to speed the commissioning in the LHC tunnel. • Configuration of IP5L View of LHC with location of IT magnets View of IP5 of LHC with the location of the IT magnets A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Configuration of the HL-LHC IT String • STRING defined between Q1 and D1, powered through Sc link • Additional instrumentation (if any)will be added only on prototypes • DXF, DSH, DSL of 110 m : the first prototypes • Protection as in the HL-LHC ( CLIQ, QH, EE) • Powering as in HL-LHC • Cooling similar to HL-LHC • Common vacuum is an economic solution Q1 IP5 Prototype BPM Prototype Q2a Prototype BPM Prototype Q2b Additional Instrumentation and heaters in the BS possible Series Q3 Series CP Series • Operation temperature 1.9 K • Powering to I_ultimate • 1 thermal cycle to room temperature • 1 quench / day during operation • Cryogenics designed to allow max 400 W heat extraction D1 Prototype DFX Prototype All components are “like series” (prototypes) or series and are owned by the WP (ex. Magnets) All infrastructure or components that can not be re-used in the HL-HC are owned by WP16 ( ex. Cryogenics) A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Configuration of the HL-LHC IT String HL-LHC Powering cables or BB and disconnections 2 kA 18 kA 13 kA Total length: approx. 60 m Magnet cold mass: approx. 100 t Helium volume: approx. 1.5 m3 Max. energy dissipated to helium: 39 MJ A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Integration in SM18 HL-LHC IT String A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
HL-LHC String status and schedule overview • The HL-LHC String projectwas in question for most part of 2018 and a reviewwasorganized in Oct to define the strategy. As a consequence, work on the projectwaslimiteduntil end of 2018. • The HL-LHC string review of 5 October 2018 (Indico 741801) confirmed the approval of the project but the configuration choicewaspostponed to February 2019. Done and baselineconfirmed. • The projectisnowapproved and funded. The baseline configuration isdefined and «frozen» Commissioning of the cryogenic system: before installation of the magnets Work in progress 2021 2022 2023 M. BajkoTCC of 06.02.2019 A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Main functionalities and requirements of the cryogenic system • Main functionalities to be provided by the String cryogenic system • Must be representative of the tunnel configuration (prototype) • Controlled cool-down & warmup in 4 weeks • Operation of the magnets in superfluid helium (1.9 K): static + ramp heat loads: < 50 W (t.b.c.) • Operation of the cold powering system (DFX, DSL, DFH): 6 g/s liquefaction at full current • Pressure relief during quenches: up to 39 MJ to the cold mass • Recovery to 1.9 K after a quench in max. 12 hours (to be confirmed for high energy quenches) • Cooling of the beam screen at 60 K – 80 Kcanceled Oct 2018 review • Ultimate heat load capacity for individual test of each pair of heat exchangers: 500 W for Q1-Q2a & Q2b-Q3 and 250 W for D1-CP. (values to be confirmed) • Main requirements for the cryogenic infrastructure • Liquid helium supply: up to 25 g/s @ 3.5 bar for ultimate heat load tests • Low pressure pumping capacity: nominal powering < 4 g/s , ultimate up to 23 g/s (1 week) • Screensupply at 60 K • Warm gasrecoveryfrom the current leads • Compatibility withoperation of the test benches in SM18 ! A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Proposed cryogenic architecture for the HL-LHC String SQXL ProximityCryogenics • 4 subsystems • The String of magnets(including cold powering system) • «tunnel like» SQXL • Proximitycryogenics (CRG) • Cryogenic infrastructure (CRG) Cryogenic infrastructure A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Cryogenic tests for the HL-LHC String • Main objective of the cryogenic tests: getadvance information on the cryogeniccharacteristics of the followingsystems (seenext slides for details): • The cold mass coolingsystem: maximum power and control • The quench relief system: behaviour in case of quench • The beamscreens: behaviour in case of transientheatloads • N.B. A number of tests are ongoing or planned to validateseveral components/systemslike the beamscreens and the cold powering system • No influence expected on the design and construction for cryogenic aspects: • all cryogenic design isbased on wellknownparameters, validation done on components and extensive experiencewith the LHC • NB. schedulewise, the resultswillbetoolate for a revision of the design of the magnetcryogenics aspects or to revise the cryogenic system • Usefulinformation willalsobegainedfor mostcroygenicoperationparameters. This willallow a betteradvancedefinition of the control system. A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Tests for cold mass cooling A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Tests for the quench behaviour and beam screens Cancelled after review of Oct 2018 A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Proposed cryogenic architecture for the HL-LHC String SQXL ProximityCryogenics • 4 subsystems • The String of magnets(including cold powering system) • «tunnel like» SQXL • Proximitycryogenics (CRG) • Cryogenic infrastructure (CRG) Cryogenic infrastructure A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
The SQXL and the proximity cryogenic system • SQXL: a "QXL" like cryo-distribution system to interface with the magnets and the DFX feedbox.Planned to besimilar to the tunnel segment of the QXL. As this line isonly a fraction of the cryogenic distribution system, itis not plannedto use it for qualifying possible suppliersand itwillbespecific to the String. • A distribution valve box (DVB) to interface with the SM18 infrastructure & quench buffer. • A cold quench buffer (+ warm buffer if needed): estimation 5 m3 for cold buffer only (but we have the old 2 m3 String 2 buffer!). • Transfer lines and valve boxes to connect to the infrastructure: SC link test bench to be kept operational . • Specific instrumentation for the tests will be defined where necessary. A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
SM18 cryogenic infrastructure for the HL-LHC String • Main requirements for HL-LHC String • Liquid pumping capacity: nominal < 4 g/s, ultimate up to 20 g/s • Helium supply: up to 25 g/s @ 3.5 bar + shielding 60 K – 80 K • Recovery from full energy quenches in less that 12 hours: min. 12 g/s VLP • SM18 Infrastructure • The existing Linde/Sulzer refrigerator will be dedicated to the String tests. • The helium pumping capacity for 1.9 K operation is currently provided by two volumetric Warm Pumping Units (WPU) with each a capacity of 6 g/s @ 10 mbar. The WPUs can also be operated at up to 30 mbar reaching 18 g/s. • The current requirement is to keep the SC link feedboxoperational for possible tests of the current leads. • New /modification of infrastructure equipment • Significant modifications/new construction of the existing valve boxes and transferlinesfed by the Linde/Sulzer cold box. • For high mass flow pumping @10 mbar a cold compressorwith a capacity of 18 g/s isavailable and maybebeconnectedif necessary in serieswith one of the WPUs. A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Adaptation of the SM18 Infrastructure (cold VLP side not shown) HL-LHC String WPU1 VLP: see next slides Main question: connection to the 6 kW refrigerator to ensure operation of both SC link test bench and String SC link tests WPU2 DVB Feedbox Modification Cold Quench Buffer Warm Quench Buffer EuHIT New / refurbished SM18 infrastruscture New proximty cryogenics A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
SM18 low pressure pumping for HL-LHC String operation • Requirements during String “static” operation is estimated to be lower than 5 g/s. This could be much higher for quench recovery and during current ramping (under study). • Validation of the ultimate performance of each of the 3 double bayonet heat exchangers with max pumping capacity. This test will be of limited duration (about 1 week). • The operating modes during the String tests are summarized below. * Pressures at pumping unit (WPU or Cold Comp) interface A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
VLP current pumping architecture VLP heater CCU3 WPU2 Separatecold VLP Separatereturns From RF Cold interconnection VLP heater To LP PV WPU1 Drawing: CRNLSQLJ0017 CCU2 • Needed for separating WPUs: • Separation on cold pumping lines • Separation of LP He return Cluster G From Magnets TB A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Schedule and milestones • Installation and partial commissioning of the cryogenic system before installation of magnets. • Strategy: • Freezebaseline configuration end of March 2019 • Procurement of long lead items for Oct. 2019: SQXL + valve boxes + buffer(s) • Technicalspecificationshallbedone by September 2019. • Main ordersplaced by end of Oct. 2019. • Adaptation of infrastructure in 2020. • Installation Oct. – Nov 2020 • Partial Cryo-commissioningNov 2020 – Jan 2021 • «Successoriented» schedule Procurement signed Start of installation Long lead items procurement schedule A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Resources and budget for cryogenics Resources • Total 8.5 FTE for design & installation. • Resources for operation will be integrated in SM18 operation. Budget • Planned budget of 2.5 MCHF • Possible reduction of 200 kCHF if no cold compressors. A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Proposed Project Organization A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Project status and nextsteps Currentstatus • The Baseline Configuration of the SQXL and Magnet String isdefined in the draft version of the functionalspecification (including PFD) of June 2018 (EDMS 1949787). • The operationalparameters are defined. • The main characteristics for the SQXL are defined (WP9). • No blocking point to progress to conceptual design of the subsystems and preparedetailed design. • Nextsteps • Official Kick-off meeting in the comingdays. • Priority: close the following open points by end of March 2019. • VLP configuration. • Dual use of the 6 kW refrigerator for String / SC link test bench. • Quench buffer configuration. • Instrumentation for study of quenches (possible flowmeters). • Conceptual design validation of the subsystemsat a CRG-TM in May 2019. • Technicalspecifications for the SQXL and proximitycryogenics in September 2019. A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Additional slides A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080
Main cryogenic parameters Heat loads and mass flows for the HL-LHC String (EDMS xxxx) Design parameters for the HL-LHC IT and for the String A. Perin, TE-CRG, CRG-TM, 11.02.2019, INDICO 797080