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Free Port of Ventspils

Free Port of Ventspils. Pan-European transport network. VENTSPILS. Trans- siberian mainline. Since 2001 Free Port of Ventspils Authority is a member of International coordinating council for Transsiberian transportation. VENTSPILS. “ South – North ” Transport corridor.

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Free Port of Ventspils

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  1. FreePortof Ventspils
  2. Pan-Europeantransportnetwork
  3. VENTSPILS Trans-siberianmainline Since 2001 FreePortof Ventspils Authorityis a memberofInternationalcoordinatingcouncilforTranssiberiantransportation
  4. VENTSPILS “South – North” Transportcorridor Since 2002 Ventspils is a memberofEurasianTransportUnion
  5. ~ 15 days ~ 35 days 1000 km
  6. Overseasconnections Ferries:Scandlinesstrategy:Ventspils – centralHubforEasternEuropeantransshipments
  7. FreePortof Ventspils History
  8. 13thcentury:The port of Windau first time mentioned in the chronicles 17thcentury:ruleofdukeJacob – dynamicdevelopmentofshipbuilding (135 shipsbuilt, incl. forFranceand UK). 19thcentury:industrialrevolutioninRussia. ConstructionofRibinsk – Moscow – Ventspils railway (1897-1904). Portbecomes a strategicpartoftransportinfrastructuretheRussianEmpire.
  9. 20thcentury 1961:The largest crude oil and oil products transshipment terminal in the Baltic Sea region starts operations 1968:The construction of a crude oil pipeline was completed, connecting the port of Ventspils to the USSR oil pipeline system 1970:Oneofthelargestfertiliser (potash) transshipmentterminalsintheworldstartedoperations 1973:Port of Ventspils begins to handleammonia and other liquidchemical cargoes
  10. 21stcentury Developmentofmodernport 2000: a newuniversalterminal starts itsoperations 2006: a grainterminalbeginsitsoperations 2007: juiceconcentratetransshipmentterminalcompleted 2009: Closedstoragecoalterminalbecomesoperational
  11. PortAuthority
  12. LegalFramework 1994: Ventspils FreeportAuthority starts to operateaccording to thelawOn Ports 1997: LawOn Ventspils FreePortcomesintoforce 2002: LawOnTaxApplicationinFree Ports andSpecialEconomicZonescomesintoforce
  13. Portauthority – landlordmanagementunit Maintenance of navigation canals Ensurance of safe navigation Maintenance ofhydrotechnicalstructures Levying of duesandcharges Enforcement of port regulationsand environmentprotection Issuingoffreezone licences
  15. FreePort of Ventspils strategy GOAL No.1: Retain and strengthen current port’s position in liquid and dry bulk markets GOAL No.2: Diversifyportoperations (Container and Ro-Rotrafficdevelopment) GOAL No.3: To developFreePort’sindustrial/ manufacturingzone
  16. FreePortandPort Terminals
  17. Free Port of Ventspils www.portofventspils.lv Deepest ice free port in the Baltic Sea Area: 2451,39ha incl.242,6ha water Maxdepthinliquidcargoarea 17,5 meters Maxdepthindryandgeneralcargoarea 16 meters
  18. LiquidCargo Terminals Ventspils Nafta Terminals VentBunkers VentAmonjaks VentAll Terminals Vars
  19. DryBulkCargo Terminals Ventspils CommercialPort Ventspils Grain Terminal BalticCoal Terminal Kalija Parks VentPlac
  20. Universalterminal−NoordNatie Ventspils terminals Canserviceup to 100 railwayplatformsatonce. Thiscanbeupgradedby 40 platformsalongthequay. Railwaycapacityfrom Ventspils to Russianborder ~350 000 TEU / year Lengthofquays: 1000m / depth14,7m
  21. DevelopmentofNew Terminals in Ventspils
  22. Woodandwoodenproductstransshipmentterminal2007-2010
  23. Universalterminal No.22008-2013
  24. Universalterminal No.32007-2011
  25. Developmentof Ventspils portinthefuture: NorthernPortproject
  26. ~119ha Northernport
  27. IndustryandManufacturingdevelopmentin Ventspils FreePort
  28. Territoryforindustrialdevelopment ~ 1 200ha
  29. Developmentofhightechnologiesin Ventspils (electronics, electrotechnics, automotiveindustry, IT) First tenants of the park: Ventspils electronicsfactory Inspecta Engineering research center of Ventspils University college others
  30. Latestindustrialdevelopments: Sweeper/Cleanercarfactory (Switzerland), BucherSchoerlingBalticbelongs to thelargestintheworldholdingforproductionofutilityvehicles 1st phase: Start-upin 2005 Areasize 2,3 ha; Premise – 1700 sq.m 50 employees 2nd phase: Startofproductionsummer 2008 Areasize 8 ha; premise – 4600 sq.m Plannednumberofemployees – up to 80 3rd phase: Start of constructionspring 2010 premise – 3000 sq.m Plannednumber of employees – up to 120
  31. Latestindustrialdevelopments: SIA “HBSI Production” (Norway) and SIA “BAU-HOW Baltic”: Productionofhousingmodules Startupofconstructioninspring 2007 Start of productionin2009
  32. Latestindustrialdevelopments: SIA “Dendrolight Latvija” New, innovativewoodenmaterial Start-up of constructionin 2009 Start-up of productionin 2010
  33. Ventspils FreePort – a specialeconomiczone
  34. Tax incentivesin Ventspils(Pursuant to thelaw “Ontaxapplicationin freeports andspecialeconomic zones) Posibility to acquiretaxincentivesthroughtheSpecialEconomicZone/Freeport status Reductionsof Excise tax, ValueAddedtaxandCustomsduties Realestatetaxisdecreasedby 80% andCorporatetaxisdecreasedby 66% untilreturnofhalfofthetotalinvestment (60% formediumsizeand 70% forsmallcompanies) RealEstatetaxrate = 0,2% Corporatetaxrate = 5%
  35. Tax rates to licensed companies(According to thelaw “Ontaxapplicationin freeports andspecialeconomic zones) Example: Investment = 10 mln Profit = 1 mln Realestatevalue = 1 mln TaxationinLatvia: Profittax(15%) = 150 000 Realestatetax(1,5%) = 15 000 Total = 165 000 Taxationin Ventspils Profittax(5%) = 50 000 Realestatetax(0,3%) = 3 000 Totallyapplied = 53 000 Savings per year = 165 000 – 53 000 = 112 000
  36. ThankYou Contacts: Igors Udodovs HeadofMarketingand Developmentdepartment Tel:+37163602334 igors.udodovs@vbp.lv www.portofventspils.lv
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