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PetrSU's Information Environment. Prospects of Development. Natalya Ruzanova , PetrSU’s Vice-Rector on Informatization, Director of RCNIT, RF Government Prize Laureate. Information-Analytical Integrated System of University Management. Realized using DBMS. PetrSU’s INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT.
PetrSU's Information Environment. Prospects of Development Natalya Ruzanova, PetrSU’s Vice-Rector on Informatization,Director of RCNIT,RF Government Prize Laureate
Information-Analytical Integrated System of University Management Realized using DBMS
PetrSU’s INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT Software-technical environment The network unites 12 buildings and 6 student hostels (network, hardware and software support) Research and educational environment Oriented towards university teaching staff,students,and entrants Business information environment Oriented towards specialistsand managerial staff Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Managerial solutions Business processes Integration of PetrSU’s information environment into unified information environment of Russian education 4 3 Information space extension 2 Organization of managerial accounting and analysis 1 Automation and rationalization ofaccounting and analytical functions Changes Realized using DBMS
Information-analytical integrated system of university management Realized using DBMS
COMPLEX OF IAIS SUBSYSTEMS BASIC COMPONENT “Organizational structure” subsystem EDUCATIONAL PROCESS MANAGEMENT “Admission campaign” subsystem “Educational process planning” subsystem “Studies timetable” subsystem “Dean’s office” subsystem “Postgraduate studies” subsystem “Student hostels” subsystem “2nd department” subsystem “Graduate” subsystem “Studies department” subsystem PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT “List of members of staff” subsystem “Staff management” subsystem PAPER WORK MANAGEMENT “Documents circulation” subsystem SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ACTIVITIES “Accounting of research work” subsystem Realized using DBMS
COMPLEX OF IAIS SUBSYSTEMS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT “Financial planning” subsystem “Accounting of education agreements” subsystem “Accounting of agreements on dwelling renting” subsystem MATERIAL FLOWS MANAGEMENT “Purchase management” subsystem “Warehouse accounting” subsystem Materially responsible person’s workstation BUSINESS ACCOUNTING “General ledger” subsystem “Cash operations accounting” subsystem “Accounting of settlement accounts operations” subsystem “Accounting of settlements with debtors/creditors” subsystem “Sales management” subsystem “Fixed assets/Stock of materials” subsystem “Accounting maintenance of project” subsystem “Accounting maintenance of education agreements” subsystems “Accounting maintenance of agreementson dwelling renting” subsystem “Tax accounting” subsystem Realized using DBMS
Карелия Since 2006 -Online Educational activities Research activities Financial-economic activities Production activities 2 1 CENTRALIZED DBMS –DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING 3 PetrSU’s Branches: 1 – Belomorsk Branch,town of Belomorsk 2 – Kostomuksha Branch,town of Kostomuksha 3 – Ladoga Lakeside Branch,town of Sortavala PetrSU Ladoga Lakeside Branch Kostomuksha Branch Kola Branch Belomorsk Branch Karelian Regional Institute of Management, Economics and Law North Research Institute of Fish Industry North European Open University Regional Resource Centre of RK Karelian Research Institute of Timber Industry Publishing Unit Sanatorium-preventorium Dining-halls Realized using DBMS
University Information Environment Realized using DBMS
IAIS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY • Development of services for all educational process actors • Providing access to personal data • Development of electronic interaction of alleducational process actors • Providing openness of university activities,transparency of management procedures realization Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for entrant Provides information abouteducational standards, progress of admission campaign:check-up lists of entrants; reports on documentssubmitted;lists of those accepted for enrolment competition;lists of those enrolled as students. List of those enrolled Competition Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for student Studies timetable Access to curricula and work plans,studies and examinations timetables, vacancies, etc. Examinations timetable Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for student • providing regulated access topersonal data: • student’s record-book, • results of inter-examination periods control, • testing results, etc. • providing access to individual curricula and work plans, • electronic services on creating and receiving: • personal reports/information, • extracts from orders, • scholarship calculations, • deductions for living in hostels, etc. FURTHER PLANNED: Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for dean Allows receiving analytical reporting on faculty’s financial and economic activities:report on cash assets flows,expenses interpretation,monitoring of executing requisitions for purchasing inventory holdings,list of tuition-fee debtors. Faculty economics Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for postgraduate Contains information about admission rulesfor postgraduate studies, examinations timetable, documents needed to be admitted, dissertation councils available at the university, and specialties offered.Provides access to electronic version of individual plan and to informationabout exams passed. Provides maintenance of personal publications, accounting of the work done (participation in conferences and the like). http://aspirant.karelia.ru Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for postgraduate • extension of the user circle by including registrars and interns • extending capabilities of electronic information interactionof postgraduates with all those involved in the process of brainpower training FURTHER PLANNED Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for academic adviser Provides structured information onpostgraduates’ research and educational activity. Makes it possible to visa this information as well as to track timeliness ofpostgraduates’ accomplishing the tasks scheduled. http://aspirant.karelia.ru Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for academic adviser • providing electronic interaction betweenacademic adviser, his/her postgraduates, as well as all those involved in the highly-skilled brainpower training process, • extension for the faculties and departments staff system,providing an opportunity to track the results of postgraduates’ workand visa their activities. FURTHER PLANNED Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for member of staff Provides general information about the university: main university documents(University Statutes, Licenses, forms of documents, etc.), university reports on various lines of activities. Provides an opportunity to search information about university teaching and other staff. Who is who Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for member of staff • providing access to information from personal card, personal extracts from orders, plans and results of certification, study tours, salaries, etc. • providing access for teaching staff to their own and their department’s curricula, to information about students studying these subjects, and personal publications, • participation in the university documents circulation, • providing electronic interaction with the personnel department. FURTHER PLANNED Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for managerial officer Provides information support to specialistsfrom university subdivisions involved in the university management process. Auctions Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for managerial officer • ensuring work ofmaterially responsible persons, • providing services for maintainingunified register of agreements, • ensuring processes of accounting and monitoring of the work implemented at the university. FURTHER PLANNED Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for project leader Provides economic maintenance of projects: research work, grants, missions given by Federal Agency on Education, etc. Accounting of Research Work Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for project leader providing project leader at each stage with serviceson project resources management. FURTHER PLANNED Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for Rector Allows receiving information on organizational, educational, scientific, personnel, financial-and-economic activitiesfor both structural subdivisions and the university as a whole. Rector’s workstation Realized using DBMS
INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT for Rector • monitoring of the quality of university faculties’ and subdivisions’ activities, • evaluation of the university activityquality using the system of ‘state and development’ indices, the values of which are based on the information system data and expert evaluation. FURTHER PLANNED Realized using DBMS
Thank you for your attention! ruzanova@petrsu.ru