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MY LIFE MY MISSION. Childhood Experiences Adolescence Experiences Missing Time Experiences Adult Experiences My Mission MILAB & MK-Ultra Experiences Stopped Mission due to Threats My Return to my Mission Support Groups My School Mission Q and A.
MY LIFE MY MISSION Childhood Experiences Adolescence Experiences Missing Time Experiences Adult Experiences My Mission MILAB & MK-Ultra Experiences Stopped Mission due to Threats My Return to my Mission Support Groups My School Mission Q and A
I am not the result of what happened to me in my life. It is not Who I Am. I will share a small portion of my experiences but I want you to know that; You can transform everything negative that happened to you in your life, to what I call (Love & Light). I want to tell you what joy and positive things have come out of my life by transmuting the anger, fear and hate I had for government, ETs, and myself because of my experiences in my life. If I can come back from the place I was at, then anyone can. All it takes is Forgiveness and transmuting everything into love and light and Know You truly are a "spiritual soul having a human experience". Every experience we have had with Ets, interdimensionls or government (Black Ops) have all been by agreements. We made agreement and even contracts with the all ET groups and even the government groups before we incarnated on this planet. My experiences and what I have learned from them has prepared me for my mission, which is to provide a safe place for people to share about their experiences.
My experiences started at age 3 My father was in the Secret Society Order, Black Magician, illusionist. Mind Controlled. My 3 oldest siblings on the road every summer. The oldest siblings hated my father. I do not remember much of my childhood, nor do my brothers and sisters. Taken to the basement by father, Trauma based programming to teach me to escape into alters Father and sister had encounter on the road. His ghost looks more like an Et. At 3 yrs. old Beegees
Arletta Janice 7/6/31 San Francisco Died 1937 - 6Roger Verlene 5/8/33 San Francisco Died 1933 – 1Anita Joann 10/20/34 San Francisco Died 2011 - 77W W 12/21/35 San Francisco M Y 12/9/43 Pocatello Aaron Marcus 1/13/42 Blackfoot Died 1944 - 2Lois Kristen 10/23/45 Shelly`` Died 1946 - 1Ronald Erlea 4/19/47 Shelly Died 2006 - 54Marsha La Dene 3/15/49 ShellyDavid 8/26/52 Shelly Died 1952 - 0Charlotte Arletta Barron Rand Rapids MI, 2010Benjamin Franklin Newbert Carthage, Il, or miVerlane Ivan Newbert Stillwater 9/8/1905 Roger ErleaVerlane /1/9/1910Chester Fenner & Maudean They were married in 1909Married in Hollywood Ca 8/17/1930 MaudeanBusenbark , Collinston Utah in 1889 (Buzenbark original name)Maudean Mother/ Father was Cidney Alonzo Buzenbark & Emma Victoria Manassa were from the Earliest Morman pioneers to settle in Southern Utah.My great grand father took his wife and ran away from the pioneer wagon trains to her Indian tribe. We have a town and a battle named after one of our ancestors. – Manassas Indian Tribe* South called it Battle of Manassas *-Virgina - Nothern - Battle of Bull Run July 1861
Deer came to my window & Willowie one age 6Montana vacation, Family taken up in our carTeen years brought new type of grey reptilian hybridClocked figures & black haired women in white nurse 1966
Physical gynecological exam 1966, told me they were preparing me for the hybrid programI had impossible pregnancy , missing fetus and miscarriages through out my married life about 6
Missing time periods 1968 Seattle for 7 - 8 months Sleep Program , known as driving San 1969 Francisco for 8 months. I was in Monarch Program, Project Talent & sex slavery, BohemianGrove
I have been put on various different mind altering machines such as a helmet that caused me to see holographic-images and virtual-reality. When the unit was put on my head they showed many ugly awful and fearful images. I believe it was some kind of a desensitization tool. They continued showing me the images until I was finally desensitized and the images were no longer causing me fear and anxiety. Sensory deprivations locked in dark rooms with no food or water and other deprivation torture. Trauma based torture to produce alternate personalities – Dissociated Identity Disorder (DID). I experienced electric shock from metal bands which was placed on my head. I believe this is part of my problems with memory loss. As well as dyslexia and directional problems that I have. Is there a military interest in developing brain implants, holographic-image projection, cloaking devices, mind-altering weapons, remote viewing and genetic research (Hell alley)?
In my research I have found that rohypnol and ketamine have become known as "date rape drugs" or "predatory drugs" because they are used to incapacitate someone for the purposes of committing a crime, often sexual assault. These drugs are odorless and colorless and can easily be slipped into someone's drink. They can cause dizziness, disorientation, loss of inhibition and a loss of consciousness. They can also produce amnesia, causing a victim to be unclear of what, if any, crime was committed. These drugs are particularly dangerous when combined with alcohol A person would lie on the floor, eyes open, able to observe events but completely unable to move. Afterwards, memory is impaired and they cannot recall any of what happened.Hypnosis, drugs, and psycho-surgery; separately and combined, were the tools of this quest for the ultimate truth serum on the one hand, and the capability to create an agent who could not have his or her mission tortured out of them, or even be aware that they were carrying secret information given to them in an altered state of consciousness. More and more sophisticated drugs were experimented with, such as LSD, Ketamine, and Psilocybine. They did Lobotomy and implantation of electrodes were considered as methods for creating a compliant agent. Electro-Convulsive Shock, combined with LSD, sedation for days at a time, and constantly replaying the patient’s own voice through helmet-mounted headphones was a notorious Canadian researcher’s recipe for mind control.A systematic program to create and manipulate alter personalities as the foundation for programmed couriers resistant to torture, where the primary personality would not even be aware of the secret information being carried. The information could be summoned forth via a post-hypnotic command or response to a pre-programmed cue. Mass killing and shootings and sleepers.
Late 1980s I lived in Ogden. I was fighting what I felt was demons but it was malevolent reptilians called Chakura and I was being accessed for more MK-Ultra programmingMILAB Experiences Begin in 1982 continued until 2002 all the time I still feel I was being accessed for the Mk-Ultra Projects.
1989 My first positive Reptilian experiences Iyano a benevolent reptilian being, revealed himself and protected me from the malevolent Chakura reptiliansIyano told me they were at war against the Chakura’s
Hybrid Program; I was shown my children three times I found out that the black ops had hybrid program too
Director of U.F.O.C.C.I. (UFO CONTACT CENTER INTERNATIONAL) of Las Vegas, 1990 –speakers and panels Bashar , Travis Walton, Barbara Lamb, Lyssa Royal and many others1992 - I founded the STAR FAMILY CONTACTEE GROUPS Co-ed Groups and Founded the first Teen and Children's Support Groups in America
Black Ops HARASSMENT I Started to remember more of my Milab Experience 1992 Harassment Continue Moved to San Diego for Mission organizer of Art Bell Chat Club Research on Military and MILAB Joined forces did research for a book with Melinda Leslie Melinda and I on Art Bell’s - Dream Land
Moved to California to start Star Family Center & SchoolDirector of Art Bell Chat Club, San Diego 1999 - 2001
This is the book cover of the book Melinda and & were researching and working on.
Break in to my home in San Diego & we were taken 3 accidents in one year “none my faultWarned by Man in flight jacket stop bookRan off the freeway by unmarked vanMy families lives & mine threatened on several occasionsHad to Quit in 2002 to protect my family and myself
Hybrid Starseeds who may live among us. You are seeing them more and more. They are the last wave.
Is Your Child a Starseed The child has a larger than average head for his/her age and height, especially in the front or top of the head. The child has an average body temperature of below 97.6 F [36.4 C] degrees The child’s gaze seems unusually mature and penetrating/knowing. The child’s entire childhood is notable for growing up very much faster physically and intellectually than the other children the same ageThe child began saying a number of words clearly by six months of age (at least one year before the average talking age of 18 months.) The child began walking by one-half-year-old ( before the average walking age of one year old.) When the child began speaking, s/he used phrases or whole sentences almost immediately, not just single words People notice that the child seems extremely mature for their age, almost like an adult in a child’s body. In childhood the child sought out more advanced activities, being bored with and under challenged by the games the other children his/her age wanted to play. The child mentioned recalling his/her “other parents” out among the stars, or expressed a longing to go back to his/her “real home” out in the cosmos. (This is just a few questions from a much larger list)
Thrive at My Education of Nevada Mission StatementThe Thrive at My Education of Nevada will be a school to allow learning to happen naturally, and allow learning to happen at each child's individual pace. We will use strategies and methods designed to cater to the unique learning style of each child, with the understanding at each child learns differently and that not all children learn by the "One Size Fits All" approach, mandated by the common core curriculum in today's public education system. We believe these special children need an alternative to this current curriculum of schools today, with classes for the Star kids, allowing them to learn and to connect with their own identities, abilities, gifts, mission, imagination and higher consciousness. We will provide a school that will nurture and educate children from Kindergarten thru 12th grade, also known as the Crystal Children, Indigo Children and Rainbow Children. We believe these special children who may have ADD, ADHD, ODD, Dyslexia and Aspergers and even Autism need an alternative to the current curriculum of schools today. We believe these children are quite gifted but that their brains are wired differently so therefore they need to learn differently. We will have guidance instructors, not just teachers. This will provide a platform of knowledge, a place of love, equality, and nurturing of an individual child's unique abilities. Thrive will also be offered as a home school so that children from out of state could still attend through the internet.I have a plan where we could help our Thrive School, thrive financially by offering other avenues of financially assistance besides Non Profit:Music Classes and & video making studios -where students can work on their music and song writing such as “Music of the Galactic”!Art gallery for experience’s art to be shown and sold. Bookstore and gift shop where students can sell their UFO related art work, statues, books and music. Alternative health & wellness practitioners. Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regressions & Energy Healings; Multi-Dimensional Healings and other healing modalities.
In my many years as a support group facilitator. I have discovered techniques which will help the individual find their OWN answers transmute their fear and reach their own transformational path. The newest healing methods is Multi-Dimensional Healing; I have had many hypnosis session, but the difference between this method and hypnosis is that in hypnosis you bring up memories but my body was still stuck in the emotional pain, so I could not get rid of it and clear it. In my experience in these sessions I received information through my higher self showing me pictures, as if I was just seeing it on a screen. Then it was transmuted to love and light by my Higher Self. My divine spiritual life lessons were also reveled to me by my Higher Self. I feel this was the highest vibrational out come I could have achieved. I feel such a complete transformation in my life. I have been amazed by the changes in my life in the areas of my abundance, health and my well being. I feel that the information that is coming out now is the most important thing in the history of the world. I feel that is why so many experiencer’s and Starseeds are wakening up and remembering. I believe that Planet Earth is evolving into the next dimension are we ready!
Are You a Military Abductee? Are You an Alien Abductee? You may have also had "military" or “covert intelligence” involvement in your experiences. The following questions may help you determine if you have also had these experiences. “MILABS” (or MILAB) which is short for military (MIL) abductions (ABS) has become synonymous with a military presence, or government agency involvement, in ET abduction experiences. Have you seen aliens and military personnel together in the same environment? Was it in an underground base or in the alien’s environment (ship)? Have you been abducted by military personnel without any aliens being present? Do you or members of your family have a connection to the space program or the aerospace industry? Do you currently, or have you ever, lived near a military base or facility? Have you ever had experiences with Men-In-Black? Did the aliens instruct you in their technology or show you how it works? (I.e. have you seen propulsion systems?). Have you flown or navigated a ship or worked the controls? In relation to your abductions, have you had any forms of the following harassment: Black helicopters, telephone interruption/noises, calls at odd hours of the night, mail tampered with or missing, email tampered with, being followed, being outright approached, or had run-ins or confrontations with military or govt. types. Told by them “This will never bring you any happiness”? Do you feel you’ve been “remote influenced” (thoughts not your own) to cause harm to yourself or to harm someone else? In your abduction memories, have you had any forms of intimidation from humans like: Verbal warnings, threats to you or your family's life or safety, physical abuse, or been beat-up or roughed-up. You remember hearing the fraise “This will never bring you any happiness”? Do you have Psi (psychic) abilities? (I.e. do you astral travel (OBE), remote view, perform psycho kinesis (move mater with the mind), or do telepathy (mind reading)?) During an abduction, have human doctors performed any medical procedures or surgery on you? Have you been taken to an underground facility by aliens or by humans? Have you ever seen human uniforms (especially military) during your abductions? Have you ever seen human military or medical equipment? Have you ever seen human military vehicles or aircraft? Have you traveled in any?
ARE YOU AN EXPERIENCER/ABDUCTEE? Many millions of people may, have had encounters with beings. Many of those people do not realize that they are having these experiences because of suppressed memories. Their awareness is limited to an occasional paranormal incident or dream that seems to confuse them more than anything else. Some people are not ready to know for sure, others feel a deep need to know if they are involved with the beings. If you are in the later group, read on. Have had unexplainable missing or lost time of one hour or more, or periods in my life? Have been paralyzed in bed with a being in your room? Have unusual scars or marks with no possible explanation on how you received them (small scoop indentation, straight line scar, triangular marks, scars in roof of mouth, in nose, behind or in ears, etc.)? Have seen balls of light or flashes of light in your home or other locations? Have a memory of flying through the air, which could not be a dream, or many dreams involving flying? Have a strong "marker memory" that will not go away (i.e.: an alien face, an examination, a needle, a table, a strange skinny baby, etc.)? Have seen beams of light outside your home, or come into your room through a window? Have had many dreams of UFOs, beams of light or alien beings? Have had a shocking UFO sighting or multiple sightings in your life? Have a strong sense of having a mission or important task to perform, sometime, without knowing where this compulsion is coming from? For women only: Have had false pregnancy or missing fetus (pregnant, and then not)? Have awoken in another place than where you went to sleep, or don't remember ever going to sleep (i.e. waking up with your head at the foot of your bed, or in your car)? Have had a dream of eyes such as animal eyes (like an owl or deer), or remember seeing an animal looking in at you or in your house? Have strong reaction to pictures of ET's/aliens. Either an aversion to or being drawn to? Have inexplicably strong fears or phobias (i.e. heights, snakes, spiders, doctors, hospitals, certain sounds, bright lights, flying, or being alone)? Do you or members of your family have Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, ODD, Aspergers or Autism. Have seen someone with you become paralyzed, motionless, frozen or acting like a zombie and doing things out of the norm? Have a memory of having a special place with spiritual significance, when you were a youngster? Have had someone in your life that claims to have witnessed a shipor alien near you or has witnessed you having been missing? Have an interest in the subject of UFO sightings or aliens, perhaps compelled to read everything you can or watch videos, movies and all shows about this subject?
Are you a Starseed? The term Starseed means that many on Earth are from other star systems, galaxies, even other universes. A Starseed is a star born mortal, a human being with galactic/ alien DNA. As a Starseed we never felt like we fit in, here on earth. You were always a little different! You didn’t quite connect with your family and friends. In fact you always felt like you were from somewhere else. Did you ever look up in the sky and say why am I here? Starseeds have been coming since the beginning of earth’s history, getting experience in being human and learning many lessons, incarnating over and over again, until they were ready for an “awakening” in the Age of Aquarius and the Ascension which started happening in 2012. We have returned to earth. We are here to help the mass consciousness awaken. As Starseeds’ of Light we agreed to forget who we were. Many came with special missions to serve humanity in some way. We are now awakening to who we really are and sense that something spectacular will happen soon. I hold meetings in my home on the first and third Fridays of the each month at 7PM. We may have special presentations and then we share with each other afterwards. I also have 2 weekly internet meetings on ooVoo Chat. For more information email me at starmiesha99@yahoo.com , www.starseedawakening.orghttp://www.meetup.com/Las-Vegas-Psychic-Awareness-and-Starseed-Experiencer-Group/?a=mm1_l6http://www.facebook.com/groups/starseedawakening
My Mission1. Open a Crisis Center for the public for the coming millennium to be in place when more of our memories return to us about our contact and our connection to the aliens as well as more frequent abduction & contact memories that they may be remembering; with on going support groups for all ages. 2. Thrive at My Education, a school that will teach the star children also known as indigo , crystal & rainbow children. Children with ADHD, ADD, OD, Dyslexia & Aspergers. Starting with K thru 12th grade. We believe the school & medical system has labeled our children as having “learning disabilities”. These special children need an alternative to the current curriculum with classes for the starseeds, to learn and to connect with their own identities, abilities/gifts, missions, and higher consciousness. 3. A lecturer hall for speakers, lecturers and workshops on new and pertinent information.4. Multi-dimensional Transmutation, Hypnotherapy and other clinical techniques. 5. Art gallery for experience’s art to be shown and sold. (Consignment) 6. Publishing Company for abductees; to aid and support them in writing their own stories. 7. Music & Video studio. 8. Library for all Information; providing the latest books, tapes, and printed material. 9. Bookstore and gift shop. Where people could sell their UFO related art work, statues, shirts, clothing, handcrafts, books and tapes. (Consignment) 10. Alternative health practitioners. (sub-contractors)