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Explore how Eco-Logical Grants support collaborative infrastructure projects incorporating green principles. Learn about funded projects, partnerships, and anticipated next steps in sustainable planning.
Integrating Transportation and Resource Planning to Develop Ecosystem based Infrastructure Projects: Eco-Logical Grants FHWA National Environmental Conference June 17, 2008 Session: PEL and Eco-Logical Washington DC
Developed in consideration of the 8-step integrated planning process described in the Eco-Logical document: Build & Strengthen Collaborative Partnerships Identify Management Plans Integrate Plans Assess Effects Establish & Prioritize Opportunities Document Agreements Design Projects Consistent with the Regional Ecosystem Framework Balance Predictability & Adaptive Management Eco-Logical Pilot Projects
Eco-Logical Grant Solicitation • Collaborative effort of HEPE, HEPP, and HEPN • $1.4 Million available for first round of pilot projects, to be funded via cooperative agreements • Open to Federal/ State/local Govts, Tribes, NGOs, colleges/universities • Expected to make 10 awards of $100,000 each Received 40 requests for $4.9 million+ • Interagency review panel included EPA, FWS, USDA FS, BLM, several staff members from HEP and the Resource Center
Eco-Logical Announcements • Grant recipients announced Dec 2007 • Recipients included State/Local DOTs, MPOs, Federal/State Resource Agencies, NGOs, and a university • Agreements awarded March-June 2008 • Projects range from $24,500 – $177,500; 12-36 months
Location of Projects: CO, IL (2), MO, NH, NY, NC (2), OR, TX (4 including EPA Region 6), UT, VA Distribution of Awarded Eco-Logical Grants
Some Sample Eco-Logical Projects • Chicago DOT: Chicago DOT will develop a demonstration project on two miles of city streets, applying "green" principles to conventional urban streetscapes. The project will use green design practices to improve stormwater management, conserve water and energy, enhance bus stops and bicycle lanes, recycle construction materials, reduce ambient temperatures, and educate the public.
Some Sample Eco-Logical Projects • Mid-America Regional Council (MARC): MARC will use its grant to (1) formulate educational programs structured to foster stronger interagency relationships and understanding of Eco-Logical approaches, (2) develop a highly collaborative and integrative environmental-transportation planning and consultation process, and (3) create a framework to support the creation of a regional, ecosystem-based green plan for infrastructure conservation, restoration, and mitigation.
Some Sample Eco-Logical Projects • Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC): H-GAC will develop a geographic information systems (GIS)-based environmental resource identification map for its eight-county region. This effort will assess critical conservation areas, integrate resource and conservation planning through a regional decision-support system, and identify high-priority mitigation locations. It represents the area's first regional, systematic identification of critical environmental resources on a scale that is necessary for transportation and conservation planning.
What Next? • Final awards expected this month • First set of quarterly progress reports arrive July 2008 • Provide ongoing monitoring & technical assistance to applicants via the FHWA COTRs as well as the interagency team • Next solicitation expected in FY 2009 • We could really use your support with the current awardees as well as encouraging future applicants • Volunteer to participate on the next review panel
http://environment.fhwa.dot.gov/ecological/eco_entry.asp Contact me! Bethaney Bacher-Gresock 202-366-4196 or find me in Outlook For More Information