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Introducing the DCC’s DMP online tool https :// dmponline.dcc.ac.uk /. The intent of the Oxford DMP online Project. Achieved To customize the Digital Curation Centre’s DMP online tool for the creation of data management plans (DMPs) by Oxford researchers
Introducing the DCC’s DMPonline tool https://dmponline.dcc.ac.uk/
The intent of the Oxford DMPonline Project Achieved • To customize the Digital Curation Centre’s DMPonline tool for the creation of data management plans (DMPs) by Oxford researchers • by creating an Oxford-specific template for the DCC’s DMPonlinetool • To encode the Oxford-specific metadata for each DMP as Linked Data (in RDF) • To create the required CERIF-compliant ontologies to permit this encoding • To create DMPBank, a version of the Oxford DataBank in which to store DMPs • To automate the download of a DMP and its metadata from DCC to DMPBank To follow • To integrate the Oxford template with the main DMPonline system • To permit Oxford researchers to use the system to create DMPs accompanying grant applications submitted to funding bodies through Research Services
Ontologies to encode research project metadata • Two CERIF-compliant OWL-2 ontologies for encoding research project and data management metadata as Linked Data • SCoRO, the Scholarly Contributions and Roles Ontology • http://purl.org/spar/scoro/ • Everything you need to define scholarly roles and contributions to academic projects, investigations, publications, data management, and administrative, financial and teaching activities • Described in http://semanticpublishing.wordpress.com/2013/04/19/scoro/ • FRAPO, the Funders, Research Administration and Projects Ontology • http://purl.org/cerif/frapo/ • Everything you need to define CRIS metadata in RDF • Described in http://semanticpublishing.wordpress.com/2013/06/27/frapo/
The basic model for the SCoRO ontology Effort Contributor Contribution scoro:makesContribution scoro:withEffort scoro:ContributionEffort scoro:Contribution scoro:relatesToEntity Start date foaf:Person frapo:Output or frapo:Endeavour Context Time frame End date scoro:relatesToEntity scoro:holdsRole scoro:Role Role
The basic model for the FRAPO ontology Project and investigation Funding frapo:Budget frapo:FundingAgency frapo:awards frapo:specifiesExpenditure frapo:funds frapo:Grant frapo:Project Start date frapo:hasGrantNumber frapo:enables End date frapo:Investigation frapo:GrantNumber Time frame frapo:hasOutput fabio:JournalArticle fabio:Dataset Research outputs
Automating a submission from DMPonline to DMPBank • Explained at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5FJlpTcqTM&feature=youtu.be
Still to be done • On 31st May, we sent this Oxford-specific template code to Adrian Richardson, the principal developer of DMPonline at the DCC, for inclusion into the main DMPonline codebase • Once this is done, the Oxford template will be usable within the DCC’s DMPonline tool, together with templates from other universities and funders • Despite a repeated request on 17th June, we so far have had no response • As soon as this central integration is achieved, this service can be handed on to the Oxford University Research Services for use as an integral part of their grant application management activities, and Oxford University researchers can be let loose on it • DMPs with Oxford-specific metadata (e.g. Divisional affiliations) will then be: • created on the DCC system in Edinburgh • automatically downloaded to DMPBank in Oxford • with RDF metadata that can be harvested for inclusion in DataFinder • facilitating the subsequent metadata description of datasets created during the funded projects
A simpler alternative, DMP20 http://www.miidi.org/dmp/ Used in the past academic year with graduate students of the Oxford Doctoral Training Centre
Example questions, and possible responses Data sharing 7 With whom will you share your research data in the short term, before publication of any papers arising from their interpretation? Possible responses: • My research supervisor only. • Members of my research group and trusted external collaborators. • Anyone who asks for them. • Everyone, by publishing the data online, since our research community is committed to the rapid sharing of research results. Data storage and backup 8 Where will you store your data in the short term, after acquisition? Possible responses: • On my laptop. • On the computer connected to the microscope. • On my research group’s DataStage filestore.
Acknowledgements • Silvio Peroniassisted me in the creation of the FRAPO and SCoRO ontologies • Richard Jones implemented the SWORD2 protocol to encode DMPonline submissions to DataBank, and, with the help of Adrian Richardson at the Digital Curation Centre in Edinburgh, will integrate this functionality into the main DMPonlinecodebase • Martyn Whitwell of Cottage Labs created the customized Oxford University Template for DMPonline • Tanya Gray created the DMP20 metadata input form • The JISC funded the Oxford DMPonline Project • I am grateful to them all