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SENTENCES. Definition: A group of words expressing a complete thought that contains at least a noun and verb. Ex. I enjoy eating cheese. The thought expressed- I like to eat cheese. Sentence Fragments.

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  1. SENTENCES Definition: A group of words expressing a complete thought that contains at least a noun and verb. Ex. I enjoy eating cheese. The thought expressed- I like to eat cheese.

  2. Sentence Fragments • If a group of words does not express a complete thought, it is a Sentence Fragment ( a fragment of a sentence). • Ex. Melted or on crackers. The thought expressed- ???? What is melted or on crackers?

  3. Run On Sentences • Definition: Two or more sentences separated only by a comma or by no punctuation mark. • Ex. Where are Riff and Raff those cats won’t come when I call. Corrected: Where are Riff and Raff? Those cats won’t come when I call. • Ex. That is because cats are dumb and ill-tempered they are pretty haughty for animals who lick themselves clean and poop in a box in front of the whole family. Corrected: That is because cats are dumb and ill-tempered. They are pretty haughty for animals who lick themselves clean and poop in a box in front of the whole family.

  4. Practice: Determine which of the groups of words below are sentences, sentence fragments or run on sentences. • Cheese comes in many different colors. • These colors include white, yellow and blue. • Marbled, a mix of yellow and white. • My favorite type of cheese is Gouda it is tasty and good. • Covered with mold. • I like to make cheese fondue and I also enjoy cheese omelets.

  5. Sentence Structure Every sentence must have a SUBJECT and a PREDICATE. Subject: The part of the sentence about which something is said. (the noun) Simple Subject: The main noun Predicate: The part of the sentence which says something about the subject. (the verb) Simple Predicate: The main verb

  6. Examples! Hooray! • The yellow cheese melted in the sun. • Subject= The yellow cheese • Simple Subject= cheese • Predicate= melted in the sun. • Simple Predicate= melted. • Wow! Your toes are really shiny! • Subject= Your toes • Simple Subject= toes • Predicate= are really shiny! • Simple Predicate= are

  7. How to Find the Subject • Easiest way to find the subject of a sentence is to find the verb and then ask “who” or “what” before the verb. Ex. The cook sprinkled cheese over the pizza. What’s the verb? Sprinkled Who sprinkled? The cook The subject is the cook.

  8. Things To Remember About Subjects • The subject is NEVER in a prepositional phrase. • “There” is never the subject of a sentence. • Questions will invert normal sentence order, putting a verb before a subject or subject between verb parts. So, the steps for finding a subject are. • Cross out all prepositional phrases first, before you look for your verb. • Cross out “there”. • Restate questions so they are statements.

  9. Practice • Most of the cheese was good. MOST The giant cheese wheel rolled under the table. (giant) CHEESE WHEEL She threw the cat into the tree. SHE Was the cat angry? CAT

  10. PRACTICE GAMEFind the simple subject and simple predicate of each sentence. • Oregon is haunted by legends of the fearsome creature Bigfoot. S: Oregon, P: is haunted

  11. This legendary humanlike creature secludes itself in heavily forested areas. S: Creature, P: secludes

  12. Its shaggy coat of hair looks like a bear’s pelt. • S: Coat, P: looks

  13. Bigfoot is gentle and shy by nature, avoiding contact with strangers. • S: Bigfoot, P: is

  14. Complete Subjects and Predicates • Complete Subject: The main noun and all of the words that modify it. • Complete Predicate: The main verb and all of the words that modify it. • Ex. Her ugly toes made me extremely angry. • Complete Subject= Her ugly toes • Complete Predicate= made me extremely angry.

  15. Understood Subjects • In sentences that are requests or commands, the subject is usually not stated. It is understood to be you. Ex. Please answer the phone. (you) You, please answer the phone. Ex. Listen carefully to the instructions. (you) You, listen carefully to the instructions.

  16. Sometimes a request/ command includes a name. These are called NOUNS OF DIRECT ADDRESS. • Nouns of direct address identify the person spoken to, BUT you is still the understood subject. Ex. Erin, listen carefully to the instructions. Subject : you

  17. Compound Subjects and Verbs • Compound Subject: Two or more subjects that are joined by a conjunction AND have the same verb. • Ex. Shamrock and Ginger fought for the cheese. • Compound Subject: Shamrock and Ginger • Compound Verb: Two or more verbs that are joined by a conjunction AND have the same subject. • Ex. Shamrock barked and ran. • Compound Verb: barked and ran.

  18. Sentence Structure Cont. Usually, sentences follow this order: subject + predicate The cheese melted in the sun. However, sentence can be inverted: predicate+ subject In the sun sat the melting cheese. Or, the subject can be in the middle of the sentence: In the sun, will the cheese melt?

  19. PRACTICE: For each sentence, identify the subject and predicate. Tell me if the subject is compound or understood and if the verb is compound. • Moles and bats supposedly have very poor eyesight. S: Moles and bats, compound P: have

  20. Dachshunds and terriers often run and jump. • S: Dachshunds and terriers, compound P: run and jump, compound

  21. Throw that rotten tomato. • S: You, understood • P: Throw

  22. Shamrock growled and pawed the ground like a bull. • S: Shamrock • P: Growled and pawed, compound

  23. REVIEW • Today, you should have taken notes on: Sentences: Definition and structure Sentence Fragments: Definition Run On Sentences: Definition Subjects: Definition How to find a subject Understood Compound Predicates: Definition Compound Review your notes and make sure you didn’t miss anything!

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