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Goals and Objectives . Chapter 2. Goals and Objectives. What are the goals and objectives of PEEXSPT in society? What is a physically educated person? What are the three domains of behavior that influence development? And how does PEEXSPT contribute to their development?
Goals and Objectives Chapter 2
Goals and Objectives • What are the goals and objectives of PEEXSPT in society? • What is a physically educated person? • What are the three domains of behavior that influence development? And how does PEEXSPT contribute to their development? • Why is assessment important in physical education, exercise science, and sport?
Role of Education in Society • Responsible for meeting the challenge of preparing today’s students to live and work in an era of technological advances and great diversity. • Active role in developing well-rounded, productive, self-directed citizens for the future.
What are Goals? • General statements of purposes, intents, and aims that reflect desired long-term outcomes. • Goal of contemporary physical education: • To help all people acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and appreciations to participate in physical activity throughout their lifespan.
What are Objectives? • Short-term statements of specific outcomes that build cumulatively to reach a goal. • Describe the behavior that an individual will exhibit when the desired outcomes are achieved.
Goals 2000: Educate America Act • Readiness to learn • Improvement of graduation rates • Competency in core subjects • World leadership in math and science • Adult literacy • Positive and safe learning environment • Professional development of teachers • Parental involvement
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) • Condition of Education 2000 revealed that there was an achievement gap between races and classes. • In 2001, President G.W. Bush proposed No Child Left Behind to narrow this achievement gap. • Calls for the use of standards, assessment, accountability, flexibility, and parental choice to improve the quality of education for all.
NCLB ~ • Accountability • Increased flexibility and local control • Proven educational methods • Expanded options for parents
Contributions of PE to Education • Development of the total person through motor skills and fitness. • Enhances the health and well-being of students; promoting good health through the lifespan. • Learning readiness through movement experiences. • Integrated, multi-disciplinary educational curriculum
Contributions to Education • “Physical education should contribute to the complete education of the individual.” • Thomas Wood (1893) • “Hygienic, educative, recreative, and remedial objectives…” • Dudley Sargent (1880s) • “Organic, psychomotor, intellectual, and character education…” • Clark Hetherington (1910; Father of Modern Physical Education) • “Physical (organic), motor and movement, mental, and social development…” • Charles Bucher (1964)
AAHPERD’s Physical Education Goals and Objectives • 1934: Physical fitness, mental health and efficiency, social-moral character, emotional expression and control, and appreciation. • 1950: Develop and maintain maximum physical efficiency, acquire useful skills, to conduct oneself in socially useful ways, and to enjoy wholesome recreation.
AAHPERD’s Physical Education Goals and Objectives • 1965: “This is Physical Education” • Move in a skillful and effective manner. • Understanding and appreciation of movement. • Understanding and appreciation of scientific principles concerned with movement. • Improvement of interpersonal relationships. • Develop various organ systems of the body so they will respond in a healthful way to the increased demands placed upon them.
AAHPERD’s Physical Education Goals and Objectives (1971) • 1971: PEPI identifies a “physically educated” person as possessing knowledge and skill concerning his or her body and how it functions. Among the values highlighted: • PE is health insurance. • PE contributes to academic achievement. • PE provides skills and experiences that last a lifetime. • PE develops a positive self-image and ability to compete and cooperate with others.
NASPE’s “A Physically Educated Person”... (1986) • HAS learned the skills necessary to perform in a variety of physical activities • IS physically fit • DOES participate regularly in physical activity • KNOWS the implications of and the benefits from involvement in physical activities • VALUES physical activity and its contribution to a healthful lifestyle
Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few forms. Applies movement concepts and principles to learning of motor skills. Exhibits a physically active lifestyle. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior. Demonstrates understanding and respect for differences among people. Understands that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction. NASPE’s Content Standards in Physical Education (1995)
Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities Demonstrates an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities Participates regularly in physical activity Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that reflects self and others in physical activity settings Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction. NASPE National Standards for Physical Education (2004)
A Public Health Role for PE… • “Physical Education has much to offer society and it is my belief that it can be an effective agent of change – especially in promoting the health of our nation.” • “Our principal goal should be healthy lifestyle promotion with an emphasis on active living for a lifetime. Physical educators can help every child find some form of activity that can be performed and enjoyed throughout life.” Charles Corbin
A lifespan role for PE …. • “The profession has a responsibility to function and serve through the entire lives of people, not just when they are children and youth in schools and colleges. This means that we should serve both boys and girls and men and women of all ages who are “special”, “normal,” and “accelerated.” • “This can be carried out throughout the lifespan by both public and private agencies, as well as by families and individuals in their own ways. To assume a lifetime responsibility would permit us to enlarge the scope – the breadth and the depth – of our profession’s outlook.” Earle Zeigler
Learning Domains • Cognitive • Acquisition and application of knowledge • Affective • Values, social skills, and emotional development • Psychomotor • Motor skills • Fitness Affective Psychomotor
Cognitive Domain • Development of intellectual skills. • Acquisition of knowledge about the human body. • Understanding of the relationships between the human body and physical activity and health. • Application of movement concepts to learning and development of motor skills. • Knowledge of technique, rules, strategies, and safety involved in physical activity.
Cognitive Domain Taxonomy • Knowledge • Comprehension • Application • Analysis • Synthesis • Evaluation
Affective Domain • Values • Ethics • Appreciations • Attitudes • Character development • Cooperation • Self-responsibility • Self-concept and self-esteem • Decision-making skills • Self-management and control
Affective Domain Taxonomy • Receiving • Responding • Valuing • Organizing • Characterizing by a value or complex
Psychomotor Domain • Motor skill development • Physical fitness development • Development of the psychomotor domain is physical education’s unique contribution to the education of children and youth!
Psychomotor Domain Taxonomy • Reflex movements • Basic fundamental movements • Perceptual abilities • Physical abilities • Skilled movements • Communication through nonverbal expressions
Assessment of Learning • NASPE identifies “the primary goal of assessment as the enhancement of learning, rather than the documentation of learning.” • Assessment: the use of a variety of techniques to gather information about the participants’ achievement and make decisions based on the outcomes that will enhance the overall program.
Purposes of Assessment • Diagnosis • Placement • Determination of achievement • Motivation • Program evaluation • Teacher effectiveness
Technology & Assessment • Useful in record-keeping, regulation of testing equipment, and data analysis. • Computer programs: • Cooper’s Institute of Aerobics Fitnessgram • The Activitygram • Healthfirst TriFit system • Heart-rate monitors • Cybex & other fitness equipment • Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)