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Physical Properties of Ly Emitters from z=2 to 3. Caryl Gronwall (Pennsylvania State University) Collaborators: Eric Gawiser (Rutgers), Lucia Guaita (PUC), Nicholas Bond (Rutgers), Robin Ciardullo (PSU), John Feldmeier (YSU), Harold Francke, Nelson Padilla (PUC)
Physical Properties of Ly Emitters from z=2 to 3 Caryl Gronwall (Pennsylvania State University) Collaborators: Eric Gawiser (Rutgers), Lucia Guaita (PUC), Nicholas Bond (Rutgers), Robin Ciardullo (PSU), John Feldmeier (YSU), Harold Francke, Nelson Padilla (PUC) Jean Walker, Michael Berry, Viviana Acquaviva (Rutgers), Ana Matkovic, Christopher Wolf (PSU) + the MUSYC collaboration
Searches for Primeval Galaxies • Primeval = “galaxy in the act of formation” • Expect: strong star-formation (hence strong emission-lines), little dust & metals, high redshift • Search primarily consists of looking for Ly emission-line galaxies • Understanding the properties of such galaxies can help with our pictures of galaxy formation • Redshift range of z=2-3 traces peak of star-formation, allows for direct comparison to LBGs at similar redshifts STScI
BV-NB5000 selection of z=3.1 LAEs(Gronwall et al 2007, ApJ 667, 79;Ciardullo et al. 2010, in prep.) STScI
Observations • Detected 156 Lyα emitters (LAEs) in λ4990, 158 in λ5015 (96 new) and 250 LAEs in λ3727 in the Extended CDF-S with: • Rest-frame EW > 20 Å • monochromatic flux > 1.5 x 10-17 (2.0 x 10-17 ) ergs-cm-2-s-1 at z=3.1 (2.1) • These samples are large enough for statistical analysis allowing us to study the evolution of these systems. • Spectroscopy of ~80 LAEs at z=3.1 finds: • Only one luminous [OII] emitter! • Two interlopers at z=1.6 (via the CIII] 1909 line). • One z=3.1 AGN (with emission from CIV 1550). • Remainder are “normal” star-forming LAEs at z=3.1 STScI
Evolution of Lyα LF STScI
Rest Frame Equivalent Widths • Less than 10% of LAEs have EW0 > 240 Å which would imply a top-heavy IMF • EW distribution is exponential with scale length of 76 Å • Extrapolation implies ~20% of LAEs fall below the EW cutoff • Similar distribution at z=2.1 and 3.1 (Guaita et al 2010, ApJ, 714, 255) STScI
UV vs. emission-line SFR @z=3.1 UV SFRs are slightly higher than emission-line SFRs ==> dust! Gronwall+ 2007; Ciardullo+ 2010 STScI
Rest-UV colors(Guaita et al 2010, ApJ, 714, 255) Most LAEs are blue, with B-R<0.5 Median continuum magnitude is R=25.5 One branch is bright and red, with R<25, B-R>1 STScI
Comparison to LBGs @ z=3.1 LAEs primarily fall in same region in color-color space as LBGs Gronwall+ 2007 STScI
Two-population fit to stacked Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of IRAC-undetected LAEs(Gawiser et al 2007, ApJ 671, 278) STScI
LAEs at 2<z<3evolve into ~L* galaxies at z=0 (Guaita et al. 2010, ApJ, 714, 255; Gawiser et al. 2007, ApJ 671, 278) Evolution of bias : (dashed tracks are median of conditional mass function) STScI
Conclusions • The Lyα emission line allows LAEs to be selected and confirmed spectroscopically to the lowest bolometric luminosity of any high-redshift technique. • There appears to be little evolution in the observed LAE LF from z=2 to 6. • With low stellar masses (M<109 M), LAEs have the highest specific SFR of any galaxy population. This is consistent with the young starburst age of 20 Myr inferred for the dominant population not detected by IRAC. • LAEs at z=3 have dark matter halo masses of ~1011M. They will evolve into ~L* galaxies today. STScI