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AE 321 Design Details (2)

Pharos University In Alexandria Faculty Of Engineering Architecture Department. AE 321 Design Details (2). Prof.Dr . Tarek Saad. Lecture 1. Introduction. Course code: AE321 Pre-requisite: AE222 Credit Hours: 4 credit hrs Lecture: E 513 – Thursday - from 08:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

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AE 321 Design Details (2)

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  1. Pharos University In Alexandria Faculty Of Engineering Architecture Department AE 321 Design Details (2) Prof.Dr. TarekSaad

  2. Lecture 1 Introduction

  3. Course code: AE321 Pre-requisite: AE222 Credit Hours: 4 credit hrs Lecture: E 513 – Thursday - from 08:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Tutorial: E504 –Thursday - from 10:30 a.m. to 02:30 p.m.

  4. Instructor: Prof.Dr. TarekSaad E-mail: Tarekragab55@hotmail.com Room: E524

  5. Teacher Assistant: Mai Abdel-Hakim E-mail:Mai.abdelhakim@pua.edu.eg Room: E525 Teacher Assistant: Maha Ali Abdel-Wahab E-mail: Maha.abdelwahab@pua.edu.eg Room: E525

  6. Course Description • This course aims to provide students with the specialist knowledge and skills necessary for the detailed working design, focusing on the various finishing materials for floors, ceiling, and walls. The course also deals with the special façade finishes, such as curtain walls, and claddings for the external of the buildings.

  7. Course Aim: • This course aims to understand and apply the detailed of working design, focusing the various finishing materials for floors, ceiling, and walls. The course also deals with the special façade finishes, such as curtain walls, and claddings for the external of the buildings.

  8. A- Knowledge & Understanding: • a.1 Define essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relevant to building design. • a.3 Define the concepts, methods and techniques of the structural design, constructional and engineering problems associated with building design. • a.7 Describe all preliminary and design, working drawings and details of architectural, External knowledge will also introduce students to diverse viewpoints on the use of finishing materials that emphasis the innovative architectural, artistic and perhaps also the economic aspects. • a.8 Explain Up-to-date technology relevant to Architecture. • a.11 Describe the impacts of engineering solutions on the environment. Intended learning outcomes of course (ILOs)

  9. B- Intellectual Skills: Intended learning outcomes of course (ILOs) • b.1 Apply creative thinking to formulate sound architectural designs. • b.2 Select solutions for constructional and structural problems and analyze the elements, materials and methods of execution of buildings. • b.5 Apply appropriate techniques of analysis in order to select and use innovative structural models. • b.7 Select and apply appropriate IT tools to a variety of engineering problems.

  10. C- Professional Skills: • c.1 Perform technical drafts and detailed drawings manually and using CAD. • c.2 Arrange technical architectural presentations. • c.3 Select appropriate material for each specific purpose. Intended learning outcomes of course (ILOs)

  11. D- General Skills: • d.1 Communicate effectively within multidisciplinary team. • d.2 Practice to be able to lead individual work groups. • d.3 Perform efficient IT capabilities. • d.5 Verify information and adopt life-long self-learning. Intended learning outcomes of course (ILOs)

  12. Teaching & Learning Methods: • Lectures • Websites. • Studio work • Case studies • Group work • Field survey • Visual presentation (computer graphic –video) • Site Visiting

  13. Course Content: • AutoCAD Standards & Project Adjustment • Curtain Walls & Cladding • Flooring • Walls and Ceilings

  14. Student Assessment: Procedures Used: • Research • Seminars • Class Evaluations • Discussions • Presentations • Studio work • Mid term exam • Final oral exam

  15. Student Assessment: Weighing of Assessment: 1. Midterm Exam 15 % 2. Project Phases Evaluation 15 % 3. Final Submission Evaluation 15 % 4. Studio Work 15 % 5. Final Oral Exam 40 % Total 100 %

  16. Schedule

  17. List Of References: • Mckay, W.B.(2004), Building construction, volume one, the English language book society and Longman, • Ching, F. D. K. (2007), Structure systems, Gmbh, Stuttgart. • Ching, F. D. K. (2000), Building Construction Illustrated, John Wiley & Sons. Inc., New York.

  18. Recommended Books: • Wakita, Osamu A., (2000) The Professional Practice of Architectural Working Drawings, 3rded, John Wiley and sons Inc., New York, ISBN 0470618159. • Chudley R., (1991), Building Construction Hand Book, Ltd, St Ives.PLC England, ISBN-10: 1856178056 • Oweda M., (1987) The New building technology, Dar El Rateb press, Egypt. • Hedar F., (1990) Building Construction, Monshaat El-Maaref press, Egypt.

  19. Suggested Periodicals: • Building Design & Construction • Built Environment • Canadian Architect • Architectural Design • Architectural Digest • Architectural Record • Architectural Review • Architecture

  20. Suggested Websites: • www.columbia.edu • www.btech.lbl.govbt. • www.sweets.com • www.caddetails.com

  21. Thank You …

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