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Chapter 23 Development of digestive and respiratory system

Chapter 23 Development of digestive and respiratory system. Ⅰ.Primitive gut and its derivetives. Foregut Midgut Hindgut. Oropharyngeal membrane Cloacal membrane Vitelline duct. Ⅱ.Development of the digestive system. 1.Evolution of foregut Esophagus and stomach Liver and gallbladder

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Chapter 23 Development of digestive and respiratory system

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  1. Chapter 23Development of digestive and respiratory system

  2. Ⅰ.Primitive gut and its derivetives • Foregut • Midgut • Hindgut • Oropharyngeal membrane • Cloacal membrane • Vitelline duct

  3. Ⅱ.Development of the digestive system 1.Evolution of foregut • Esophagus and stomach • Liver and gallbladder • Pancreas

  4. (1) Development of the esophagus esophagus • Epithelium • simple to stratified recanalization incomplete recanalization • esophageal stenosis • esophageal atresia

  5. (2) Development of the stomach dorsal mesentery • Mesentery ventral mesentery

  6. Dorsal border: greater curvature, fundus Ventral border: lesser curvature Dorsal mesogastrium: omental bursa

  7. 肝憩室 (3) Development of liver and gallbladder • Hepatic diverticulum • Cephalic limb: liver • Caudal limb: gallbladder cystic duct • Septum transversum Common bile duct

  8. 原始横隔 原始横隔

  9. 原始横隔

  10. Congenital obstructive jaundice

  11. (4) Development of pancreas • Ventral pancreatic bud • Dorsal pancreatic bud • Ventral pancreatic duct • Dorsal pancreatic duct • Common pancreatic duct • Accessory pancreatic duct

  12. Annular pancreas

  13. 2. Evolution of midgut and hindgut(development of intestine) (1)Midgut loop Cephalic limb Caudal limb Caecal swelling (bud) • Caecum • Appendix Superior mesenteric artery

  14. Physiological umbilical herniation rotate counter clockwise

  15. urorectal septum Cloaca Urogenital sinus Urinary bladder, urethra Anorectal canal Rectum Upper part of anal canal Cloacal membrane Urogenital membrane Anal membrane Anal pit (2) Evolution of hindgut (Separation of the cloaca)

  16. Separation of the cloaca Pectinate line

  17. 3.Congenital malformation of the intestine (1)Stenosis, atresia and duplication

  18. (2) Umbilical fistula and Meckel’s diverticulum vitelline fistula Vitelline cyst (3) Congenital umbilical hernia Vitelline ligament Vitelline ligament

  19. (4)Congenital Aganglionic Megacolon due to absence of parasympathetic ganglia in the bowel wall

  20. (5) Imperforate anus rectovaginal fistula rectourethral fistula

  21. Rectourethral fistula Rectovesical fistula

  22. (6) Abnormal midgut rotation left side colon nonrotation of the midgut reversed rotation of the midgut situs inversus viscerum

  23. 喉气管憩室 Ⅲ.Development of the respiratory system 1. Development of the Larynx and trachea • Laryngotracheal groove • Laryngotracheal diverticulum • Tracheoesophageal septum • Diverticulum: larynx, trachea, lung buds

  24. 2. Development of bronchi and lungs • Lung buds • Bronchi, bronchial tree, alveoli • Surfactant: lowering the surface tension • Mesenchyme: CT, cartilage, smooth muscles, blood vessels

  25. 3. Malformation • Stenosis or atresia of larynx and trachea • Esophagotracheal fistula • hyaline membrane disease respiratory distress syndrome

  26. Thank You!

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