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Chapter 8- Curriculum Design. Design. the arrangement of the elements of a curriculum into a substantive entity. Elements of Curriculum Design. Aims, Goals, and Objectives Subject Matter Learning Experiences Evaluation Approaches. Sources for Curriculum Design. Science Society
Design the arrangement of the elements of a curriculum into a substantive entity
Elements of Curriculum Design Aims, Goals, and Objectives Subject Matter Learning Experiences Evaluation Approaches
Sources for Curriculum Design Science Society Eternal and Divine Sources Knowledge Learner
Science as a Source Scientific method provides meaning for the curriculum design Designs that stress learning how to learn or “thinking” curricula emphasize scientific procedures Coincides with the scientific and rational world of Western culture
Society as a Source School is an agent of society, thus the school should draw its ideas for the curriculum from the analysis of the social situation Curriculum design can only be completely understood if it is contextualized socially, economically, and politically
Eternal and Divine Sources Draw on the past for guidance as to what is appropriate content Related to eternal truth revealed through such sources as the Bible or other religious documents
Knowledge as a Source Disciplined Knowledge has a particular method or methods by which scholars extend its boundaries Undisciplined Knowledge does not have unique content, but has content that is clustered according to the focus of the investigation
The Learner as a Source Curriculum should be derived from what we know about the learner---how he learns. Forms attitudes, generates interests, and develops values
Conceptual Framework Horizontal organization scope and integration side by side arrangement of curriculum elements sequence and continuity longitudinal placement of curriculum elements
Design Dimension Considerations Scope Sequence Continuity Integration Articulation Balance
Scope breath and depth of curriculum content
Sequence vertical relationship among curricular areas the occurrence and reoccurrence of content and experiences so that students will have opportunities to connect and enrich their understanding of the curriculum presented or experienced
Continuity vertical manipulation or repetition of curriculum components
Integration linking of all types of knowledge and experiences contained within the curriculum plan enables the individual to comprehend knowledge as unified
Articulation Vertical Articulation depicts the relationships of certain aspects in the curriculum sequence to lessons, topics, or courses appearing later in the program’s sequence Horizontal Articulation refers to the association between or among elements occurring simultaneously
Balance giving appropriate weight to each aspect of the design so that distortions do not occur
Representative Curriculum Designs Subject-Centered Designs Learner-Centered Designs Problem-Centered Designs
Subject-Centered Designs Subject Design Discipline Design Broad Fields Design Correlation Design Process Design
Subject Design Based on the belief that what makes humans unique and distinctive is their intellect and the searching for and attainment of knowledge are the natural fulfillment of that intellect Curriculum is organized according to how essential knowledge has been developed in the various subject areas
Emphasis on verbal activities Introduces students to the essential knowledge of society Easy to deliver Traditional Prevents individualization Disempowers students Fails to foster social, psychological, and physical development Compartmentalizes learning Neglects students’ needs, interests, experiences Fosters passivity Subject Design-Strengths & Weaknesses
Discipline Design Based on the inherent organization of content The manner in which content is learned is suggested by the methods scholars employ to study the content of their fields.
Students attain mastery of content and independent learning Subjects to be taught to any child at any stage of development Ignores information that cannot be classified as disciplined knowledge Addresses only the interests of the college bound Students must adapt to the curriculum Discipline Design-Strengths & Weaknesses
Broad Fields Design (Interdisciplinary) Attempts to integrate content that appears to fit together logically Allows students to discern relationships among the various aspects of the curriculum content, as well as wholeness of meaning Students are invited to participate through the construction of meaning in grasping the meaning or meanings of the whole
Allows students to discern relationships among various aspects of curriculum content Students participate in the construction of meaning Issue of breadth vs depth Broad Fields- Strengths & Weaknesses
Correlation Design Allows for some linkage of separate subjects in order to reduce fragmentation of the curricular content
Allows linkage of some subjects to reduce fragmentation Requires alternative forms of scheduling Requires teachers to plan differently (cooperatively) Correlation- Strengths & Weaknesses
Process Design Gives attention to the procedures and processes by which individuals advance knowledge, either in specific disciplines or in general Emphasizes those procedures and dispositions to act that enable students to analyze their realities and create frameworks by which the knowledge derived can be arranged
Teaches how to learn and think critically Lacks emphasis on content Process- Strengths & Weaknesses
Learner-Centered Designs Child Centered Designs Experience-Centered Designs Romantic (Radical) Designs Humanistic Designs
Child Centered Designs Students must be active in their environments if we are to optimize learning Curriculum should be based on students’ lives, needs, and interests
Empowers students through ownership of knowledge Allows for constructivist learning Content not specific Child-Centered Strengths & Weaknesses
Experience Centered Designs Everything has to be done “on the spot”---we cannot anticipate the interests and needs of children
Based on natural experiences of children Not specific Experience Centered Strengths & Weaknesses
Romantic (Radical) Designs Emancipation is the goal of education Individuals should gain those awarenesses, competencies, and attitudes to enable them to take control of their lives Learning results from the interaction among people; by challenging content and permitting different views about the content, as well as from critiquing the purposes of the information presented
Emancipates the learner Threatens status quo Romantic Strengths & Weaknesses
Humanistic Designs The focus of attention should be on the subject nature of human existence; there is a relationship between learning and feeling Empowering individuals Stress the development of positive self-concept and interpersonal skills
Promotes self esteem Empowers individuals Inadequate consideration of methods in light of consequences for learners Inconsistent emphasis on uniqueness of individuals and activities that all students experience Too much emphasis on the needs of the individual over the overall society Does not integrate what is known about human learning and development Humanistic Strengths &Weaknesses
Problem-Centered Designs Life-Situations Design Core Design Social problems and Reconstructionist Designs
Persistent life situations are crucial to a society’s successful functioning; it makes sense to organize a curriculum around them Students will see direct relevance to what they are studying if the content is organized around aspects of community life By having students study social or life situations, they not only study ways to improve society but become directly involved in that improvement Life Situation Design
Presents subject matter in an integrated manner Encourages students to learn and apply problem solving procedures Relevant How to determine scope and sequence of essential areas of learning Does not expose student adequately to their cultural heritage Nontraditional Life Situations Strengths & Weaknesses
Centers on general education and is based on problems arising out of common human activities Core Design
Unifies content Provides relevant subject matter Encourages active processing of information Fosters democratic processes in the classroom Nontraditional Ignores the fundamentals Materials are hard to find Requires an exceptional teacher Core Strengths & Weaknesses
Social Problems and Reconstructionist Design Curriculum should address contemporary social problems and social action projects aimed at reconstructing society Educators will effect social change and create a more just society