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Overview of PGES. The Why (Waiver & Strategic Plan) Aligned to research: MET Study Components : Framework/Multiple Measures Pilot Requirements Timeline. Targets for our session:. From Qualified to Effective. ESEA Waiver u sed for continual improvement; differentiate performance
The Why (Waiver & Strategic Plan) Aligned to research: MET Study Components: Framework/Multiple Measures Pilot Requirements Timeline Targets for our session:
From Qualified to Effective ESEA Waiver • used for continual improvement; • differentiate performance • use multiple, valid measures • evaluate regularly • provide useful feedback, • used to inform personnel decisions
Testimony of Dr. Steve Cantrell to the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education. February 28, 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYgq63Xn8ZQ&feature=player_embedded Lessons from the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) Project
Set expectations • Use multiple measures • Balance weights • Make meaningful distinctions • Prioritize support and feedback • Use data for decisions at all levels • Monitor validity • Ensure reliability • Assure accuracy
Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Observation Student Voice PeerObservation Self Reflection ProfessionalGrowth Proposed Multiple Measures All measures are supported through evidence. Student Growth
Quantitative measure of the impact a teacher or principal has on a student (or set of students) as measured by student growth goal setting and student growth percentiles. Student Growth Process of a peer observing another’s professional practice and observable behaviors, providing supportive and constructive feedback for formative purposes Peer Observation Student feedback around teacher performance based on survey data Explanation of Multiple Measures Professional Growth Increased effectiveness resulting from experiences that develop an educator’s skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics Critical self-examination of practice on a regular basis to deepen knowledge, expand repertoire of skills and incorporate findings to improve practice Self Reflection Student Voice Observation Evaluator’s observation, documentation and feedback on a teacher’s professional practices and observable behaviors SUPPORTED BY Documents or demonstrations that indicates proof of a particular descriptor. Should be a natural by-product created through the process of teaching Evidence
The Observation Process Principal/Supervisor • provide documentation • provide feedback • measure the effectiveness of professional practice Peer (formative) • collaborative process • provide supportive and constructive feedback
A process by which teachers assess the effectiveness of: their instructional planning, lesson implementation, content knowledge beliefs and dispositions Self-reflection and Growth
Student Voice • Caringabout students (Encouragement and Support) • Captivating students (Learning Seems Interesting and Relevant) • Conferring with students (Students Sense their Ideas are Respected) • Controlling behavior (Culture of Cooperation and Peer Support) • Clarifying lessons (Success Seems Feasible) • Challenging students (Press for Effort, Perseverance and Rigor) • Consolidating knowledge (Ideas get Connected and Integrated)
Student Growth Measures • Goal Setting for Student Growth • Applies to all teachers • Student Growth Percentiles • Applies to grades 4 – 8 reading & math