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Rawalian Child Development Centre

Rawalian Child Development Centre. Professionals’ Workshop and Discussion. Thanks to Dr. Fareed Minhas . Welcome the staff members to the session. Introduction, myself and RAMCANA Vision of a centre that would cater to the growing needs of the community with special need kids.

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Rawalian Child Development Centre

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Rawalian Child Development Centre Professionals’ Workshop and Discussion

  2. Thanks to Dr. FareedMinhas. • Welcome the staff members to the session. • Introduction, myself and RAMCANA • Vision of a centre that would cater to the growing needs of the community with special need kids. • Overall goals of the session • Basic essentials for such a centre. • Forming a visual path to achieve the set goals. • Understanding the case components of a child with developmental delays & / or disorders. Welcome and Introduction

  3. An Individualized Approach as each child is different. • Early signs, diagnostic criteria, types of autism… Labels???  • Teaching programs available, best practices world wide. • ·         A case study, with detail history, psychological, educational, cognitive and behaviour assessments. • ·         ABBLS-R  assessment tool, program development and implementation Program Plan, materials and implementation. • Data base for on going support and planning. • Pieces of Puzzle. That fit together to make a clear picture of a learning system, the initial and on going process. Developmental delays and/or disorders

  4. ASD and PDD…. • Verbal versus non verbal • Communication and speech • Receptive Understanding • Motor Delays • Social Interaction • Sensitivities, Sensory overloads and under stimulation • Stimulating behaviors • Prompts • Reinforcements Common Terminologies and Meanings

  5. Stands for…. • Exact level of delay, 20 domains • Skipped development • Step ladder approach, an example • Progress will be made from A - Z ABBLS – A …. an A+ Tool

  6. Autism/ ADHD/ Down’s / Aspergers /CP / Others • Labels?? • Acceptance with minimal stigma. • Access to Learning materials for the right approach • Connections with supportive medical and therapeutic team, local resource lists. • Connections with proactive parents for support and guidance. • Assessments, program plans and Implementation. • Training/ awareness workshops RCDC’s Approach

  7. Best Practices. ABA, TEACCH, RDI, Henan. Best Centre is the one That would advocate the basic teachings and philosophies of all… Jack of all, King of None… • Best Approach ……..child centered • Best Attitude…….open, direct and transparent communication. • Best Learning Adaptation …..visuals, technology • Best Place …easily accessible and welcoming. • Best teachers/ advocates …..accept learning and team players • Best Learning Tools…… books, cds, internet, web conferences • Best Support…… encourage parent support group meetings & trainings. Best Child Development Centre

  8. Personal Resources: • Ways of ongoing learning thru sites, books, web conferencing. • Step by step teaching , assessments and feedback. • Group of trained parents and professionals available in Pakistan. • Unanimous positive response by RAMCANA @ the annual summer meeting. • Personal training workshops on yearly visits by 3 consultants (& more). • Financial support for the materials and overseas management. • Interest shown by other APPNAS In North America. • Interest shown by RMC grads. In UK • Initiation of a APPNA Canadian Chapter Inclusion of staff members from different Dept. Inclusion of RMC clinical side students.  Inclusion of other medical centers and colleges down the road. Collaborating efforts via tele and web conferencing. A Cutting Edge Teaching & Learning Centre

  9. Developmental delays & disorders. • Materials and other resources of learning. • Basics of such a centre. • What, where, why, when. • Forming a visual path to achieve the objectives. Feed Back & Brainstorming

  10. Survey participants to see if they found the training beneficial. Poor / satisfactory / fair / good / excellent • How to improve on it in future. • Content understandable • Topics covered • Any more topics that could be included. • Any topic that should be left out. Assessment and Evaluation

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