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Life After High School. Helping Teens Make Informed Decisions about their Future. Background.
Life After High School Helping Teens Make Informed Decisions about their Future
Background • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2008: “The unemployment rate for high school graduates not enrolled in college was 26.7 percent.” Due to economic conditions, this number is likely to rise. • Furthermore, “The labor force participation rate for (high school) dropouts (48.4 percent) was lower than for recent high school graduates not enrolled in college (76.4 percent).”
Goals • The goal of this program is to educate Teens about their options for a post-high school career. • Ideally, all high school students would go on to higher education, but realistically, college is not for everyone. By providing good information to Teens, we can help them make decisions that will positively impact their post-high school careers
Intended Audience • Although Teens of all ages are welcome, the program is focused on those 14-18 years of age. This age group is in a position to directly benefit from thinking about their post-high school career • Parents are also welcome, but not required, to attend.
Program Information • The event is scheduled for the third week of January, Saturday 23, 2010. Speakers will present from 1:00pm to 2:00pm, and will remain another hour for questions • By having the event Saturday afternoon, Teens will be free from school, and free from social obligations, which generally occur in the evening
Program Information , Cont. This will be a hybrid program, part speaker event and part job fair. Each speaker will have an equal amount of time, approximately 15 minutes, to speak about their program. After all the speakers have finished, they will stand at display tables for questions, and to hand out further information such as brochures and other print materials.
Program Information, Cont. • Representatives from Capital Community College, the University of Connecticut and the U.S. Army will be available to speak and distribute literature. • Additional information will be provided, such as links to Exploring Career Information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Program Information, Cont. • A representative from Job and Career Services at the library will also be on hand to speak with Teens about programs we offer, such as Resume Building, and Interview Success, and distribute information.
Marketing • Success for this program can be achieved through the assistance of the three local high schools, Weaver, Bulkeley and Hartford High. • We will work with the schools to post flyers about the event, and to include a mention of the event during the daily announcements the day before the program. Furthermore, we will encourage guidance councilors to speak with students about the event
Marketing, Cont. • Flyers for the event will be posted in the library approximately 2 weeks prior to the event • Notices for the event will be posted on the library website, and email notices will be sent out
Budgetary Concerns • The good news is, this program should have a minimal cost for the library. College and military recruiters are generally available at no cost, and they provide their own material to distribute • The library needs only to provide brochures about the event to local schools, and the space for the speakers and students at the library
Budgetary Concerns, Cont. • Single-page, black-and-white flyers, on color stock, can be had at costs as low as 500 flyers for $55, assuming flyers are not printed in-house.
Program Evaluation • Conduct Exit Interviews with Teens How they found out about the program What they would like to see different next time • Questionnaire Simple set of questions regarding the program • Recruiter / Speaker Interviews Number of materials the speakers handed out, how attendance compared to other events they have spoken at.
Intended Outcome • Teens leave the event feeling informed about their choices. • Ideally, this will encourage teens to seek out additional information, and further, to see the library as a place where information can be found • Increased awareness of the library as a place for Teens
Future Considerations Future enhancements to the program, based on attendance, could include: • Additional and more varied speakers • Increased program length • Job / College Fair
Sample Questionnaire Hartford Public Library Life After High School How did you hear about the program? How did today’s program rate with you?
Sample Questionnaire, cont. • What other types of teen-related programs would you be interested in attending? • What is the best time for you to attend programs? (after school, nights, or weekends?) • Do you have any general comments about the library and/or its programs for teens?
Credits Author: Benjamin Oprysko Class: ILS 522 Assignment 4