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Pathways. Life After High School. Pathways. University?. College?. Apprenticeship. Full-time Job?. OSSD requirements?. THE TIME IS NOW!!!. Research Plan and Apply NOW. Check all High School Requirements!!!. Graduation.
Pathways Life After High School
Pathways University? College? Apprenticeship Full-time Job? OSSD requirements?
THE TIME IS NOW!!! • Research Plan and Apply NOW. Check all High School Requirements!!!
Graduation 8 Months from now!
It all starts with your…Student Status Sheet Check Grades & Accuracy
Review of OSSD Requirements • 30CREDITS(18 compulsory+12 elective) • Successful completion of Literacy Test • 40 HOURS of Community Service
4 English 3 Math 2 Science 1 Arts 1 Canadian Geography 1 Canadian History 1 French 1 Physical Education Civics (½ credit) Careers (½ credit) OSSD REQUIREMENTS • 1 additional credit in one of: Arts, Business or Phys. Ed. • 1 additional credit in one of: Canadian and World Studies, English, Social Science or 3rd Language • 1 additional credit in one of: Sr. Science or Technical Education • 12 Optional credits
Grade 12 Literacy Course • If you have not been successful on the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test, you may take the course (OLC 4O0) • Earning the credit in this course will satisfy the Literacy requirement on your diploma so that you can graduate.
Community Service • In order to graduate, you must complete 40 hours of community service • If you have not completed your 40 hours yet, it is extremely important that you try to finish them BEFORE September
College and University Program Information College • www.ontariocolleges.ca • Individual college websites University • OUAC INFO booklet online atwww.electronicinfo.ca • www.ouac.on.ca • Individual university websites
NewMath Courses • Advanced Functions (MHF 4U0) Need MCR 3U0 • Calculus and Vectors (MCV 4U0) MHF 4U0 to precede or be taken with MCV 4U0 • Math for College Technology (MCT 4C0) Need MCF 3M0 • Data Management (MDM 4U0) Need MCF 3M0 or MCR 3U0
Website Resources for College & University Exploration www.myblueprint.ca www.careercruising.ca www.canlearn.ca www.electronicinfo.ca www.ontariocolleges.ca
Useful Terminology • Diploma (College) • Applied Degree (College & University) • Degree : Bachelor ; Undergraduate • Transfer Agreements- not automatic & based on performance • Apprenticeship/Co-Op Programs
College Requirements • Workplace level programs are not recognized by the colleges as acceptable preparation • Students need a majority of grade 11/12 courses offered at the college level • Math and English marks of 65% or higher are preferred by the colleges • Start researching program requirements BEFORE you select your courses.
University Requirements • Students must present 6 Grade 12 (4U) university preparation or (4M) university/college courses to qualify for university entrance. • Be prepared, you should already know program requirements so that you select the appropriate courses.
On-line Website Info • Requirements for all courses can be found on the university or college web-site. • The web-sites are easy to find: • www.yorku.cawww.humber.cawww.utoronto.cawww.ryerson.cawww.sheridaninstitute.cawww.lakeheadu.caor just "Google it."
College and University Fairs University Fair: Metro Toronto Convention Centre End of September College Fair: Metro Toronto Convention Centre Mid October 2007
Financing Your Education • All College and University web-sites and calendars show the scholarships they give. • Your parents workplace may offer awards. • www.studentawards.com • www.scholarshipscanada.com • http://osap.gov.on.ca • The Royal Bank of Mom and Dad
Are you ready to apply to COLLEGE? • OEN (Ontario Educational Number) • List of 5 researched choices • Apply today : Deadline is Feb 1 • Pay by credit card • Record your OCAS number for future references or changes • APPLY BY DECEMBER to ensure you chances of getting an early acceptance
Are you ready to apply to UNIVERSITY? • PIN number/School Number 910058 • Deadline January 9 • Sign up today for one or more programs and make changes until February • Make 3 Realistic Choices • Pay and record your OUAC Number • Choose program now & specialize later
Direct Entry Into Work Pathway Get A Job !!!
Finding a Job • letters of application • resume writing • Interview skills • searching and finding a job are all on the web-site www.monster.ca
Apprenticeship Pathways • Entry into an apprenticeship requires the completion of Grade 8, Grade 10, or Grade 12, depending on the trade. The grade requirement for each trade is identified in the pathway chart for that trade. Pathway booklets are available in Guidance. Or go on-line to www.edu.gov.on.ca • Note that employers in any trade may require that individuals be secondary school graduates as a condition of employment.
What is an Apprentice? • An Apprentice is someone who learns a skilled trade on the job, under the direction of more experienced workers. Apprentices also complete classroom instruction as a part of their training. Apprentices are employees, and earn a salary while they learn a skilled trade
Construction Sector Brick and Stone Mason Construction Boilermaker Construction and Maintenance Electrician Domestic and Rural Electrician Drywall, Acoustic, and Lathing Applicator General Carpenter Glazier and Metal Mechanic Heat and Frost Insulator Ironworker
Construction Sector Mechanic Plumber Mobile Crane Operator Painter and Decorator Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Reinforcing Rod worker Restoration Mason Roofer
Construction Sector Sheet Metal Worker Sprinkler and Fire Protection Steam Fitter Terrazzo, Tile, and Marble Setter Tower Crane Operator
Industrial Sector Welder Fitter Facilities Maintenance Mechanic Facilities Systems Technician General Machinist Industrial Electrician Industrial Mechanic Millwright Machine-Tool Builder and Integrator Mould & Pattern Maker Precision Metal Fabricator Surface Mount Assembler Tool and Die Maker
Motive Power Sector Automotive Painter Auto Body Repairer & Collision Damage Repairer Automotive Service Technician Heavy Duty Equipment Technician Marine Engine Mechanic Motorcycle Mechanic Parts person Small Engine Technician Transmission Technician Truck and Coach Technician Truck-Trailer Service Technician
Service Sector Arborist Assistant Cook Baker Pool and Hot Tub / Spa Service Technician Child and Youth Worker Early Childhood Educator Hairstylist Horticultural Technician Network Cabling Specialist Cook Retail Meat Cutter
Why would I want to become an Apprentice? • Skilled workers are in high demand in many industries. • Becoming an apprentice can be an important first step to learning new skills and building a rewarding career. Jobs in the skilled trades pay well, and are interesting and challenging. • Plus, you canearnwhile youlearn.
3 Pathways to Apprenticeship
Apprenticeship Pathway 1Through an Employer • To become an apprentice, you must find an employer who is willing to hire and train you. People who want to become apprentices usually apply directly to an employer, union or local committee.
Apprenticeship Pathway 2OYAP If you're a high school student, Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program can help you start training to be an apprentice while you are completing high school.
OYAPOntario Youth Apprenticeship Program • OYAP uses Secondary School Co-op as the pathway to Apprenticeships • Must be 16 years old • Must have 16 credits • Must have aptitude and desire
Co-Op Cooperative Education • Co-op is worth 4 credits, so you will only be able to choose 4 other courses once you select Co-op • Co-op interviews will take place in March/April • Hands-on experience, career exploration, looks great on a resume and it can be an apprenticeship pathway with OYAP
Apprenticeship Pathway 3College • The Co-op Diploma Apprenticeship program can help students train as an apprentice while completing a related college course.
How do I know which skilled trade I'd be good at? Choosing any career is a combination of matching your skills and interests to job opportunities. In Ontario, as you have seen in previous slides, there are more than 140 skilled trades, ranging from auto mechanics to arborists, and from chefs to welders.
How do I know which skilled trade I'd be good at? • Visit theLife After High Schoolsection of the www.edu.gov.on.ca website for career planning help. Go to theSkills Connectsection and follow the link toApprenticeship Opportunitiesto find a list of skilled trades, plus the aptitudes, skills and education required for each one.
Do I have to pay to be an apprentice? • A registration $40 fee is usually required. • No registration fee is charged if you are participating in the OYAP.
Do I have to pay to be an apprentice? • Fees for in-class instruction are about $400 for eight weeks of instruction. • There will usually be 5 of these instruction periods required during the apprenticeship, for a total cost of about $2,000. • A fee of $100 is also required to write the Certification of Qualification exam.
Do I have to pay to be an apprentice? • There is no cost to participate in a Pre-Apprenticeship Training project. • Contact the local apprenticeship training office.
For More Information • Go to www.edu.gov.on.ca • Click on Ministry of Training and follow the links for all of the information you need. (including locations of Apprenticeship Offices)
Course Changes • “Change of mind” changes may be made anytime before June 1. • Changes will be allowed depending on course availability. • Change of mind changes will not be done in September.
Valid Reasons for a Course Change The only timetable changes that will be done in September are for students who have timetable conflicts such as: • No assigned lunch period • 2 courses are scheduled for the same period • Course was completed at summer school • No prerequisite for a chosen course due to a course failure in June
Accessing the Online Course Selection Program • Follow the instructions outlined in the handout titled: Course Selection Process