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The SUSY PAT in the Jet+MET+Tau Final State (Status Update)

The SUSY PAT in the Jet+MET+Tau Final State (Status Update). Jonathan Asaadi , Alfredo Gurrola, Seema Sharma*, Teruki Kamon, and David Toback LPC Jet+MET Topology Group Meeting Texas A&M *Tata Institute 9/16/08. Outline. Goals and progress made for incorporating taus into the SUSY PAT

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The SUSY PAT in the Jet+MET+Tau Final State (Status Update)

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  1. The SUSY PAT in the Jet+MET+Tau Final State(Status Update) Jonathan Asaadi, Alfredo Gurrola, Seema Sharma*, Teruki Kamon, and David Toback LPC Jet+MET Topology Group Meeting Texas A&M *Tata Institute 9/16/08

  2. Outline • Goals and progress made for incorporating taus into the SUSY PAT • List of target goals for evaluating performance of taus in the SUSY PAT for the SUSY LM2 sample • Next Steps • Conclusions

  3. Overall Goal • Search for SUSY at High Tan(b)region where there are taus in the final state • Use/help develop the SUSY PAT to study Jet+MET+Tau final state • Help validate tau code and taus in the PAT

  4. Sub-Goal (1) • Our first goal was to add Physics Analysis Tools (PAT) Layer 1 information about Tau objects into the SUSY PAT • This was to allow us to study event kinematics and select events based on criteria pertaining to tau objects Accomplished (not completed…): A simple Tau Event Selector was written that would select events based on Number of PAT Layer 1 Taus , Pt , Eta , and Track Isolation requirements of the Taus All of these variables would use the standard PAT definitions

  5. Plots of Tau Event Selector Number of Taus per Event Pt of the leading Tau Total Number of SUSY LM2 Events 106749 Tau Event Selector Input = selectedLayer1Taus Min Number of Taus = 2 Min Pt of Each Tau = 0 Max Eta of Each Tau = 12 Min Isolation of Each Tau = 1.0 Total Number of Events Selected 18435 Track Isolation of the leading Tau More to say about these results and plans to check them

  6. Sub-Goal (2) • To take the information passed from the PAT Layer1 Tau object and construct a Di-Tau invariant mass distribution for the SUSY LM2 data sample and compare this with the Di-tau invariant mass distribution published in the CMS TDR Produced for LM2 SUSY Point: Accomplished (but with questions…?): Used information from PAT to construct Opposite Sign (OS) and Like Sign (LS) invariant mass distributions

  7. Di-Tau Invariant Mass Distributions Entries 7522 Mean 66.53 RMS 46.69 Like Sign tt Invariant Mass More to say about these results and plans to check them Entries 10409 Mean 59.06 RMS 44.73 Most likely from fakes and SUSY Backgrounds Opposite Sign tt Invariant Mass Likely coming from SUSY Decay

  8. Di-Tau Invariant Mass Distributions continued… • Comments on the distributions… • This distribution is HIGHLY dependent on the Isolation Variable • The Di-tau distributions looks “close” to those in the Physics TDR…but how good is good enough? • Need to determine the efficiency of Tau finding with the Tau Event Selector • Need to determine the fake rate for taus in the PAT and SUSY PAT with the Tau Event Selector • Need to investigate why these distributions are filled the way they are • Check the Monte Carlo information, construction of PAT Layer1 Tau objects in CMSSW_1_6_12, and filling of the histograms in the SUSY PAT • Detailed comparison to Physics TDR In progress…!

  9. Sub-Goal (3)A wish list of sorts… Just beginning this… • For the Jet+MET+Tau final state we may want to generate/evaluate some of the following Particle Flow information for SUSY LM2 versus background processes (QCD, ttbar, EW, etc…) • MHT distributions for PFTau and PFJet versus CaloTau and CaloJet • MET Distributions based on PF information • PFJet Multiplicity, Pt Delta-Phi between PFJet and MET • Di-Tau Mass Distributions using PFTau and CaloTau • Might be a useful list of tasks for the Particle Flow workshop at the end of October and for our own analysis…

  10. Next Steps… • Need to understand the Di-tau Invariant Mass Distributions produced by the SUSY PAT • Check Monte Carlo information • Check information in the PAT • Are we ok using Tau information in CMSSW_1_6_12? …we know PFTau information is only fully present in 2_1_X • Begin to evaluate the correct variables to include in the TauEventSelector • Start to analyze distributions on our “wish list” for the Jet+MET+Tau final state

  11. Conclusions • Good progress made including PAT Tau information into the SUSY PAT • Simple Tau Event Selector Written • Di-Tau invariant mass calculated • Work still left to do! • Need to understand these distributions and check efficiencies and fake rates • Check Monte Carlo, PAT, and SUSY PAT information • Decide/Discuss correct variables to include in Tau Event Selector • Begin working on Jet+MET+Tau wish list to start the analysis with signal and background

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