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생명현상의 Overview : 생명현상의 분자기전. Information. 생체정보 : hormone, cytokines, neurotransmitter→ 세포→유전. O 2 / 영양분 cytokines neurotransmitters Hormones. 1st messenger. 당질 ( 당뇨병 ). 지질→저장 ( 비만 , 동맥경화 ). -omics. 2nd messenger. ° Physiome. Southern blot Northern blot. mRNA. AAA. Vt B.
생명현상의 Overview : 생명현상의 분자기전 Information 생체정보 : hormone, cytokines, neurotransmitter→세포→유전 O2/영양분 cytokines neurotransmitters Hormones 1st messenger 당질 (당뇨병) 지질→저장 (비만, 동맥경화) -omics 2nd messenger °Physiome • Southern blot • Northern blot mRNA AAA Vt B • Genome=gene+chromosome -sequencing -SNP chip Transcriptome: DNA chip, mRNA seq Proteome -2D/Maldi-Top Mass Western blot TCA Vt C, E Protein (생리기능) NADH themogenin ATP Cell homeostasis a.a 열 단백질 Maintenance Cell proliferation (replication) E小 E多 Hormesis
Seven processes that affect the steady-state concentration of a protein
* 호르몬과 표적기관 calcitonin : C세포에서 분비 Ca저하 Physiological information cascade GHRH(GH) GnRH(CH,FSH) TRH(TSH) CRH(ACTH) GHIH PRIH T3/T4 뼈에서 유리 신장 재흡수 glucocorticoid aldosterone
* Cellular signal transduction Insulin GFs Glucagon Epinephrine Cortisol Tyr kinase Akt SREBP ChREBP Tf 인산화 <세포의 자극에 의한 유전자 발현 조절>
Intracellular Receptor • Steroid hormone • Carrier에 의해 표적세포까지 이동 carrier 해리 단순수송 intracellular receptor 핵공 통과 DNA 결합 전사조절
Protein Kinase A (cAMP) CREB: CRE binding protein
Receptor Tyrosine Kinase • Receptor tyrosine kinases (TKs or RTKs) phosphorylate specific tyrosines on a small set of intracellular signaling proteins. Insulin EGF, VEGF, M-CSF PDGF, HGF, IGF-1 FGF, NGF Insulin • ligand binding에 의한 dimerization autophosphorylation • 신호반응의 종결 • Protein tyrosine phosphatase에 의한 탈인산화 반응 • Receptor의 endocytosis로 lysosome 에서 분해
Insulin ㅑㅜ Epinephrine IR Fasting Glucagon TNFα IL-1 TNFR SIRT1 (NAD) IL-1R Shc AMPK (AMP) TRAF2 IRS-1 TRADD IRS-2 TRAF6 G protein IRAK MAPKs PI3K Cholesterol synthesis HMG-CoA reductase Squalene synthase NIK SREBP2 ATP cAMP Cell proliferation Akt IKK Cyclin D/E PKA NF-κB GSK3 SREBP1 mTOR Glut4 translocation Cell cycle CREB GS Inflammation COX-2 INF ChREBP 4E-BP PGC-1α FA synthesis FAS, ACC Glucose uptake Glycogensynthesis 4E FOXO HNF-4 Glycolysis Autophagy (protein degradation) FA synthesis Translation (protein synthesis) Gluconeogenesis PEPCK G6Pase Biosignaling in inflammation and metabolism
Extensive Single DNA Bulky DNA lesion , DNA Excision Repair Single strand breaks IR Radiation DNA Double strand breaking Ku Activity ▲ Translocation ATM ATR DNA-PK P P P p53 Chk2 Chk1 P DNA 절단 말단 결합 BRCA1 Translocation cdc25 Recombinational Repair p21 Cdc2 (CDK1) Cyclin B G2-Phase M-Phase p21 CDK2 CDK2 Cyclin E Cyclin A G1-Phase S-Phase P RB E2F G1-S phase Cell cycle progress RB E2F DNA damage signaling and cell cycle
Small RNA a) small nuclear RNA(snRNA): splicing, 100-200bb) small nuleolar RNA(snoRNA): rRNA modification, cleavage, 60-300bc)microRNA(miRNA):RNA 번역억제, 절단, gene regulation, 22b, genome 1%, by RNase III d) si RNA: small interfering RNA, RNA절단 RNA interference(RNAi): siRNA, shRNA
: RNase III의 일종 :RNA-induced silencing Complex(RISC) cf) RNA interference(RNAi) siRNA, shRNA FIGURE 26-28 Synthesis and processing of miRNAs.
RNAi (RNA interference) 『21-25nt의 small size RNA에 의해 상보적인 염기서열을 갖는 mRNA가 선택적으로 분해되거나 translation이 억제되는 현상』
Types of RNAi miRNA : micro RNA siRNA : short interfering RNA or small interfering RNA shRNA : short hairpin RNA or small hairpin RNA • Which type of si-/shRNA should be used? Time –speed : siRNA > shRNA Stablility : siRNA < shRNA - vector How long : siRNA < shRNA Price : siRNA > shRNA - siRNA shRNA
GR Glucagon, epinephrine PKA CREB Tyr kinase Akt Insulin SREBP Fig 23.18. Examples of transcription factor activation
eIF-4E 번역조절인자 eIF-4F의 eIF-4E소단위체가 4E-BP와 결합하면 번역 저해 신장인자가 4E-BP에서 인산화되면, 4E-BP와 elF-4E와 결합방해, 단백질합성촉진 mTOR translation
<4> Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis :coated pits, clathrin, caveolin <5> Protein Degradation 1)Lysosomal: major a)endocytosis b)autophagy 2)Cytosolic ubiquination/proteasome
What is Autophagy? • A process of cellular self-degradation of cytoplasmic components via the lysosomal pathway • Macroautophagy/Microautophagy/Chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) • Macroautophagy mitophagy/micorpexophagyor macropexophay/reticulophagy piecemeal microautophagy of the nucleus/ribophagy
Proteasome FIGURE 27-48 Three-dimensional structure of the eukaryotic proteasome
Insulin ㅑㅜ Epinephrine IR Fasting Glucagon TNFα IL-1 TNFR SIRT1 (NAD) IL-1R Shc AMPK (AMP) TRAF2 IRS-1 TRADD IRS-2 TRAF6 G protein IRAK MAPKs PI3K Cholesterol synthesis HMG-CoA reductase Squalene synthase NIK SREBP2 ATP cAMP Cell proliferation Akt IKK Cyclin D/E PKA NF-κB GSK3 SREBP1 mTOR Glut4 translocation Cell cycle CREB GS Inflammation COX-2 INF ChREBP 4E-BP PGC-1α FA synthesis FAS, ACC Glucose uptake Glycogensynthesis 4E FOXO HNF-4 Glycolysis Autophagy (protein degradation) FA synthesis Translation (protein synthesis) Gluconeogenesis PEPCK G6Pase Biosignaling in inflammation and metabolism
Figure 23-32 Hypothalamic regulation of food intake and energy expenditure.
Cancer -Chemical/Radiation>>mutation>>transformation>>proliferation>>cancer -Virus>>oncogene>>> 발암촉진 *Oncogene 활성화: mutation, translocation, deletion *Tumor suppressor gene(anti-oncogene):p53, Rb mutation>>hypermethylation *Cell cycle-p53, Rb
Ames test ∙∙∙”발암가능성 물질(carcinogen)”선별하는 값싸고 빠른 방법 ex)”Salmonella typhimurium” →histidine 생합성경로의 효소를 불활성화시키는 돌연변이 FIGURE 25-21 Ames test for carcinogens, based on their mutagenicity.
Gene therapy RNAi -GFs signaling: Tyr kinase -Apoptosis -Differentiation -Epigenetic regulation Anti-angiogenesis Immunotherapy