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Developing Questioning Tools

Developing Questioning Tools. Aligning assessment methods and tools. Method: Questioning. interviews, self assessment, questionnaires, verbal or written reports, exams, guided discussion. Tool: Questioning Tool.

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Developing Questioning Tools

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  1. Developing Questioning Tools

  2. Aligning assessment methods and tools Method: Questioning • interviews, self assessment, questionnaires, verbal or written reports, exams, guided discussion Tool: Questioning Tool Verbal or written questions + sample responses + instructions for learner and assessor (including advice on interpreting evidence)

  3. What is an assessment tool? The instrument/s and procedures used to gather and interpret evidence of competence: Instrument – the specific questions or activity used to assess competence by the assessment method selected. An assessment instrument may be supported by a profile of acceptable performance and the decision making rules or guidelines to be used by assessors. Procedures – the information or instructions given to the candidate and the assessor about how the assessment is to be conducted and recorded. (AQTF)

  4. Verbal Questioning Valuable means of collecting evidence Provides immediate information about learner’s knowledge and understanding Very effective for exploring dimensions of competency Can be used where written questioning may not be appropriate Development of sample responses enhances validity and reliability Must be recorded if questioning is to be used as evidence collection for demonstration of competency

  5. Written Questioning Cost and time effective Must ensure level of literacy and comprehension required aligns with AQF level and Unit of Competency Measures knowledge - cannot confirm the ability to apply knowledge Development of sample responses required to ensure validity and reliability

  6. Closed or open ended Questions? Closed Require specific response Limited application One answer correct Open ended More detailed response Extend the learner Allow interpretation and application of concepts Probe knowledge

  7. What type of question? Extension Contingency Safety To explore infrequent activities Regulations and procedures Reflection

  8. Does the question align to the AQF level? You must ensure that the questions are framed at the correct AQF level Certificate 1-IV Diploma Advanced Diploma

  9. Developing Verbal Questioning Tools Questions Supporting documentation Sample responses Instructions to the assessor including advice on interpreting the evidence

  10. Reviewing and Trialing Tools Part of the tool development process Confirms validity and reliability Provides advice on fairness and flexibility Encourages involvement of stakeholders Provides evidence for continuous improvement Tracked through version control to ensure all assessors use the most current tool

  11. Developing Written Questioning Tools Selected response questions Multiple choice True / False Constructed response questions Short answer Extended response / Reports

  12. Selected response – Multiple Choice Steps Select a topic that is important for the learner to know Create the stem by providing any necessary information and forming the question Write the correct answer – key Write distractors Check

  13. Selected response – True / False Give the learner a 50 / 50 chance Test facts not application Not always easy to write Cannot be used in all situations

  14. Constructed response – short answer Concentrates on a single issue Asks for specific information Uses language familiar to the learner Assumes learner has a set level of language and comprehension skills The development of a response guide moderated with other assessors - very important

  15. Constructed response – Extended answer / Report Assesses the application of knowledge Relatively easy to design Allows the learner more scope and creativity Requires more learner independence – supply comprehensive criteria sheet and completed examples More difficult to assess (development of response guide moderated with other assessors - very important) can become a test of skills other than those identified in the Unit of Competency

  16. Reviewing and Trialing Tools Part of the tool development process Confirms validity and reliability Provides advice on fairness and flexibility Encourages involvement of stakeholders Provides evidence for continuous improvement Tracked through version control to ensure all assessors use the most current tool

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