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Workshop on Doctoral Education in Architecture. A Pilot Study on Doctoral Programmes in Architecture Gulsun Saglamer Fatma Erkok Istanbul Technical University 28-29 November 2011, Istanbul Technical University. Content.
Workshop on DoctoralEducation in Architecture A Pilot Study on DoctoralProgrammes in Architecture GulsunSaglamer Fatma Erkok IstanbulTechnicalUniversity 28-29 November2011, IstanbulTechnicalUniversity
Content OnethingmanyPhDstudentshave in common is dissatisfaction (Economist, 06.01.2011) • SettingtheScene • Facts • Needs • Expectations • DoctoralStudies in Architecture • History • A Pilot Study • Future • Questions
The disposable academicWhy doing a PhD is often a waste of time Economistjanuary 6th 2011 • Inmostcountries a PhD is a basicrequirementfor a career in academia. It is an introductiontotheworld of independentresearch—a kind of intellectualmasterpiece, createdby an apprentice in closecollaborationwith a supervisor. • Therequirementstocompleteonevaryenormouslybetweencountries, universitiesandevensubjects. • Somestudentswillfirsthavetospendtwoyearsworking on a master’sdegreeor diploma. Somewillreceive a stipend; otherswill pay theirownway. • SomePhDsinvolveonlyresearch, somerequireclassesandexaminationsandsomerequirethestudenttoteachundergraduates. • A thesis can be dozens of pages in mathematics, ormanyhundreds in history. As a result, newlymintedPhDs can be as young as theirearly 20s orworld-wearyforty-somethings. OnethingmanyPhDstudentshave in common is dissatisfaction.
WorkingoutsideAcademia “PhDcoursesaresospecialisedthatuniversitycareersofficesstruggletoassistgraduateslookingforjobs, andsupervisorstendtohavelittleinterest in studentswhoareleavingacademia.” One OECD studyshowsthatfiveyearsafterreceivingtheirdegrees, morethan60% of PhDs in Slovakiaand morethan45% in Belgium, theCzechRepublic, GermanyandSpainwerestill on temporarycontracts. Manywerepostdocs. Aboutone-third of Austria’sPhDgraduatestakejobsunrelatedtotheirdegrees. InGermany 13% of allPhDgraduatesendup in lowlyoccupations. IntheNetherlandstheproportion is 21%. PhDgraduatesdo at leastearnmorethanthosewith a bachelor’sdegree.”
History of DoctoralEducation in Architecture Historically, Ph.D. programs have often evolved into well-defined areas of disciplinary interest, which usually is reflected in their program of studies and research agenda. Architecture and design, however, have not academically evolved in the same manner or direction. The profession of architecture takes place at the interface of art-science-technology & socialsciences Doctoral education in architecture started late, in comparison to that in pure science andengineering fields. According to Harris, Giard & Pijawka (2004), “until recently, the principal area of focus of architecture and design had been the application of knowledge rather than its discovery, and this approach was very evident in the pedagogy of most doctoral programs.”
DoctoralProgrammes in USA The start of doctoral studies in architecture in the world is not clearly indicated in literature. The history in US is documented, though such an outlook for Europe is missing.In1925thefirstgraduatewith a PhD in Architectureoccured in Harvard University The Ph.D. Program in Architecture in the University of Pennsylvania, which started in 1964, is the oldest in U.S.A. and is widely regarded as preeminent in the fields of theory, technology and representation (Moore, Templer, 1984). Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan was one of only four doctoral studies programs in architecture in the US when it was established in 1969 (website of college). Texas A & M UniversityandCornell University are among the oldest doctoral programs in architecture which started in the late 1960s. Doctoral study in architecture in the US is a relatively new phenomenon. There has been a relatively late development and slow spread of doctoral programs in architecture and other design professions. “ As of spring 2003, we counted 25 universities in the US that have doctoral programs in architecture. This is a small percentage (21%) of the 118 architectural schools accredited by the NAAB” (Harris, Giard, Pijawka, 2004).
DoctoralEducation in Europe • Institutions such as, ETH Zurich (1921), TUDelft (1924), TU Berlin (1946), University of Cambridge (1949) and ITU (1960) were locations for early doctoral education. This reveals that Europe has again played a leading role in the inception of doctoral education in architecture. • Ph.D. requirement for academic staff in the field of architecture is still not widely established throughout the world. Only recently is this requirement becoming prevalent among institutions. Differences in trends and applications are obvious among institutions in the USA and Europe. • At ITU, research based degree studies were firstly used for academic promotion processes starting in the 1940s. As the touchstone of modern doctoral study in architecture, the first award was granted in 1960 (Altan Oke/Kemali Soylemezoglu)
A Pilot Study on DoctoralEducation The pilot study that we have carried out did not aim to evaluate the doctoral education in architecture in different schools ………..but rather to set the scene and establish a platform to discuss the common problems, to exchange good practices to develop better solutionsbyexaminingandcomparing the nature and structure of doctoral studies in architecture across Europe and America In 2009, a questionairewas distributed to the deans of faculties or directors of doctoral programs in several distinguished institutions of architecture. The survey was sent to around 50 institutions in Europe and North America.
A Pilot Study on DoctoralEducation The survey asked directors (of graduate schools/programs of architecture) mainly informative questions about student size, program structure, administrative control, intentions for reform, requirementsforpromotion of academicsetc. 24 institutions took part in our survey. This response rate provides uswith a comparativelycomprehensive picture of the state of doctoral education in architecture programs within the prominent institutions.
Questions of the survey are as follows: 1. When did doctoral education in architecture start in your institution? 2. Is the doctoral education structured in your institution? If so; • How many credit hours are required for the doctoral education? • What is the minimum & maximum length of the study? • What is the average completion duration? 3. How many doctorates have been awarded until the present day? 4. What is the distribution of the Ph.D. graduates by year? 5. Have there been any recent reform acts in the doctoral education in your institution? If so, when? 6. Is Ph.D. a requirement for teaching staff (Assist. Prof, Assoc. Prof., Full Prof.) in your institution?
ParticipatingUniversities (24) University of California, Berkeley(USA) UCLA - University of California, (USA) Harvard University (USA) University of Illinois, Urbana-Champ. (USA) MIT (USA) Delft University of Technology (NL) Eindhoven University of Technology (NL ETH Zurich (CH) TechnischeUniversität Berlin (DE) TechnischeUniversität Kaiserslautern (DE) Universität Karlsruhe (DE) VrijeUniversiteitBrussel (BE) The National Sch.of Arch. of Bordeaux (FR) Budapest University of Tech. and Economics (HU) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR) Universita IUAV diVenezia (IT) University of Trento (IT) Bartlett, UCL (UK) Westminster University (UK) University of Cambridge (UK) University of Edinburgh (UK) University of Sydney (AUS) Universitécatholique de Louvain – UCL (BE) IstanbulTechnicalUniversity (TR)
A Pilot Study Q1 When has thedoctoraleducation in architecturestarted in yourinstitution? Theoldest is ETH Zurich(1921) TUDelft (1924) Harvard University (1925) TU Berlin (1946) The University of Cambridge (1949) The youngest institute is VrijeUniversiteitBrussel (2009) IstanbulTechnicalUniversity(1960)
A Pilot StudyQ2 Is thedoctoraleducationstructured in yourinstitution? Among 24 universities 17 universitiesstated “YES” 7 universitiesstated “NO” 2 universitiesdid not makeanystatement Bologna ProcessencourageduniversitiestorestructureeducationalprogrammesacrossEurope
A Pilot StudyQ2/1 If “YES” then Howmanycredithourrequiredforthedoctoraldegree? Among 24 universities 10 universitiesrequirecertaincredithoursvaryingbetween 20-180(ECTS) (There is no cleardefinition of credithours) 7 universitiesstatedtheyhavestructuredprogrammes but they do not calculatecredithours 6 universitiesdid not makeanystatement
A Pilot StudyQ2/2 What is the minimum andmaximumlenght of study? What is theaveragecompletionduration? Among 24 universities Interms of minimum andmaximumlenght of study • 3 years of minimum • 6 years of maximum lenght of study is common in manyuniversities Averagecompletion is varyingbetween 3.4 to 6 years ( forfull time students)
A Pilot Study Q3 The total number of 434ITU Ph.D. graduates inarchitecture is followed in second place with 224 by TUDelft.
Distribution of AwardstoYears For the fourth question about the distribution of the Ph.D. graduates into years, a difference in the kind of information provided by the contributors was observed. While some indicated the number of average yearly admissions (Ph.D. candidates), others indicated the yearly number of awards granted. From this information, we can highlight a few things. For the average number of Ph.D. graduates in the last 5 years, Eindhoven University of Technology roughly has 10, Delft University of Technology 13 and Aristotle University 5 graduates. ITU has on average 15 graduates yearly, while the yearly average since the introduction of the program is to 8.7
A Pilot StudyQ5 Havetherebeenanyrecentreforms in thedoctoraleducation in yourinstitution? Among 24 universities 13 universitiesstatedthattheyhave had ortheyare in a reform process in terms of • Content/CurriculumDesign • Organisation • Funding • Administration 11 universitiesstatedthatthere is no recentreforms in theirinstitutions
A Pilot StudyQ6 Is PhD a requirementforteachingstaff in yourinstitution? (Assist.Prof, Assoc.Prof., Full Prof.) Among 24 universities 12 universitiesreplied “NO”.It is not a requirement but in mostcases it is prefereddepending on thesubjectarea. 12 universitiesreplied “YES”.It is a requirment but a smallnumber of universitiesstatedthat it is not a requirmentfortheteachingstaff in art anddesignsubjectareas in ordertoattracttheoutstandingarchitects in practicetoteach in theirinstitutions. Most of theArchitecturalschoolsthatare in TechnicalUniversitiesorInstituesreplied “YES”
Whatarethespecifities of ArchitectureandResearch in Architecture? Architecture is engaged in complexproblemswhichare; • Nonlinear • Ill-defined • Multidimensional • Multidisciplinar Andtheprocessesto be usedtosolvearchitecturalproblemsneedtouse • Creative • Innovativeapproaches enhancedwith • Heuristicmethods • Science&Technology
Problems in DoctoralStudies on Architecture • Designing is a way of living. Most of theyoungtalentedgraduatespreferearchitecturalpracticeinstead of research. • PhDcandidatesarehavingdifficultiestonarrowtheirresearchareasandfocus on certainproblems as theyusedtodealwithverycomplexarchitecturaldesignissues. • Completion time of Ph.D studies in Architecture is long 5-8 years • Dropoutratesarehigh • TheresearchproblemsthatPhDcandidatesareinvolved in thefield of Architecturearemostlytheoreticalandtheirresultshavelimitedcapacityto be used in architecturalpractice. • Thereforethere is a gapbetweenarchitecture/architecturalpracticeandarchitecturalresearch . Consequently, most of thegraduates of thedoctoralProgrammeswork in academia. • ……………..
WhatFuture • As architectureexploitsscienceandtechnologyintensiveleythere is a strongneed in practicefornewcreativeandinnovativearchitectswithcriticalthinkingability, equipedwithtransferrableskills. • Thenewarchitectsshouldalsohave an accesstonewdevelopments in scienceandtechnologyand be abletoadaptandusenewtechnologies in theirdesignsandconstructionprocesses. • Thenewarchitectshaveto be aware of historical, culturalandsocialandenvironmentalissuesandand be abletocopewiththesecomplexproblems . • IndustrialDoctoralprogrammesmay be a solutiontodesignnewdoctoralprogrammeswhichwillmakecontributiontotheimprovement of architecturaldesignandpractice.
Questions • Is there a strongneedtorestructureDoctoralStudies in Architecture? • Do industryneed a newtype of highskilledarchitectstosolvecomplexproblems in designandconstruction? • Do wereallyneedmorePhDholders in ouruniversitiesandconstructionindustry? • Creativityandinnovationarethebasicrequirementsforarchitectsinherently. Whatwould be thebestwaytoenhancetheircreativityandinnovativeabilitiesduringtheirDoctoralStudies?
References • The disposable academic, Why doing a PhD is often a waste of time , Economist, january 6th 2011 • Europe 2020 FlagshipInitiative, InnovationUnion (6.10.2010) • GREEN PAPER, From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EUResearchandInnovationfunding, 9.2.2011 • Harris, R., Giard J., Pijawka D., 2004, Interdisciplinary Doctoral Education in Environmental Design: Assessment of Programs, Issues, Structure, and Vision, • Moore, G. T., Templer, J.A. (eds.), 1984, Doctoral Education for Architectural Research: Questions of Theory, methods and implementation. Washington, DC: Architectural Research Centers Consortium, p. 3-27. • Saglamer,G., Erkok,F., 2011., DoctoralStudies in Architecture; ChallengesandOpportunities. 4th EUA/CDE AnnualConference May 2011, Madrid