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ICT INTEGRATION IN KENYA: Current Situation in Kenya

ICT INTEGRATION IN KENYA: Current Situation in Kenya. Presented by John Temba Head,ICT4E. Introduction. ICT Integration Misunderstood. Technology took the preeminence

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ICT INTEGRATION IN KENYA: Current Situation in Kenya

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  1. ICT INTEGRATION IN KENYA: Current Situation in Kenya Presented by John Temba Head,ICT4E

  2. Introduction • ICT Integration Misunderstood. • Technology took the preeminence • Technology is only a tool: no technology can fix a bad educational philosophy or compensate for bad practice. In fact, if we are going in the wrong direction, technology will only get us there faster

  3. ICT Integration Model for MOE Quality Education Leadership Collaboration & Support Overall View Digital learning materials ICT Infrastructure Expertise Information ICT Seamlessly Integrated in Teaching and Learning for Development

  4. Balance or Imbalance In Kenya? • Leadership: • Availability of affordable physical infrastructure • Quality ICT-enhanced content, • Financial resources, • Acceptability by the educational establishment, parents, and teachers.

  5. Where are We From? • Establishment of ICT Unit at Moe –manned by technicians, established to address ICT Infrastructure at Hqs for managerial and administrative purposes • Ad hoc and reactionary measures to introduce ICT in schools- Nepad e-schools project (6 schools piloted-any surviving?) • Lessons learned: Sustainability and ownership

  6. Where are we Now? • LEADERSHIP: Establishment of an Effective Institutional Framework at Moe Headquarters: • ICT Integration Team-membership drawn from all Directorates at MOE, SAGAS (TSC, CEMESTEA, KIE, KESI) • ICT for Education Unit (ICT4E)-charged with mandate of driving ICT Integration agenda within the entire education sector • National Innovation and Integration Centre (NI3C) at former Kenya Science-showcase new technologies as well as offer help desk in all matters • Advanced stages of development of education portal- for use by teachers

  7. 2. INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT: Scaling up of ICT Integration in schools and colleges • E-schools programme- ksh 1.5 million allocated for construction of Computer rooms/labs in 210 schools (2009-2010 financial year) • TELEVIC programme-to reach 240 institutions (3 colleges and 238 schools)-provide multi media solutions (2010-2011) • Setting up multimedia labs • Setting up and equipping of Pre-service Primary Teacher training colleges with ICT infrastructure-labs, computers, video cameras and other periperals Challenges: resources, electricity, maintenance and lack of inventory

  8. Cont.. 3. CONTENT DEVELOPMENT: KIE has developed content for use in both primary and secondary (science and maths). • Challenges • Availability of content for schools • Are the teachers going to participate in generating own content? • Use • cost

  9. Move Towards Creating a Balance? 4. Economic Stimulus Package of Ksh. 980 million for equipping schools with ICT Infrastructure • 1050 public schools to benefit nationally (5 in every constituency) • Comprehensive Infrastructure-11 computers, 1 laptop, LCD projector, Networking and internet connection

  10. Cont.. 4. EXPERTISE/COMPETENCE: Training of teachers on ICT Integration- over 2000 teachers will benefit from this programme 5. STRONG PARTNERSHIPS -Ongoing trainings on ICT integration by SAGAS (KESI, CEMESTEA) and by partners such as VVOB, Microsoft, Intel, SNV etc MOE uses KESSP and kenya ICT Trust to pool resources Challenges: divergent partner interests, duplication, dumping

  11. 5: POLICY/VISION: At National Level • The e-government Strategy (2003) • The Sessional Paper No. 1 of 2005, Chapter VIII on ICT • The National ICT Strategy in Education and Training (2006, MoE) • The Kenya Vision 2030 • National ICT Policy (2008, MoIC)

  12. Policy at Institutional/ School Level Questions for Discussion • Have our schools developed vision and mission statements? • Give examples • How relevant are they in driving ICT Agenda? • What should the school policy on ICT entail? • What guidance do schools expect from the Ministry? • What can schools contribute to the Ministry in form guidance?

  13. Where are We going?

  14. Conclusion • “The ultimate success of ICTs for learning will be attained when we stop marveling about the ICTs and apply our minds and emotions to the wonders of learning.”

  15. And finally……… “the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those, who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” (Rosenberg, 2001: 3) Thank you for your most kind attention!

  16. Thank you

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